
Showing posts from November 11, 2013

The End of Barack Obama ?

Below is a message from one of our paid sponsors, Stansberry & Associates Research: THE END OF BARACK OBAMA? Dear Subscriber ,

John Kerry Throws Freedom-Seeking Women Under the Bus

Michelle Malkin  |  Nov 08, 2013 It's confirmed: The "F" in John. F. Kerry stands for "Feckless." Women around the world no longer need to wonder whether America's secretary of state will stand boldly with them in defense of their basic rights. He won't. On Monday, Kerry was in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Anyone with a phone or an Internet connection inside and outside the country knows what's been going on there. The kingdom has been rocked by women of all ages protesting the Muslim nation's retrograde ban on female drivers. Over the past two weeks, the protesters and their supporters have taken to social media to pressure the oppressive sharia-enforcing regime. It is the only country in the world that won't allow its women -- 20 million of them -- to obtain driver's licenses.

Pope to Meet Putin; Could Help Mend Catholic-Orthodox Ties

Thursday, 07 Nov 2013 10:36 AM VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis will receive Russian President Vladimir Putin on Nov. 25, an encounter that could help mend strained relations between the Vatican and the Russian Orthodox Church . Russian-Vatican relations have been fraught since the 1991 breakup of the Soviet Union, with Moscow accusing the Roman Catholic Church of trying to poach believers from the Russian Orthodox Church, a charge the Vatican denies. But Putin is the first Kremlin leader since the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution to publicly profess religious faith — to the Orthodox church — and has several times advocated ending the long feud between the two major Christian churches. Putin and the Pope will hold their first meeting on Nov. 25, a Vatican spokesman said on Thursday. Putin, who also met his two immediate predecessors, could invite the Pope to visit Russia, diplomats said. Popes Benedict and John Paul had standing invitations from the Russian governm...

Sean Hannity: What's Christie's 'Big Appeal,' Anyway?

Thursday, 07 Nov 2013 04:20 PM By Jim Meyers   Sean Hannity declared that the "anointment" of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie as the 2016 GOP presidential nominee following his re-election on Tuesday is "jumping the gun" — adding, "I don't know what the big appeal of Christie is, just based on the record." He told listeners of his   radio show on Wednesday : "It is hardly an economic boon or turnaround in the state of New Jersey, I can tell you that. [But] everybody is just going nuts thinking they have this thing figured out for 2016." Editor's Note:   Should ObamaCare Be Defunded? Vote in Urgent National Poll  Hannity charged that Christie is "not in the mainstream of conservatism. Don't tell me this is going to be a cakewalk." Ref...

Comunicat de presa al Consiliului Unirii

În ședința Consiliului Unirii din 7 noiembrie 2013 s-au discutat mai multe chestiuni. Dezbaterile au început cu expunerea opiniilor despre mitingul Puterii de la 3 noiembrie, la care membrii Consiliului Unirii nu au participat organizat. Motivele au fost expuse în Declarația CU legat de acest eveniment. Părerea majorității membrilor prezenți a fost că această manifestare nu a inclus importanța României în declarațiile publice, ca stat total dispus și disponibil să îl ajute pe cel de-al doilea stat românesc, Republica Moldova, în parcursul său european. Consiliul Unirii rămâne fidel poziției că cea mai scurtă cale de integrare în UE și NATO este Unirea Basarabiei cu România, prin lichidarea politică a consecințelor Pactului criminal Molotov-Ribbentrop, ceea ce ar însemna să se pună capăt ocupației ruso-sovietice, de peste două secole, a acestui teritoriu și a acestei populații. Membrii CU au salutat și apreciat prezența membrilor Platformei civice ”Acțiunea-2012”la mitingu...

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Dear Constantin, As the ObamaCare rollout staggers along as a colossal failure, it's hard to figure out which was the bigger whopper President Obama told the nation to sell this lemon of a law. "ObamaCare will bring down the deficit." "If you like your health insurance, you can keep it." President Obama repeated this falsehood 36 times in public. Now you and I are finding out what the President's words are really worth. You see, millions of Americans have received letters in the mail informing them their health plan has been canceled because President Obama judges he knows what health insurance each American should own. As Americans are shoved into the federal health exchanges, their eyes are popping out at the sticker shock of the premium increases. And those are just the "lucky" ones who can navigate the failed website. While the administration tries to conceal the pitifully low number of ObamaCare enrollees, news reports stated ...

Obama Personally Apologizes to Americans Losing Health Plans

Thursday, 07 Nov 2013 06:26 PM By Todd Beamon   President Barack Obama on Thursday told Americans that he was sorry that they were losing their health insurance under Obamacare, despite his repeated assurances for more than three years that they could keep their coverage if they were pleased with it. "I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me,"   Obama told NBC News  in an interview at the White House. "We've got to work hard to make sure that they know we hear them — and we are going to do everything we can to deal with folks who find themselves in a tough position as a consequence of this."