
Showing posts from December 14, 2013


Mount Soledad Cross Ordered To Come Down As Judge Rules For Removal Of San Diego War Memorial By ELLIOT SPAGAT  12/12/13 10:00 PM ET EST FOLLOW: Christianity ,   Mount Soledad Cross ,   Church And State , httpwwwhuffingtonpostcom2 0131213mountsoledadcrossn4439327html1386946823 ,   Mount Soledad ,   Mt Soledad Cross ,   Mt Soledad Cross San Diego ,   Mt Solidad Cross ,   San Diego War Memorial ,   Religion News SAN DIEGO (AP) — A judge on Thursday ordered that a war memorial cross atop a San Diego mountain be removed from federal property in 90 days but said the ruling would be put on hold if it is appealed. U.S. District Judge Larry Burns wrote that "it's time for finality" in the case, 22 years after another judge ordered the 43-foot cross atop Mount Soledad to be taken down. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in 2011 that the cross violated the constitutional separation of church and state. Af...

Take our government back

Subject:Take our government back Date:12/12/2013 2:58:08 P.M. Eastern Standard Time To:Send IM to: DACIA Sent from the Internet (Details) Constantin, When I won my primary for U.S. Senate in 2010, upsetting many in Washington, D.C., I began my speech that night by declaring, " We've come to take our government back ." Since that election, I've fought hard to stop the reckless spending, rein in our massive deficit, repeal ObamaCare and protect our God-given liberties. But I'm only one man, and to truly take our government back, to truly pull Obama's radical agenda up by its roots, it's going to take more principled men and women who are willing to stand up and fight for our conservative values in Washington. That's why I'm supporting Republican candidate Greg Brannon for U.S. Senate in North Carolina . Greg's not a career politician. He's an OB-GYN who has delivered over 9,000 ba...

Prioritãþile pentru începutul anului 2014

În ºedinþa tradiþionalã a membrilor activi ai Consiliului Unirii din 12 decembrie 2013, s-a fãcut bilanþul anului ºi s-a discutat despre prioritaþile anului 2014. Cei prezenþi au menþionat participarea activã a unioniºtilor la o serie de manifestãri organizate în zile importante din istoria naþionalã, la Chiºinãu ºi Bucureºti, ca ºi implicarea în mai multe discuþii din spaþiul public pe ambele maluri ale Prutului. Un rezultat pozitiv este pregãtirea Pliantului despre avantajele Unirii cu România ale cetãþenilor unui stat care, deºi avanseazã spre dezideratul integrãrii europene, nu înregistreazã schimbãrile necesare care sã îl facã eligibil pentru aceasta comunitate civilizatã. Este necesarã organizarea unioniºtilor, pentru a duce pe la casele oamenilor pliantul de familiarizare cu plusurile regãsirii cît mai urgente a românilor într-un singur stat, elaborat prin contribuþia membrilor CU. Este de apreciat înregistrarea Fundaþiei ”Turnul Dezrobirii Basarabiei”, prin...

Amazing: Landrieu Completely Throws Obama Under the Bus in First TV Ad

Daniel Doherty  |  Dec 11, 2013 I’m confused. Last week Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) said if she   could   vote for Obamacare again , she would. Now for some reason she’s completely distancing herself from it? If you are to believe this ad,   President Obama   lied to her constituents. Not her ( via Politico )   But there’s just one problem here: in 2009 Landrieu herself said if Americans liked their health care plans, they could keep them.   Oops : The ad spot above is deceptive and misleading. It puts all the blame on the president, when in truth she built support for -- and ultimately helped pass -- Obamacare. At the same time the ad paints her as a hapless bystander who (ahem) had   no idea  millions of Americans would lose their health care coverage. And now, of course, the good public servant that she is, she's working hard to “fix” a “glitch” she never saw coming. I'm skeptical. From Guy’s piece ...

National League of taxpayers

Dear Constantin, Barack Obama ’s presidency began by promising to: “Use only one test when deciding what ideas to support with your precious tax dollars: It's not whether an idea is liberal or conservative, but whether it works.” Yet even programs that have been proven to be useless continue to be funded . Just look at the so-called Head Start program, which costs taxpayers more than eight billion dollars each year.