Big Brother is watching me

To: Virgil Ciuca <>
Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2013 8:34 AM
Subject: Big Brother is watching me
Rand Paul for Senate 2016
Dear Virgil, Do you believe true safety and security lie on the other end of a government spyglass? I know Big Brother is alive and well in Washington, D.C. right now. But our Founding Fathers answer to that question is clearly “No!” The good news is, there’s a new and rapidly growing rebellion brewing in this country against unconstitutional NSA spying. But now, I’m the one under the looking glass . . . Monday, September 30th is my next fundraising reporting deadline. Establishment politicians and spy-state apologists in Washington, D.C. have all eyes on me. You see, not long ago I introduced the Fourth Amendment Protection Act to extend constitutional protections to electronic communications and require specific warrants for any government eavesdropping or record searching. So politicians on both sides of the aisle know a big fundraising quarter for me proves their days of simply ignoring NSA spying abuses or domestic drone use are coming to an end. That’s why I've launched the Stand with Rand End of Quarter Money Bomb. As of right now, thanks to the support of true patriots like you, it’s off to a tremendous start. But my goal is to raise $112,456 by Monday, September 30th to prove to the politicians in Washington that you and I are prepared to FIGHT for our liberties.
"Read More" Won’t you help during this most critical time? Whatever you can afford -- $250, $100, $50 – or even $25 or $10 – will help. The truth is, our Founding Fathers fought a revolution over issues like generalized warrants, where British soldiers would go from house to house, searching anything they liked. They gave us the Fourth Amendment to protect against the kind of massive government intrusion we see today with the massive collection of phone and Internet records by the NSA. Today, our Fourth Amendment is effectively ignored. And our lives are now so digitized that the government going from computer to computer or phone to phone is the modern equivalent of the same type of tyranny that our Founders rebelled against. I know some of my colleagues here in Congress just roll their eyes. They say you and I should “trust” this massive unconstitutional power grab won’t be abused. How can we? Especially with this administration’s abysmal track record of abuse, lies, and cover-ups, including: *** Misleading the American people over the Benghazi travesty; *** Using the IRS to target political enemies and Tea Party groups; *** Eavesdropping on reporters from the AP and Fox News who dared to criticize the administration. First, National Intelligence Director James Clapper stated the NSA did not collect data on American citizens before Congress . . . Then that was exposed as a lie. Then, you and I were supposed to believe the NSA’s domestic phone and Internet data collection wouldn’t be misused. Now, they’re admitting – whether its analysts spying on love interests or “mistakenly” intercepting, storing or accessing communications from thousands of Americans – it has been the NSA time and again. What else are they hiding? What else are they not telling us about?, I’m ready for this madness to end. If you agree, please stand with me today. Please contribute as generously as you can to my Stand With Rand Money Bomb. All eyes are on me! Big Brother’s defenders know a big fundraising quarter for me means big problems for their growing national spy-state leviathan. So won’t you please act at once to help me reach my $112,456 goal? Whatever you can give – whether it’s $250, $100, $50 – or even $25 or $10 – will help tremendously. Please act at once. I’m counting on your support. In Liberty, Rand Paul P.S. Big Brother’s defenders know a big fundraising quarter for me means big problems for their growing national spy-state leviathan. That's why I've launched the Stand with Rand End of Quarter Money Bomb so I can prove to the Big Government politicians in Washington I'll have the strength to mobilize the grassroots in support of my Fourth Amendment Protection Act. So I hope you'll make your most generous contribution of $250, $100, $50 – or even $25 or $10 – TODAY!

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Paid for by Rand Paul for Senate 2016.

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