
Showing posts from April, 2014

U.S. Sanctions Threatening Your Portfolio!

by Charles Goyette Dear Constantin, You may not have gotten a private briefing about the risks that the U.S. sanctions on Russia could have to your portfolio. But some hedge fund and mutual fund managers did. They received private briefings from the Treasury and the National Security Council. It's probably safe to assume they have a better idea than others what could happen next in the imbroglio over Ukraine, and they have adjusted their risk accordingly.


Candidatule! Asculta ce vreau eu, inainte de a-mi face tu o oferta ! 1. Respectarea rezultatului referendumului din 2009 pentru reducerea numarului de parlamentari la cel mult 300. 2. Imprescriptibilitatea infractiunilor de furt din bani publici, comise de demnitari. 3. Demnitarii si familiile lor (copii, parinti), sa isi asume obligatia de a folosi doar sistemul public de sanatate. In caz contrar isi pierd calitatea de demnitar. Doar asa s-ar putea schimba ceva in sistemul public de sanatate.

Conservative Woman from Georgia,USA

I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left. - Margaret Thatcher Friends, I'm honored to have the support of ShePAC and conservatives like you. You are key in helping me keep Georgia red and helping Republicans take back the United States Senate. Last week, ShePAC was the first to come to my defense when another candidate attacked me and called me "the high school graduate" in the race. After moving out at 17, I am proud to say that I finished high school, worked hard, and took college courses at night and on the weekends until my career took off.

The Khazars, Magyars, Rothschilds and Sumer. (David Icke Guide To The Global Conspiracy)

Posted on October 21, 2009 by beyondthecurtain Zionism (Rothschild-ism): the fake ‘history’ The movement created by the Rothschilds to lay false claim to the land we call Israel or Palestine is known as Zionism. This term is often used as a synonym for Jewish people when it is actually a political movement devised, funded and promoted through the House of Rothschild and opposed by many Jews. The most visible Zionist front in the United States today are the so-called ‘Neoconservatives’ or ‘Neocons’, who were behind 9 /11 and the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. Zionists claim quite simply that the Old Testament says that ‘God’ made the Jews his ‘Chosen People’ and gave them the ‘Promised Land’ of Israel. Therefore, it belongs to them, no debate necessary. As Golda Meir, the former Israeli Prime Minister, said in the French newspaper, Le Monde, in 1971: ‘This country exists as the fulfilment of a promise made by God Himself. It would be ridiculous to ask it to account f

Criza din Ucraina - consecinţa secolelor de arbitrariu geopolitic

Mai devreme sau mai tîrziu, chestiunea ucrainiană necesită un pachet de soluţii, fiindcă, într-o asemenea construcţie geopolitică eterogenă, pe care, numai în ultimul secol, Lenin, Stalin şi Hruşciov au remodelat-o, fiecare cu alt scop, sînt numeroase problemele litigioase, îngheţate prin tratate impuse, împotriva unor realităţi istorice, etnice şi culturale. Ucraina tradiţională este puternic naţionalistă, în sensul cel mai periculos posibil, iar construcţia geopolitică a venit în întîmpinarea orgoliilor naţionaliste. Nici un român adevărat nu se poate resemna în faţa faptului că Ucrainei i-au fost date părţi din Patria sa străbună, şi o modificare a statu-quo-lui construcţiei geopolitice nu ne poate fi indiferentă. Dimpotrivă! Unitatea de teritoriu a congenerilor, crearea condiţiilor de afirmare şi consolidare a propriei identităţi etno-culturale româneşti trebuie să ne preocupe în cel mai înalt grad. Prima măsură adoptată de puterea provizorie de la Kiev a fost abroga
Dear Constantin, This week, the House Government and Reform Oversight Committee voted to hold IRS official Lois Lerner in contempt for her refusal to answer questions about the IRS' targeting of Tea Party groups. This is appalling. And Congress needs to get to the bottom of the Obama administration deploying the IRS to bully and harass conservative organizations. Recently, I appeared on Sean Hannity's program to discuss the Obama administration's attempt to sweep this scandal under the rug. I hope you'll take a few moments to watch the video and then sign your "We Demand the Truth" petition . Only by demanding accountability will you and I discover the full extent of the IRS' targeting of Tea Party groups. In Liberty, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) P.S. After you watch the video, please sign your "We Demand the Truth" petition and demand accountability

