
Showing posts from August 20, 2013

5 Reasons Stocks Will Collapse . . .

Dear Fellow Americans, The stock market has posted record-breaking gains over the past several years. But now even the most aggressive of experts are beginning to doubt its sustainability, and are quickly selling their investments before everything collapses . In this must-see presentation, renowned economist Robert Wiedemer gives 5 alarming reasons why stocks will unquestionably plummet by as much as 50% (in fact, he says this collapse has already started). Click Here to See the Alarming Presentation Now   Aaron DeHoog Financial Publisher Newsmax and Moneynews

László Tokés a fost agent al Securitatii maghiare

20 august 2013, 12:57 de Diana Rusu Generalul Ioan Talpeş, fost şef al SIE, şi jurnaliştii Cristian Unteanu şi Diana Rusu au discutat, la Adevărul Live, tehnicile de manipulare şi dezinformare practicate de serviciile de informaţii în societatea actuală, dar şi strategia de dezinformare din Războiul Rece care a izolat România de toate celelalte ţări.