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Dear Constantin,

As the ObamaCare rollout staggers along as a colossal failure, it's hard to figure out which was the bigger whopper President Obama told the nation to sell this lemon of a law.

"ObamaCare will bring down the deficit."

"If you like your health insurance, you can keep it."

President Obama repeated this falsehood 36 times in public.

Now you and I are finding out what the President's words are really worth.

You see, millions of Americans have received letters in the mail informing them their health plan has been canceled because President Obama judges he knows what health insurance each American should own.

As Americans are shoved into the federal health exchanges, their eyes are popping out at the sticker shock of the premium increases.

And those are just the "lucky" ones who can navigate the failed website.

While the administration tries to conceal the pitifully low number of ObamaCare enrollees, news reports stated that a grand total of six people were able to sign up on the first day ObamaCare launched.

Now the President and his crew will blame the epic failure of the ObamaCare rollout on "glitches."

Constantin, you can fix the code on a website. But what can't be repaired is the simple fact that a government takeover of healthcare will force Americans off their plan, explode costs and cripple the quality of care.

That's why I hope I can count on you to stay active in the fight by signing your "Repeal ObamaCare" petition right away.

Your petition will let my colleagues know you're still demanding they take action to halt the ObamaCare train wreck.

In Liberty,

Senator Rand Paul

P.S. The ObamaCare rollout is a complete fail.

Millions of Americans are losing their health insurance while only a handful were able to enroll in the program,

Please sign your "Repeal ObamaCare" petition and keep the heat on the Senate to provide Americans relief from the ObamaCare train wreck.


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