Why Barack Obama and most of the U.S. Congress are Guilty of Treason

Some of the latest news, views and opinions from the world’s foremost activist against global tyranny, Zio-racism and extremism—Dr. David Duke.

By Dr. David Duke -- The American government has charged and prosecuted American citizens who have aided al Qaeda or other terrorist groups that pose a danger to the United States of America.
President Barack Obama announced he will give an additional half a billion dollars to the Syrian “rebels.”

In fact, as the government admits that it has supported the rebels in Syria that have effectively given al Qaeda groups control of almost all Syrian "rebel" held territory.
The government admits that Syria is now an international Jihad with thousands of the most radical, terrorist Muslim extremists streaming into support it from all over the world.
The U.S. Government admits that the ongoing take over of Iraq has come from the rebel controlled territory in Syria.
The U.S. Government admits the government of Syria has fought against these al Qaeda dominated rebels.
Without the treasonous support of the terrorists in Syria, ISIS could not have swept into control over most of Iraq, and now be poised to take over the whole country.
The U.S. Government says that these terrorists are planning 9-11 attacks against America and against any Americans in Mideast and wherever they can find in the world.
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So, the inescapable truth is that Barack Hussein Obama and most of the United States Congress has supported the most dangerous enemies of America, terrorist organizations who have come out of al Qaeda which the government claims was behind the worst civilian massacre in American history!
I say that this policy has occurred because of Zionist Jewish agents and their collaborators in high places in the United States Government, and in the mass media, who are in service to the admitted Zionist plan to support al Qaeda elements in order to perpetuate bloodbath and chaos in nations of Syria and Iraq which they see are strategic enemies of Israel.
The Zionists are supporting the biggest terrorist threat to Americans and to all Western nations solely for the interests of Israel.
Americans who support policies that aid al Qaeda are traitors. They empower the most horrific terrorist enemies of the United States and the Western World. In fact, the truth be known, Israel itself is state created by terrorism, first against the British and then against the Palestinians. In fact, Israel was caught red-handed committing terrorism against America in the Lavon Affair.
Leading Americans such as our Secretary of State at the time of the attack on the U.S. Navy Ship, The Liberty, say that the murderous attack on The USS Liberty was a deliberate, false flag act of terrorism against. America.
The fact is that President Obama or any member of Congress who supports the terrorists or al Qaeda in Syria and Iraq, or for that matter the Zionist terrorist State of Israel which has attacked America, is committing treason against the United States.
We demand that President Obama and Members of Congress who support the terrorists in Syria and the terrorist State of Israel, should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law!

Hear Dr. David Duke’s latest radio show:
“Treason! Obama’s Decision to Aid the “Syrian Rebels”
Now available on the Rense Radio Network archive: hear Dr. David Duke expose the latest treason by Barack Hussein Obama and by the Zio-Controlled Congress of the United States in agreeing to send a half a billion dollars of your money to al Qaeda terrorists in Syria, the same terrorists who are now overthrowing Iraq.
And read this important background article:
More Aid to ISIS: Zio-Puppet Obama & Jewish Lobby’s Demand for Horrific Bloodshed in Middle East  

The new request by President Barack Obama for an increased $500 million “aid” to “rebels” in Syria—which actually means arming the al Qaeda militants in ISIS who threaten the US-supported government in Iraq as well—is a treasonous act which is only understandable in terms of the Jewish Supremacist control and direction of the American government.

Hollywood is “Run by Jews”—Gary Oldman Joins Marlon Brando in Naming Movie Industry Bosses

Actor Gary Oldman has been forced to issue a grovelling apology to the Jewish Lobby for daring to say what everyone knows—that Jews run Hollywood and movie industry—and for daring to speak this truth, he has of course been forced to apologize.


Countdown to the Publishing of The Illustrated Protocols of Zion
We are counting down to the printing deadline of The Illustrated Protocols of Zion and we have some exciting news: due to a special offer from the printers, we now have the opportunity to print all our illustrations, charts, diagrams, and pictures in full glorious color!

It will be the most powerful book in the world exposing the Jewish threat!
It could become the worldwide "go to" book on the Jewish Problem, second only to the 117 year old original Protocols.
Because The Illustrated Protocols takes the great allegory of the original Protocols and brings it to life in the documented reality of the 21st Century!
Scholars who have read its proofs tell me it will be a historic book in its own right.
With your help it will become the ultimate book for those wanting to understand and defeat "Jewish Supremacism."
We still need $20,000 to print this work in sufficient quantities to enable its worldwide distribution! Please help us to achieve this goal!
I appreciate anything you can do, because I need your help to reach it. Take those last steps up this mountain with me because together we can change the world!
To receive your autographed, and certificate embedded book with number, please act right away because we are approaching our printing deadline. Click here right now. Thanks, and...
The Very Best Regards,




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