
Showing posts from July, 2014

Danezii se trag din daci

Conform unei teorii istorice, care a existat în Evul Mediu şi care i-a fost atribuită împăratului Carol cel Mare , şi mai târziu umanistului renascentist Enea Silvio Piccolomini   care va fi Papa Pius II , ca şi istoricului român Dimitrie Cantemir , danezii se trag din daci – mai precis din dacii care s-au refugiat în aceste teritorii ale Europei din cauza invaziilor romane.

Criminalii normalităţii, bazaconii gay, umilirea „Scorpionilor” şi crescătoria de papagali

Ion Maldarescu    Luni, 14 Iulie 2014 10:14 Pornind de la un caz recent consumat - paparuda-hibrid premiată la „Eurovision”-ul acestui an - în mass-media de pretutindeni se poate observa o creştere aberantă, rapidă şi exacerbată a promovării homosexualităţii. După ce Walt Disney a fost transformat în ţinta „curcubeiştilor” multinaţionali, „Disney Channel” a scos în prim-plan - caricatura cinematografică „Good Luck Charlie” [1] -, unde, personaje homosexuale sunt prezentate ca fiind exemple de urmat. Walt Disney este învinuit că în excepţionalele sale producţii de desene animate ar fi făcut „discriminare”. Convins fiind că realizatorul faimoaselor filme de animaţie se răsuceşte în mormânt la vederea refulărilor agresive, a mizeriilor electronice contemporane, nu pot rămâne impasibil la declaraţii de genul: „Ultimul film biografic relevă şi o «înclinaţie rasistă»” , aparţinând actriţei Meryl Streep, despre Walt Disney. Păcat că acum, la final de carieră,

DacoRomânia va renaşte prin adevăr, dreptate, muncă şi credinţă!

   DacoRomânia va renaşte prin adevăr, dreptate, muncă şi credinţă! Sediul legal: Bucureşti, Drumul Taberei nr. 26,   Bloc T-1, apart. 119, sect. 6   (Favorit), cod   061335, Tel: 02174138434,   0722972522,   Oficiul poştal 58,Căsuţa poştală 14, CIF 22085130, Cod IBAN RO08CECEB60443RON1879199, CEC   Bank Dr.Taberei, S. M. Bucureşti ; Dosar nr. 19007/3/2006,TMB Secţia a III- a civilă, Decizia civilă nr.2 din 22. 01.2007, definitivă şi   irevocabilă, înregistrat în Registrul partidelor politice la   27.06.2007.Dosar nr.26785/3/2009,   decizia civilă nr. 251R,   din 3 iunie 2010, Curtea de Apel Bucuresti,   secţia   a IX -a   civ.   şi pt . cauze priv. propr. intelect.,şi decizia civila nr.1, Trib.M . Buc, sectia a III -a civila din 8.01.2010.   Ambele   sunt   definitive şi irevocabile din   28.07.2010   conform   site ,   Bucureşti, nr. 16 din 13.07.2014 (13.07.10 014, după Calendarul DacoRomânesc)  

President Obama is not a king

Dear Constantin, President Obama doesn't need to look far when trying to pinpoint the culprit for the crisis on our southern border. It was his lawless executive orders that opened the floodgates for the tens of thousands of men, women, teenagers and even children who streamed across our border. And now he's threatening to impose so-called "immigration reform" through executive decree. President Obama has bragged about how he has a pen and phone and that he intends to use them. Constantin, I'm fed up with President Obama refusing to follow our laws . The President is not a king.

World War III?

Monday, July 7, 2014 YOUR BEST SOURCE FOR THE UNBIASED MARKET COMMENTARY YOU WON'T GET FROM WALL STREET July 4 Weekend, Yet WWIII is Already Underway ... by Larry Edelson Dear Constantin, I hope you had a wonderful July 4 weekend, celebrating our country's independence with family and friends. I did, for sure. But I was also a bit somber. Why? Because I couldn't help but reflect on the sad state of affairs the world is in today, reminding myself of a conversation I had with a colleague just over a year ago. The colleague I was talking to early last year had asked me if ever I foresaw the world entering a state of war that could become known as World War III. My answers shocked him. Here they are nearly verbatim ... World War III has ALREADY started. It is going to be unlike any pre

Înmatricularea calculatoarelor, profeţiile lui Victor Olsavszky şi maşina zburătoare

