Take our government back

Subject:Take our government back
Date:12/12/2013 2:58:08 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
To:Send IM to: DACIA LANdacialan@aol.com
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When I won my primary for U.S. Senate in 2010, upsetting many in Washington, D.C., I began my speech that night by declaring, "
We've come to take our government back."

Since that election, I've fought hard to stop the reckless spending, rein in our massive deficit, repeal ObamaCare and protect our God-given liberties.

But I'm only one man, and to truly take our government back, to truly pull Obama's radical agenda up by its roots, it's going to take more principled men and women who are willing to stand up and fight for our conservative values in Washington.

That's why I'm supporting Republican candidate Greg Brannon for U.S. Senate in North Carolina.

Greg's not a career politician. He's an OB-GYN who has delivered over 9,000 babies. He's been married to his wife Jody for 25 years, and together they've been blessed with seven children.

He believes that government should be limited, budgets should be balanced, and our God-given liberties must be protected.

But don't just take my word for it.

Read the letter from Greg and you'll see why conservatives from all across the nation should rally behind his campaign.

Campaigns like Greg's -- and mine in 2010 -- must run on grassroots support because he won't get money from the big shots.

So if at all possible, I hope you'll agree to
make a generous contribution to Greg Brannon's "Retreat is NOT an Option" Money Bomb.

Greg's Money Bomb ends Monday, December 16 at midnight -- and it's absolutely critical he reaches his $75,000 goal.

Thank you in advance for joining me and supporting Greg Brannon for U.S. Senate. 

"Read More"

In Liberty,

Senator Rand Paul 

I know you understand the stakes.

Our nation is over $16 TRILLION in debt. Unemployment is still sky-high. Our U.S. Constitution is held in utter disregard by EVERY branch of government in Washington, D.C.

This tragedy didn't happen overnight.

Statists in BOTH parties have played their part in pushing our nation to the brink.

I'm running for the U.S. Senate to go to Washington and tell the Big Government, big spending establishment "
NO MORE spying on American citizens. NO MORE unconstitutional tax hikes. NO MORE gun control. NO MORE out of control spending.

NO MORE trampling on our Constitution.
If you agree, please make a generous contribution to my campaign's "Retreat is NOT an Option" Money Bomb.

From December 6th-16th, my campaign is hosting the "Retreat is Not an Option" Money Bomb to raise the funds required to fight back against Karl Rove and the D.C. insiders who are determined to silence grassroots conservatives like YOU.
And I'm counting on your generous support like never before.

Constantin, in 2010, the Tea Party sent Rand Paul to Washington.

In 2012, we sent Ted Cruz to join him.

Together these two Senators have ROCKED the very foundations of Capitol Hill.

But if you and I don't send more just like them, it will be next to impossible to turn this country around . . .

That's why I'm running for U.S. Senate in North Carolina.

I'm running for U.S. Senate to restore individual liberty, free markets, sound money, and constitutional government.
Won't you help me join Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and Mike Lee in Washington by making a generous contribution to my "Retreat is NOT an Option" Money Bomb?

Our Founding Fathers made this a nation of laws. And they wrote those laws down in our Constitution.

The Constitution is a list of SPECIFIC functions the federal government can do.

The Bill of Rights is a list of rights given to us by our Creator -- rights that government can never infringe upon, ever.

Unfortunately, our Constitution is being destroyed in ways thought unthinkable just a few years ago.

The national security state is exploding all around us.

And the result has been bigger government and the loss of our most basic freedoms. I'm asking you to send me to Washington to END this madness once and for all. And I'll need your help.

If elected to be your next U.S. Senator, you can count on me to lead the fight to:

SLASH Spending and Balance the Budget. The tax-and-spend mentality in Washington has our nation over $16 TRILLION in the hole. Congress must learn to stick to a budget, just like the rest of us;

Audit the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve has destroyed the value of our dollar and crushed the poor and middle class. I believe Auditing the Fed is an important first step toward finally ending the fiat money madness once and for all;

Secure our Borders. The most important function of the federal government is to defend our nation. And that includes securing our borders;

Cut Taxes. High taxes stifle innovation, destroy production, crush the middle class and poor, and discourage investment. Every American is entitled to the fruits of their labor, and getting our government off our backs is key to getting our economy moving again;

Protect our Second Amendment Freedoms. The Second Amendment is clear -- the right of the people to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT be infringed. I will lead the fight to protect our God-given right to keep and bear arms, and will work to fully restore the gun rights of law-abiding Americans;

Protect Civil Liberties. As Benjamin Franklin said, "They who give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." As your next U.S. Senator, I will not allow our federal government to run roughshod over our freedoms in the name of "security;"

Protect State Sovereignty. The federal government must be restrained by the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and must stop regulating activities that are not within its authority.

Unlike my opponents, I don't believe "compromise" is the way to defeat liberal Democrat Kay Hagan next November.

Compromising on our core conservative principles is what created many of our problems.

If we want to defeat Democrat Senator Hagan, our party must unify around the rule of law, limited government, restoring states' rights, and supporting free markets.

Not crony capitalism and special-interest boondoggles.

Of course, my opponents and their insider pals in the D.C.-Raleigh establishment couldn't disagree more.

And they'll throw everything they've got into defeating me.
That's why I ask you to make a generous contribution to my "Retreat is NOT an Option" Money Bomb right away.

Whether you can chip in just $10 or $20 or the maximum contribution of $2,600 -- EVERY dollar counts in this campaign.

You see, there are very few North Carolinians who want more government. There are even fewer who support bailouts, gun control, higher taxes and ObamaCare.

Unfortunately, that's exactly what we'll continue to get from Sen. Kay Hagan or an establishment Republican alternative.

But if I can raise the funds to mobilize all those who agree with us around my campaign, we'll win.
So please, make the most generous contribution you can afford to my "Retreat is NOT an Option" Money Bomb IMMEDIATELY.

Political experts tell me every dollar raised now is worth as much as ten dollars later on!

Your contribution will help fund a grassroots mobilization program with email, mail, phones, online ads and social media, and if I can raise the money, hard-hitting TV and radio ads.

Thank you in advance for your support.


Greg Brannon, MD
Republican Candidate
United States Senate

Paid for by Reinventing A New Direction – RANDPAC and authorized by Brannon for U.S. Senate.


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