Ted Cruz: Impeach Holder if He Won't Appoint IRS Special Prosecutor

Thursday, 26 Jun 2014 06:30 PM
By Cathy Burke

Attorney General Eric Holder should be impeached if he refuses to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the IRS tea party-targeting scandal, Sen. Ted Cruz demanded Thursday.

The Texas Republican, who has sounded the call for a special prosecutor in the scandal before, made his case for possible impeachment on the Senate floor, ripping into Holder for not standing up to President Barack Obama.

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"It saddens me to say that the U.S. Department of Justice under Attorney General Eric Holder has become the most partisan Department of Justice in the history of our country," Cruz said, blasting its lead investigator on the IRS issue, Barbara Bosserman, as a "partisan" donor who gave over $6,000 to the president's two election campaigns. He also noted IRS Commissioner John Koskinen has contributed over $100,000 to Democrats. "Read More"

“Americans need a guarantee that the IRS will never be used again to target an administration’s political enemies."

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Cruz asked senators for their unanimous consent to call up and adopt a resolution "expressing the opinion of the Senate that the Attorney General should appoint a special prosecutor to investigate, and prosecute, if the facts support, the IRS targeting of mericans and its potential cover up of those actions."

NBC News posted a video of Cruz warning:

"If this resolution is not passed and Democrats in the Senate choose not to put this necessary pressure on the Department of Justice, I have one very clear request. If Attorney General Eric Holder continues to refuse to appoint a special prosecutor, he should be impeached."

Story continues below video.

The House passed a similar resolution, sponsored by Ohio Republican Rep. Jim
Jordan in early May, The Blaze reports. 

But on Thursday, Oregon Democratic Sen. Ron Wyden objected to Cruz's resolution, arguing several investigations have taken place already, and that no more taxpayer funds should be used for new investigations, The Blaze reports. 

"I have to question whether bringing in a special prosecutor would be a good use of taxpayer money in this case" Wyden complained, The Blaze reports.

Earlier this week, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, chaired by California Republican Rep. Darrell Issa, grilled Koskinen about emails of former official Lois Lerner, who is at the center of the scandal, that were lost after her computer crashed in 2011. 

On Wednesday, the Senate Ways and Means Committee released internal emails from 2012 that showed Lerner discussing with a colleague whether the tax agency should audit Iowa Republican Sen. Charles Grassley over a seminar both he and his wife were attending. 

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Related Stories:

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/eric-holder-special-prosecutor-ted-cruz/2014/06/26/id/579543#ixzz35r6z7KZY 
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6/27/2014 8:34:46 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time

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