Uniting Against Cronyism

I believe an anti-cronyist reform agenda could unify the American public at a time when Washington tries harder than ever to divide us.

Today, Washington is dominated by a political strategy that transcends party lines while simultaneously breeding much more pernicious divisions among the American people.

This is America’s crisis of crony capitalism, in which government twists public policy to unfairly benefit favored special interests at the expense of everyone else.

For the Washington establishment in both parties, bestowing privileges on well-connected insiders and rewarding the special interests with the most to spend on politics is just the way government is supposed to work.

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I couldn’t disagree more.

Cronyism simultaneously corrupts our economy and our government, turning both against the American people. By forcing American families who work hard and play by the rules to prop up, bail out and subsidize elite special interests that don’t, cronyism is at the heart of America’s growing "opportunity deficit."

Cronyist policies come in many shapes and sizes, but the upshot is always the same: making it easier for favored special interests to succeed, and harder for their competitors to get a fair shot. Just as the real victim of the baseball steroids scandal was the marginal player who never got a fair chance because he didn’t cheat, the true victims of crony capitalism are the true capitalists: honest entrepreneurs, employees, consumers and investors who are today unfairly forced to play uphill in a rigged game.
Earlier this week, I delivered a speech at the Heritage Foundation to start a conversation about how we can restore equal opportunity to the top of our society, root out special privilege from the law and re-empower the American people.

Click Here to Read the Speech

For many members of Congress, this fight against cronyism will not be easy. However, a commitment to basic economic fairness and equal opportunity is not only the right thing to do, it has the potential to unify and inspire hardworking families all across the country that our cronyist economy is leaving behind.
So it seems to me, given the scope and consequences of America’s Opportunity Deficit – and of the benefits of reform - the only option for Americans today is to unify behind a clear and simple zero-tolerance policy toward cronyist privilege of any kind. I am committed to being a leader in the fight against this cronyist privilege, and you can learn more about my reform efforts here:



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