Who really killed Kennedy?

Dear Reader,

Our military man just finished a year-long investigation... and his conclusion is shocking:

He’s found details that may have revealed exactly who killed President John F. Kennedy...and why.

You’ll never guess who.

And nobody -- not even the most avid conspiracy theorists -- have pinned down the reason why.

This new suspect is a very powerful organization -- one responsible for the long-term downturn of America...

And because Kennedy stood in the way of its agenda... he may have been put down.

Since then, no president has dared challenge this powerful group.

Was Kennedy’s assassination a warning to any future president who dared stand up to them?

That’s what our military man concludes in this shocking investigation of the Kennedy assassination.

The report is now available to view...


Joe Schriefer
Publisher, Agora Financial

P.S. This is by far the most controversial thing we’ve ever published. It implicates a VERY powerful organization. For that reason, please keep the contents of this document 100% confidential.
Who Really Killed Kennedy?
6/26/2014 6:00:55 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time

Sent from the Internet (Details)


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