
Showing posts from May 6, 2014


Ann Coulter:Conservative Author

Constantin, Taking control of the United States Senate in 2014 is one of our last chances to defeat President Obama's liberal agenda. Electing a Republican Senator from North Carolina is critical to winning the majority, but only a real conservative can defeat Democrat Kay Hagan . The latest polls prove it; Dr. Greg Brannon, the true conservative currently running in the Republican primary, is leading one of Obama's most reliable allies, Senator Kay Hagan. Greg Brannon is pro-gun, pro-life, and he's a devoted husband and father. And unlike his primary opponents, he refuses to support amnesty. That's why I've proudly endorsed Greg Brannon's campaign for U.S. Senate . He's running against a primary opponent backed by Washington special interests and he needs your help. Greg's "Time for Choosing" fundraising push is going on RIGHT NOW! Will you make a generous contribution to help him continue to run a full grassroots voter outreach...

Putin, gold and silver: What you need to know right now ...

by Larry Edelson Dear Constantin, In a moment, I'm going to tell you about the recent action in gold and silver, what it means, and some surprising conclusions. But first, you need to know more about the cycles of war that I've been telling you about, how they are ramping up so quickly, and more specifically, about Putin. First, let's take a look at the war cycles. In early 2013, over a year ago, I warned everyone that the war cycles were set to explode higher, on the backbone of bankrupt Western economies. It's a fait accompli. War and bankrupt economies go hand in hand. When desperate, like the governments of the United States and Europe are now, strange things start to happen. You only need look at the historical record. The collapse of Rome was accompanied by many different civil rebellions and international conflicts. Ditto for the Ottoman Empire. The Briti...

Uniting Against Cronyism

I believe an anti-cronyist reform agenda could unify the American public at a time when Washington tries harder than ever to divide us. Today, Washington is dominated by a political strategy that transcends party lines while simultaneously breeding much more pernicious divisions among the American people. This is America’s crisis of crony capitalism, in which government twists public policy to unfairly benefit favored special interests at the expense of everyone else. For the Washington establishment in both parties, bestowing privileges on well-connected insiders...

Acţiuni coroborate împotriva românilor

Ion Maldarescu   Duminică, 04 Mai 2014 14:14 Holocaustologii Pentru a nu se da un alt sens mesajului meu, se impune de la bun început o precizare: acest text nu este îndreptat împotriva cuiva, ci este un strigăt pentru apărarea Neamului Românesc, pentru supravieţuirea noastră ca români, pentru conştientizarea dezastrului în care am fost îmbrânciţi după evenimentele din   decembrie 1989. Pe fondul marasmului în care se află astăzi România, asemănător reactivării periodice a unui unui vulcan, holocausologii de profesie şi de ocazie reîncing în mod criminal şi cu obstinaţie, periodic, lava răcită a vulcanului stins în urmă cu decenii. Recrudescenţa agresivă a propagandei îndreptată împotriva poporului român de către unii reprezentanţi ai neamului lui David, acţiunile din ce în ce mai ostentative ale unor pseudo-istorici de conjunctură - adepţi fanatici ai „Holocaustului cu orice preţ” - şi, r...