
Showing posts from March, 2017

Marx si Engels, doi homosexuali care au distrus lumea. Bazele marxismului. Corespondenta din SUA de la Capitanul Julian Chitta

Bazele marxismului           de Julian Chitta In anul 1983, revista homosexualilor din Brazilia, “Cabinhero”, care inseamna “baiat de cabina”, comemora 100 de ani de la moartea lui Karl Marx, cu o serie de articole extrem de socante. “Cabinhero”, ori baiat de cabina, era o functie de ucenic marinar pe multe din vasele trans-oceanice, supusa capriciilor capitanilor, a ofiterilor de punte, si a sefilor de echipaj. Aceste functii erau notorii pentru abuzul sexual brutal suferit de astfel de adolescenti care, in speranta de a deveni marinari, acceptau o viata in infern. In primul plan, editorii revistei au definit lucrarile lui Marx drept extrem de semnificative pentru societatea moderna. In aceste articole se afirma ca opera lui Marx a fost cu mult mai “importanta decat cea a lui Iisus Hristos, afectand cu mult mai multi oameni”, calificand cuplul homosexual Karl Marx, (1818-1883) si Friedrich Engels, (1820-1895) drept cea mai ilustra pereche de “gay”, (homosexuali) care

State of the Union

Constantin, Before President Trump delivers his biggest speech to date, he wants you to provide your input on the direction of our country. He is taking the podium to voice your concerns, thoughts, and opinions about the state of our nation, and more importantly, to lay out a bold plan for our future as Americans. Please take the STATE OF THE UNION SURVEY before 10PM EST TONIGHT to help shape the message of President Trump’s biggest speech yet. President Trump ran for president because he couldn’t stand to see what was happening to the greatest country in the history of mankind. You -- and millions of other hardworking citizens who love America -- agreed that our country was on the wrong path and banded together to form a movement the likes of which the world had never seen. But our fight to save America didn’t end on election night. It’s just now getting started. It’s time to show the country that our positive America First platform can