
Showing posts from January, 2014

Nebraska Families Continue to Battle Consequences of Obamacare

Senator Johanns e-Update January 29, 2014 In last night’s address to the nation, the President turned a blind eye to the hardships facing millions of Americans who are losing health insurance or trying to cope with unaffordable cost increases because of Obamacare. Instead, he said, “the American people aren’t interested in refighting old battles.” The fact of the matter is that this law has created new challenges that many Americans must now battle each day. Beyond increased costs, families are seeing their hours at work trimmed back because of the law, and others are learning that they can’t continue seeing their doctor. Today on the Senate floor, I told the stories of a few families in Nebraska who shared the new battles they face with Obamacare. Click HERE to hear their stories. 

The Government We Do Want

Dear Constantin, Last night I delivered the Tea Party response to the president’s State of the Union speech. I wanted to share the text of the speech with you and invite you to join the discussion on how we can move a new reform agenda forward in Washington: I’m Senator Mike Lee, from Utah. In the few minutes I have tonight – I’d like to speak especially to those Americans who may feel they have been forgotten by both political parties: Those individuals and families who work hard, play by the rules, balance their budgets,

Dacia, tarâmul zeilor

By KLAUDYU „ Oare n-am uitat cumva că iubirea de patrie nu e iubirea brazdei, a ţărânei, ci iubirea trecutului? ” (Mihai Eminescu) Grecii susțineau că pelasgii au fost primul popor din lume, apărut înaintea Potopului. Care era locul lor de origine, din care au luat naștere celelalte rase umane? Unde au fost duși supraviețuitorii Potopului pentru a locui alături de zei? Și ce s-a întâmplat cu pelasgii? Mai există și astăzi sau au dispărut? Care este istoria lor, eliminată cu brutalitate din cea oficială? În Dacia preistorică , publicată în 1913, Nicolae Densușianu scria că grecii „ aveau o tradițiune, că înainte de denșii a domnit peste pămentul ocupat de ei un alt popor, care a desecat mlaștinile, a scurs lacurile, a dat cursuri noue rîurilor, a tăiat munții, a împreunat mările, a arat șesurile, a întemeiat orașe, sate și cetăți, a avut o religiune înălțătore, a ridicat altare și temple deilor, și că aceștia au fost Pelasgii ”. Tot el nota: „ Încă înainte

Interesant,nu ?

Mai ce mare si periculos “anti-semit” este Constantin Burlacu, daca cantareata lui favorita este o semita libaneza. P.S.Cantece si filme dintre acestea ar trebui sa faca romancile noastre, a caror strabune eroine sunt prezentate pe Columna lui Traian,si care ii pocneau pe soldatii romani de le sareau mucii si le trecea pofta sa le violeze, nu manelele si muzica tiganeasca de astazi care sunt o destrabalare si rusinea tarii noastre. Deci altii tin la demnitatea lor,la trecutul lor, la eroii lor, iar noi ne c**** si p**** pe asa ceva, apoi dam vina pe altii pentru incompetenta si lipsa noastra de caracter national. Luati exemplu dem de urmat: P.S.2).Anti-semiti sunt jidanii si Israelul, iar dovada este ca au sters Palestina de pe harta lumii si lupta sa-i extermine pe cei peste 300 de milioane de semiti arabi, pentru a infaptui Israelul Mare.Constantin Burlacu si in general ro

Arizona GOP censures McCain for his 'liberal' record

German newspaper publishes Nazi love letters

The President is not a king.

Dear Constantin, I'm writing to provide you with advance notice that I will be delivering my response to President Obama 's State of the Union address tomorrow night. You can check out my response via email and it will be posted on my Facebook page . President Obama and his aides have been issuing threats that he will use a "pen and a phone" to end-run Congress and impose his disastrous policies by executive fiat. The President is not a king. He can't write legislation. He can’t amend legislation. And he can't initiate war. President Obama is threatening to override Congress to dump new gun control, immigration reform that doesn't secure our borders, so-called "climate change" policies and raise the minimum wage on America. This is the type of arrogance that led President Obama and the Democrats to ram ObamaCare through Congress despite massive publi

FEMA Plans For Massive Depopulation?

