Lou Dobbs: Real Solutions to the Biggest Problems

Lou Dobbs, a trustworthy and straight-talking journalist equipped with strong opinions and keen business acumen is releasing a new book! This soon-to-be-released book takes an honest look at the problems and realities facing America while offering practical solutions. Equipped with a Harvard degree in Economics and decades of awarded journalism experience, Dobbs has much to offer in his latest book, Upheaval sure to inspire readers across the country!
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In his new book, Dobbs seeks to create a new pathway to revival and economic prosperity by first explaining how we slowly lost our foundation. Explaining how business success is now linked to political games, cronyism and corruption run rampant. In this atmosphere, people bow to political correctness over common sense. Upheaval details how reelecting a president that presided over one of our worst economies and who takes action against free-enterprise economic philosophy has lead to deeper erosion.

You won't want to miss this book! Dobbs is offering real solutions to the problems facing our country today. Every problem is fixable and it is quite feasible for our country. This book will equip you to offer solutions, engage in the conversation, win arguments couple with intelligence and wit while helping you make a difference!

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Subject: Chalk Talks with Lou Dobbs
Date: 1/6/2014 11:48:20 A.M. Eastern Standard Time
From: THeditor@TownHallmail.com
Sent from the Internet (Details)


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