Correspondence from Senator McCain

Senator John McCain Dr.Constantin Burlacu Subject: Correspondence from Senator McCain Date: 9/26/2013 2:34:16 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time From: To: DACIALAN@AOL.COM Sent from the Internet (Details) September 26, 2013 Dr. Constantin Burlacu 464 Woodward Ave Apt.2L Ridgewood, NY 11385-1533 Dear Dr. Burlacu: Thank you for contacting me regarding the recent events in Syria. I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue. You may be aware of Syria’s recent history. In 2011, the Regime of Bashar al-Assad responded to pro-democracy Syrian protestors by deploying his army, triggering a wave of violence that continues to the present. Rather than addressing the legitimate concerns of the Syrian people, the Assad regime has crushed peaceful demonstrations, ...