Ocnaşii de la cârma Ţării conduc o masă supusă, resemnată, incapabilă să se mobilizeze

Ion Maldarescu   Luni, 30 Iunie 2014 13:12 Jenant, umilitor chiar! România a ajuns o fantomă zdrenţuită a Ţării din ʼ89, când, contrar intoxicărilor venite din partea măscăricilor „Europei... «libere»” (care pregăteau distrugerea României) şi a balivernelor actualilor analisto-panglicari, România exporta produse industriale în peste 140 de state ale Terrei, Preşedintele S.U.A. trata cu respect, iar Regina Angliei purta în caleaşcă, în văzul întregii lumi pe preşedintele unei Românii suverane - pe atunci. Diplomaţia românească se afla în poziţie demnă, constituind un factor important în acţiunile de conectare a interesele marilor potentaţi ai vremii (S.U.A., U.R.S.S., China), poziţionaţi nu tocmai prieteneşte. Nu-i niciun secret! În „Anno Domini” 2014, multe dintre „cugetările” înaintaşilor îşi demonstrează încă valabilitatea:   „Din Banat până la Iaşi/ Se resimte lisa sării,/ Fiindcă cei mai mulţi o


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Russia retaliates against Moldova's EU treaty

TODAY @ 09:28 RELATED   Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine cement EU ties   Will Sikorski be the next EU foreign policy chief? BY   ANDREW RETTMAN BRUSSELS   - Russia has banned imports of processed beef, horse meat, lamb, and pork from Europe’s poorest country - Moldova - the same day it ratified an EU trade treaty. The Russian veterinary authority, Rosselkhoznadzor, on Wednesday (2 July) cited concerns over African swine fever in its decision, which enters into force on Saturday. The move came as the Moldovan parliament adopted an EU free trade and political association agreement by 59 votes against four, while 38 MPs from the pro-Russia opposition Communist Party staged a walkout.

Why Barack Obama and most of the U.S. Congress are Guilty of Treason

Some of the latest news, views and opinions from the world’s foremost activist against global tyranny, Zio-racism and extremism—Dr. David Duke. By Dr. David Duke -- The American government has charged and prosecuted American citizens who have aided al Qaeda or other terrorist groups that pose a danger to the United States of America. President Barack Obama announced he will give an additional half a billion dollars to the Syrian “rebels.” In fact, as the government admits that it has supported the rebels in Syria that have effectively given al Qaeda groups control of almost all Syrian "rebel" held territory. The government admits that Syria is now an international Jihad with thousands of the most radical, terrorist Muslim extremists streaming into support it from all over the world. The U.S. Government admits that the ongoing take over of Iraq has come from

Ted Cruz: Impeach Holder if He Won't Appoint IRS Special Prosecutor

Thursday, 26 Jun 2014 06:30 PM By Cathy Burke Attorney General Eric Holder should be impeached if he refuses to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the IRS tea party-targeting scandal, Sen. Ted Cruz demanded Thursday. The Texas Republican, who has sounded the call for a   special prosecutor   in the scandal before, made his case for possible impeachment on the Senate floor, ripping into Holder for not standing up to President Barack Obama. Vote Now:   Do You Approve Or Disapprove of President Obama's Job Performance?   "It saddens me to say that the U.S. Department of Justice under Attorney General Eric Holder has become the most partisan Department of Justice in the history of our country," Cruz said, blasting its lead investigator on the IRS issue, Barbara Bosserman, as a "partisan" donor who gave over $6,000 to the president's two election campaigns. He also noted IRS Commissioner John Koskinen has contributed over $100,

Who really killed Kennedy?

Dear Reader, Our military man just finished a year-long investigation... and his conclusion is shocking: He’s found details that may have revealed exactly who killed President John F. Kennedy...and why. You’ll never guess who. And nobody -- not even the most avid conspiracy theorists -- have pinned down the reason why. This new suspect is a very powerful organization -- one responsible for the long-term downturn of America... And because Kennedy stood in the way of its agenda... he may have been put down. Click here to see this shocking report. Since then, no president has dared challenge this powerful group. Was Kennedy’s assassination a warning to any future president who dared stand up to them? That’s what our military man concludes in this shocking investigation of the Kennedy assassination. The report is now available to view... Yes, I want to see this investigative piece on who may have killed Kennedy. Sincerely, Joe Schriefer Publisher, Ago