Report: Al Sharpton Was Once a Paid FBI Informant on Mobs

Monday, 07 Apr 2014 05:28 PM By Cathy Burke Activist and MSNBC host the Rev. Al Sharpton was once a paid FBI informant, known to agents as "CI-7" and passed along dirt on New York City mobsters,   the Smoking Gun reported Monday. "Confidential Informant No. 7," as his abbreviated code name meant, regularly funneled information about leaders of the Genovese crime family through secret wiretaps, the report said.

Imagini in exclusivitate aratand un OZN avand inscriptia “Air Force”. Ar putea armata sa foloseasca acest tip de farfurii zburatoare?

Aceste fotografii ridica din nou semne de intrebare asupra proiectelor Fortelor Aeriene Americane. Din fotografii se vede destul de clar cum un asa-numit OZN cu inscriptia “Air Force” se ridica de la sol, de langa un avion american. Citand un serial science fiction classic, probabil ca “Adevarul este dincolo de noi”, oamenii obisnuiti.

Watch,Listen,And Close Pay Attention

Adelson Confidant: Christie Has No Understanding of Israel

Wednesday, 09 Apr 2014 11:56 PM By Todd Beamon A confidant of casino magnate Sheldon Adelson has said that he cannot support New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie in 2016 because he used the term "occupied territories" in discussing the West Bank in a speech to the Republican Jewish Coalition. "Gov. Christie either has no understanding of the truth of the issues effecting Israel, or he is hostile to Israel," Morton Klein, president of the Zionist Organization of America,   told The Algemeiner   an interview. "Either way, I am very uncomfortable." Based in New York, The Algemeiner is a leading Jewish newspaper in the United States. 

Why is New York City bullying Christians?

By   Todd Starnes Published April 07, 2014 A federal appeals panel has ruled that New York City has a right to ban churches from holding worship services in school buildings. In essence, it means Christians have officially become second-class citizens in the nation’s largest city. The ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second District is just the latest twist in a legal saga pitting the Bronx Household of Faith against the NYC Board of Education. The court found that New York City’s ban on renting schools to churches for weekend worship services did not violate the First Amendment right to free expression.

Time is running out

Subject: Fw: Time is running out Date: 4/6/2014 4:50:19 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time From: To: Sent from the Internet (Details) Constantin, I hope the email below made it to your inbox. You see, it is critical that my friend Mark Mix have your support as he mobilizes for battle against Big Labor. So after reading the email below, please take action right away . Without the support of Americans like you, the fight for worker freedom would be near impossible. Thank you for your support, Steve Forbes 

De ce își ascund evreii “publici” originea evreiască !?

Stelele de film… evreie ș ti   În anii `40, era obligatoriu pentru evreii care își construiau o carieră în domeniul artistic, în special în cinematografiei, să își ascundă descendența evreiască în spatele unor nume ne-evreiești. Tactica respectivă a fost aplicată de către evrei, la ordinul rabinilor sioniști – nu doar în domeniul artei, ci și în toate domeniile în care evreii vizau preluarea controlului (mass-media, politică, economie). Și în România, sunt bine cunoscute cazurile evreilor autohtoni (evreul Ernest Neulander devine Valter Roman, tatăl actualului Petre Roman; Ana Pauker (Rabinsohn),Teohari Georgescu (Burach Tescovici ), Vasile Luca (Luca Laszlo), Ghizela Vass, Silviu Brucan ( Samuel Brukner), Iosif Kișinevski, Alexandru Nicolschi (Grumberg Boris Nicolscki), Gheorghe Pintilie (Pantiușa Bodnarenko), Emil Bodnăraș, Vladimir Tismăneanu având părinții, Leonte și Hermina Tismineţky . Bunicul lui Ion Iliescu, Vasile Ivanovici, a fost un evreu bolșevic. Evadat