Can FEMA Ban This Video? First off. If you care about your safety... Stop what you're doing. And watch this video with the door shut. => Click here now... I wish this was a joke. Unfortunately it isn't. It's deadly serious. I'm sending this to all my friends, family and patriot brothers... As quickly as I can... Because it's the ONLY video I've seen that reveals the lethal "February surprise" nobody is talking about... >> Learn more... << Yes... The "February surprise" is bigger and far more dangerous than Sandy could have ever been. And it's headed to YOUR neighborhood... WAY faster than you think. >> Watch shocking video << The chilling speaker on the video (my new favorite patriot) going to give you the 3 practical steps you need to take TODAY... To make it out alive and well... This is the big one folks. Don't take t


Un chinez intra intr-un magazin al unui evreu sa cumpere sutiene negre marimea 38. Evreul, cunoscut pentru indemanarea in afaceri, zice ca sutienele negre sunt rare si ca le aprovizioneaza cu greu. Ca urmare, cere $50.00 pentru o pereche. Chinezoiul cumpara 25 de perechi. Se intoarce dupa cateva zile si mai comanda 50 de perechi. De data asta evreul ii cere $60.00 pentru fiecare pereche. Dupa o luna, chinezul vine din nou si cumpara stocul ramas de sutiene negre, 50 bucati, si plateste de data asta $75.00 perechea. Evreul e cam derutat de cererea mare de sutiene negre marimea 38 si-l intreaba pe chinez "...te rog, spune-mi - ce faci cu toate sutienele astea negre?" Chinezul raspunde: "Le tai in doua si vi le vand voua evreilor drept Kippa (skull cap), cu $200.00 bucata." asta-i motivul pentru care Chinezii ne stapanesc! Business is Business!  

Lessons for Shove Guv Andrew Cuomo

Not so fast, Andrew Cuomo. We see what you did there. After publicly bashing conservative New Yorkers as "extreme" people who have no place in his state, the intolerant Democratic governor wants to blame the media for his unmistakable contempt for those who oppose abortion, support gun rights and defend traditional marriage. Newsflash: Crapweasel politicians can backtrack and scapegoat, but they can't hide. When he railed against socially conservative Republican candidates in a radio interview last week, Cuomo hyperbolically singled out those he called "right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay" citizens. Sounding unapologetically purge-tastic, the governor said these political opponents "have no place in the state of New York, because that's not who New Yorkers are." His bigoted comments provoked a fierce social-media-driven backlash led by devout Catholics and Second Amendment activists in the Empire State. And now, he'

2 Words Obama Doesn’t Want You to Know

Dear GOPUSA Reader, There are 2 words -- just 2 words -- that Obama, Congress and Corporate America hope you’ll never realize. But, as you’ll see in this very brief video, these 2 simple words could help keep the government out of your life for good, no matter what stupid laws they pass (ahem… Obamacare…) Find out what these 2 words are, right here , and discover just how you can make them work for you. Best, Doug Hill Director, Laissez Faire Club Subject: 2 Words Obama Doesn't Want You to Know Date: 1/23/2014 6:27:13 A.M. Eastern Standard Time From: To: Sent from the Internet (Details)


PARINTILOR MEI Cand va va spune cineva de mine Ca stau pe razbunare aplecat, Voi dragii mei cu care-am suferit, Sa stiti c’aceasta este adevarat. Cand vor scorni ca pe dusmanii tarii Cu toata suferinta i-am iertat, Cu toate ca-i urasc cu’versunare, Sa credeti iar ca este adevarat. De-ati auzi ca ma imbat si umblu Din gard in gard, nebun si blestemat, Desi va stiu ca n’o sa dati crezare. Puteti sa credeti ca-i adevarat. Dar cand m-or spanzura si va vor spune Ca m-am vandut si tara mi-am tradat, Voi care m’ati crescut cu sabia’n mana, O, nu! Sa stiti ca nu-i adevarat. Ion Romanul Pseudonim al unui poet necunoscut sub alt nume.

