Can FEMA Ban This Video?

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Can FEMA Ban This Video?
First off.
If you care about your safety...
Stop what you're doing.
And watch this video with the door shut.
I wish this was a joke.
Unfortunately it isn't.
It's deadly serious.
I'm sending this to all my friends, family and patriot brothers...
As quickly as I can...
Because it's the ONLY video I've seen that reveals the lethal "January surprise" nobody is talking about...
>> Learn more... <<
The "January surprise" is bigger and far more dangerous than Sandy could have ever been.
And it's headed to YOUR neighborhood...
WAY faster than you think.
>> Watch shocking video <<
The chilling speaker on the video (my new favorite patriot) going to give you the 3 practical steps you need to take TODAY...
To make it out alive and well...
This is the big one folks.
Don't take this lightly..
The "January surprise" has already begun in certain parts of the country.
And it's about to make Hurricane Sandy look like a six year old flower girl.
Your fellow Patriot,
Jason Richards
P.S. Do both Obama and Romney know ALL about this, but are SWORN to secrecy...?
And when you watch the video you'll understand why.


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