
Showing posts from September 27, 2013

Correspondence from Senator McCain

Senator John McCain   Dr.Constantin Burlacu Subject: Correspondence from Senator McCain Date: 9/26/2013 2:34:16 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time From: To: DACIALAN@AOL.COM Sent from the Internet (Details) September 26, 2013 Dr. Constantin Burlacu 464 Woodward Ave Apt.2L Ridgewood, NY 11385-1533 Dear Dr. Burlacu: Thank you for contacting me regarding the recent events in Syria. I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue. You may be aware of Syria’s recent history. In 2011, the Regime of Bashar al-Assad responded to pro-democracy Syrian protestors by deploying his army, triggering a wave of violence that continues to the present. Rather than addressing the legitimate concerns of the Syrian people, the Assad regime has crushed peaceful demonstrations, ...

Big Brother is watching me

To: Virgil Ciuca < > Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2013 8:34 AM Subject: Big Brother is watching me Rand Paul for Senate 2016 Dear Virgil, Do you believe true safety and security lie on the other end of a government spyglass? I know Big Brother is alive and well in Washington, D.C. right now. But our Founding Fathers answer to that question is clearly “No!” The good news is, there’s a new and rapidly growing rebellion brewing in this country against unconstitutional NSA spying. But now, I’m the one under the looking glass . . . Monday, September 30th is my next fundraising reporting deadline. Establishment politicians and spy-state apologists in Washington, D.C. have all eyes on me. You see, not long ago I introduced the Fourth Amendment Protection Act to extend constitutional protections to electronic communications and require specific warrants for any government ...


Golden Dawn threatens to destabilise Greek government

By Nikolaj Nielsen BRUSSELS - Greece’s neo-fascist Golden Dawn threatens to spark snap elections by pulling all 18 of its members from the 300-seat parliament. If Golden Dawn members walk out, then special elections would have to take place in every district they represent in order to replace them. Golden Dawn leader Nikolaos Mihaloliakos on Thursday (26 September) said some polls indicate the opposition would win, which could undermine the ruling coalition, reports Reuters.

Opinie Paul Barbu: Statul, Dumnezeul taxelor, intr-o tara a necredinciosilor

de Paul Barbu la 20 Sep. 2013 Draga Stat Roman, Subsemnatul Paul Barbu, domiciliat in Bucuresti, cu forme ilegale, iti multumesc din suflet ca, in maretia Ta, imi permiti sa traiesc umila existenta pe teritoriul Tau. Iar pentru acest lucru, esti eroul meu! Ca chirias, apreciez tare mult initiativa de a mai impovara, cu inca o taxa, proprietarii de apartamente care vor sa inchirieze. Si-o merita! Este o decizie revolutionara pe care, cu aplomb, o aplaud.


Opinia mea-postata pe bolgul lui Adrian Nastase privind instrainarea bogatiilor Romaniei a fost cenzurata. Am revenit cu postarea de mai jos care cu siguranta va fi si ea cenzurata! Voi incerca sa mediatize cele doua postari cenzurate virgil ciuca Va cred Dle Adrian Nastase ca v-ati simtit ofensat si m-ati cenzurat! Blogul Domniei Voastre, dreptul Domniei Voastre de a cenzura si manipula! Aud ca ati fost la un concert la Ateneu in loja oficiala! Chiar vreti sa reveniti in politica romaneasca ? va veti zice ca devreme ce Petre Roman a revenit ca deputat de Brasov de ce sa nu reveniti si Domnia Voastra ca deputat de Corbu ca romanu-i si iertator si prost! Banuiesc ca Dumnea Voastra sau cel care va gestioneaza blogul sa citeasca si sa cenzureze si aceasta opinie! Toti politicienii metamorfozati din comunisti in democrati dupa lovitura de stat din 89 ati tradat fara rusine Romania si poporul roman. Virgil Ciuca New York PS: tot ceea ce ati cenzurat va ap...