Obama: 'I smoked pot as a kid'

By Associated Press   January 20, 2014 6:52 am WASHINGTON   - President Barack Obama said he doesn't think marijuana is more dangerous than alcohol, "in terms of its impact on the individual consumer." "As has been well documented, I smoked pot as a kid, and I view it as a bad habit and a vice, not very different from the cigarettes that I smoked as a young person up through a big chunk of my adult life. I don't think it is more dangerous than alcohol," the president said an interview with "The New Yorker" magazine. Smoking marijuana is "not something I encourage, and I've told my daughters I think it's a bad idea, a waste of time, not very healthy," Obama said.


de ValVartej

Rand 2016

Dear Constantin, Thanks to your outrage forcing Congress to put pressure on the President to rein in the out-of-control National Security Agency domestic spying program, President Obama was compelled to address this abuse of the Fourth Amendment. But in what has become typical for President Obama, fancy rhetoric is utilized to cover up the same disastrous policies. The collection of emails, phone calls and text messages rolls on but under a different configuration. That sounds like, "If you like your privacy, you can keep it." But looking at this administration’s track record, "trust us" gets thrown out the window. Starting a Tea Party organization is "wrong" and singles you out for harassment. We’ve already seen the outright smearing of law-abiding gun owners and the derision of those who "cling" to their guns and religion . 

Gov. Andrew Cuomo,and the communist proud mayor of NYC are left-wing extremists and dictators in the state of New York. They represent a new Stalinists era in the USA.

Cuomo: No place in New York for 'extreme' conservatives By Buffalo News (NY)   January 18, 2014 6:55 am Albany  - Gov. Andrew Cuomo said "extreme conservatives" don't fit in with most New Yorkers. "If they are extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York," Cuomo said in a radio interview Friday. Cuomo defined "extreme conservatism" as being "anti-gay" by opposing same-sex marriage rights, opposed to abortion rights and favoring legalization of assault weapons. Maybe someone like Buffalo's Carl Paladino, although Cuomo did not name names. But Paladino isn't going anywhere. In fact, the Buffalo businessman and conservative who lost to Cuomo in the 2010 election has threatened to campaign not just against Cuomo but against the moderate Republican lawmakers in Albany whom Cuomo says belong in New York's tent.

Rand's Newsletter Update

Dear Friend, Please allow me to update you on some of this week's happenings in Washington, D.C. Dr. Paul Commemorates the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Over this holiday weekend, we should celebrate the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and reflect on his influence and call for ending injustice in America. It is simply unimaginable to think what modern America would be like if not for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s courage and triumph. When one sees an injustice so great, he or she must make a choice-to continue tolerating the injustice or make sacrifices in the name of stopping it. Thankfully for us, Dr. King made sacrifices and chose the path less traveled. In years to come, we must keep building the kind of America that is worthy of his memory and that our

Fundatia Academia DacoRomana

„ A fi pentru a şti, a şti pentru a avea, a avea pentru a putea, a putea pentru a face, a face pentru a fi oameni fericiţi !” F U N D A Ţ I A , TEMPUS DACOROMÂNIA COMTERRA”   Sediul legal central: Bucureşti, Dr. Taberei nr.26/119, dosar 4375/303/2008 la jud. sect.6; cont CEC Bank, Ag. Dr. Taberei, Buc., sect.6, Cod IBAN R035CECEB60443RON0354455, cod fiscal nr. 4929150. Academia DacoRomână -A.D.R.- este instituț ie autonomă în cadrul Fundaţiei Academia DacoRomână ”T .D.C.” din 9.05.2008. Oficiul poș tal 58, că suța poș tală 14, certificat de înscriere a persoanei juridice fără scop patrimonial nr.35/PJ/2002. , www.academiadacoromana , , www.partiduldacilorliberi ,   „ Întru eternizarea valorilor temporale dacoromâneşti pe Terra noastră comună, într-o lume comterristă, a fiecăruia ş i a tuturora!” ______________________________________________________________

Visul lui Hitler devine realitate dupa 70 de ani

Unul dintre cele mai mari vise ale lui Hitler a fost să schimbe fața întregii Europe prin crearea unei noi ordini europene. Probabil că acesta a și fost cel mai puternic motiv pentru care a declanșat cel de- Al Doilea Război Mondial . Această Nouă Ordine pe care dorea Hitler s-o implementeze cu ardoare în Europa părea la vremea respectivă un vis nebun, o teroare absurdă venită din partea unui dement, care trebuia retezat cu orice preț.  