Misterul “Zborului 370″ al avionului malaiezian dispărut! El a fost deturnat de Marina Americană la baza militară Diego Garcia din Oceanul Indian, având o încărcătură biologică suspectă! Noi informaţii cu privire la “misteriosul zbor 370″, avionul malaiezian care a dispărut pe 8 martie 2014, având peste 200 de persoane la bord. Iar primele concluzii la aceste informaţii sunt şocante: ni se ascund atât de multe lucruri încât nici nu visăm ce se întâmplă cu adevărat în lume! Astfel, se pare că avionul malaiezian ar fi fost capturat de Marina Americană şi dus ulterior în baza americană localizată în atolul Diego Garcia din Oceanul Indian. Conform Wikipedia, atolul Diego Garcia se află în mijlocul Oceanului Indian, fiind situat la distanţe egale de Peninsula Arabică, India, Australia şi Africa. Începând din 1971, aici se află o bază militară americană, ce aparţine de Marina Statelor Unite.

Tom DeLay: Obama Has No Credibility, Faces 'Armageddon' at Polls

Wednesday, 02 Apr 2014 04:11 PM President Barack Obama has lost all credibility with his disastrous Affordable Care Act and bungled foreign policy — and Americans will punish him at the polls this fall, former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay says. Delay was reacting to Obama's claim that the ACA had reached its April 1 goal of 7 million signups, proving his healthcare law's opponents were wrong, Obama said, because "Armageddon has not arrived."


mai degraba .... sa le dea si la restul ramas in Asia Centrala.. drept sa vina inapoi... etc. Victor Sub impresia eroismului tătarilor, Himmler şi-a revizuit teoria superiorităţii rasiale. Dacă până atunci, Himmler susţinea existenţa unei presupuse rase superioare, Herrenvolk, reprezentată de arieni, care ar fi predestinaţi istoric să domine ceea ce el numea rase inferioare, Untermensch, şeful SS a decis că arienii nu sunt singura rasă superioară şi a început să spună că tătarii fac parte dintr-o rasă superioară, la rândul lor, rasă care a dominat Asia şi din care ar fi făcut parte mari cuceritori, precum Attila, Gingis-Han, Tamerlan, dar şi strămoşii japonezilor, aliaţi cu germanii. Himmler aprecia religia musulmană, pe care, spre deosebire de Creştinism, o credea potrivită pentru un războinic. 

Air Force removes Bible from POW-MIA display

By   Todd Starnes Published March 31, 2014 On March 14 Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh told members of the House Armed Services committee that there was no war on religious liberty. “The single biggest frustration I’ve had in this job is the perception that somehow there is religious persecution inside the United States Air Force,” the general told lawmakers. “It is not true.” Rep. John Fleming (R-La.) told me the Air Force seems to be the worst offender when it comes to attacks on religious liberty.

Gen. Michael Hayden: Proposed Pollard Deal Smacks of Desperation

Tuesday, 01 Apr 2014 02:50 PM By Lisa Barron Gen. Michael Hayden, former director of both the CIA and the NSA, is against a plan to release convicted Israeli spy   Jonathan Pollard   in return for Israeli concessions with the Palestinians. "On so many levels, this just doesn’t feel right. This is just weird. It looks like it smacks of desperation on the part of the United States and our secretary of state to do anything in order to keep this peace process alive. You know, that's a really unsettling fact," he told Newsmax TV's John Bachman and J.D. Hayworth on "America's Forum" Tuesday. 

Fire Harry Reid, Constantin?

Dear Constantin, Taking control of the United States Senate in 2014 is one of our last chances to defeat President Obama's liberal agenda. Electing a Republican Senator from North Carolina is critical to winning the majority, but only a real conservative can defeat Democrat Kay Hagan . The latest polls prove it; Dr. Greg Brannon, the true conservative currently running in the Republican primary, is leading one of Obama's most reliable allies, Senator Kay Hagan.