Gov. Andrew Cuomo,and the communist proud mayor of NYC are left-wing extremists and dictators in the state of New York. They represent a new Stalinists era in the USA.
No place in New York for 'extreme' conservatives
Buffalo News (NY) January
18, 2014 6:55 am
Albany -
Gov. Andrew Cuomo said "extreme conservatives" don't fit in
with most New Yorkers.
they are extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of
New York," Cuomo said in a radio interview Friday.
defined "extreme conservatism" as being "anti-gay"
by opposing same-sex marriage rights, opposed to abortion rights and
favoring legalization of assault weapons.
someone like Buffalo's Carl Paladino, although Cuomo did not name
Paladino isn't going anywhere. In fact, the Buffalo businessman and
conservative who lost to Cuomo in the 2010 election has threatened to
campaign not just against Cuomo but against the moderate Republican
lawmakers in Albany whom Cuomo says belong in New York's tent.
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called Cuomo's remarks the thinking of "a liberal elitist ...
who thinks New York is his little play toy."
think it's Andrew Cuomo just illustrating what kind of person he is.
He doesn't want any debate. He's narcissistic. He doesn't believe in
debate or opposition," Paladino told The Buffalo News.
speaking on public radio's "The Capitol Pressroom" show,
said Republicans have to decide if they are "extreme
conservatives who are right to life, pro-assault weapon, anti-gay."
examples he gave of "moderate" Republicans include
Republicans who partially control the state Senate and the
administration of former Gov. George Pataki, who beat Cuomo's father,
Mario Cuomo, in the 1994 gubernatorial election.
governor made his remarks while discussing what he called a power
struggle within the state Republican Party between its conservative
and moderate wings.
are searching to find their soul," he said of GOP leaders on
both sides.
Republicans have a place in this state," said Cuomo, adding that
he has cut deals with such moderates in the Legislature on an
assortment of social and fiscal matters for the past three years.
head of the Conservative Party called Cuomo's rhetoric over the top.
him to try to paint people who have different points of view that
they are odd and extreme, I think is bad language for the governor of
the state of New York," said Michael Long, chairman of the state
Conservative Party.
said he also found it curious that Cuomo's comments came while
talking about internal strife within the Republican Party when
Cuomo's own Democratic Party has its battles between moderate and
left-leaning elements.
guess the governor believes if you don't believe the way he does,
there's not room in what he thinks is his state. I believe this state
is made up of men and women from Niagara Falls to Montauk Point who
have all sorts of views, some who believe in the Second Amendment,
some who believe in traditional marriage, some who believe
government, especially in New York state, spends too much money and
taxes are too high," Long said.
the issue of campaign finance, Cuomo dismissed as "baloney"
issues about how he raised $33.3 million in re-election funds, much
of it from deep pocket donors. The New York Public Interest Research
group said Thursday that 45 percent of the money Cuomo has raised the
past three years came from people and entities giving more than
$40,000 apiece.
don't care if someone gave me a ton of money or gave me no money. It
makes no difference," Cuomo said.
The Buffalo News (Buffalo, N.Y.)
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