„Antisemitisme” fabricate şi declaraţiile „xenofobe” ale Perfidului Albion

Ion Măldărescu Duminică, 05 Ianuarie 2014 20:42 „A reduce semitismul la evreitate e stupiditate, a identifica iudaitatea  cu evreitatea și israelitatea mi se pare aberație”.   (Prof. univ. dr. H.C. Gheorghe Mihai)   Mare tam-tam, mare! G.D.S. şi revista „22” - reclamagii în slujba celor care finanţează cele două structuri - au „desconspirat” faptul că un grup de colindători „antisemiţi” „au fluierat în biserică”, adică au sărit cu calul peste neconstituţionala O.U.G. 31/2002 a ex-prim-ministrului Năstase. Un domn filosof, fost ministru al educaţiei (pe durata mandatului său a aprobat editarea şi publicarea catastrofalului manual de Istorie a Românilor, pentru clasa a XII-a, Ed. Sigma), fost ministru de externe... „curs cu durată redusă”, fost bulibaşă la I.C.R.-ul post-patavievician - unde a debutat cu şedinţa caloriferelor -, fost... Cam neadaptat şi neadaptabil acest fost, ca să nu zic altfel! Personajul în cauză a reacţionat cu mânie proletară , publicând pe p

Former Defense Sec. Gates: Obama 'Skeptical' of His Own Afghan Strategy

Wednesday, 08 Jan 2014 09:00 AM Share:   President Barack Obama had major doubts about his decision to commit more troops in the war in Afghanistan, believing it would ultimately end in failure, his former defense secretary,   Robert Gates, writes in his memoir , to be published next week. Gates, who served from 2006 to 2011 under Obama and his Republican predecessor, George W. Bush, sharply criticizes Obama's approach to a number of defense-related issues, especially Afghanistan, according to a review of "Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary at War"   in The Washington Post   on Tuesday. Urgent:  Do You Approve Or Disapprove of President Obama's Job Performance? Vote Now in Urgent Poll  Gates adds that Obama was "skeptical if not outright convinced it [the administration strategy] would fail," according to the Post. During a meeting in March 2011 to discuss the withdrawal timetable, Gates recalls that Obama also expressed doubts about the

13 Second Video Will Open Your Eyes

Can FEMA Ban This Video?

Dear Newsmax Reader: Please find below a special message from our sponsoring advertiser, FamilySurvival. They have important information to share with you. Thank you. Can FEMA Ban This Video? First off. If you care about your safety... Stop what you're doing. And watch this video with the door shut. => Click here now... I wish this was a joke. Unfortunately it isn't. It's deadly serious. I'm sending this to all my friends, family and patriot brothers... As quickly as I can... Because it's the ONLY video I've seen that reveals the lethal "January surprise" nobody is talking about... >> Learn more... << Yes... The "January surprise" is bigger a

Nici n-a început bine 2014 şi o dau cu „Trăiască poporul” l Consideraţie, Maria Diana Popescu, Agero, Stuttgart

A New Year With the Same Problems

Morning Briefing For January 2, 2014 Before I get back to business, I feel compelled to point out that today is the ninth day of Christmas. We all come back to work, groggy and apprehensive, and we forget. We're still in the Christmas season. I won't turn off the Christmas tree lights until bed time on January 5th to get ready for Epiphany. I hope as you get resituated back at your job, you remember what my friend Ben told me recently — Christmas is D-Day. The beaches have been stormed. Now we march on to victory at the cross this Easter. So while I wish you a Happy New Year, really, I'm still wishing people a very Merry Christmas. God bless, Erick

First Lady Michelle Obama's Tax Returns

Special: Michelle Obama shows Americans how to really get rich

Lou Dobbs: Real Solutions to the Biggest Problems

Lou Dobbs, a trustworthy and straight-talking journalist equipped with strong opinions and keen business acumen is releasing a new book! This soon-to-be-released book takes an honest look at the problems and realities facing America while offering practical solutions. Equipped with a Harvard degree in Economics and decades of awarded journalism experience, Dobbs has much to offer in his latest book, Upheaval sure to inspire readers across the country!