Tom DeLay: Obama Has No Credibility, Faces 'Armageddon' at Polls

Wednesday, 02 Apr 2014 04:11 PM
President Barack Obama has lost all credibility with his disastrous Affordable Care Act and bungled foreign policy — and Americans will punish him at the polls this fall, former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay says.

Delay was reacting to Obama's claim that the ACA had reached its April 1 goal of 7 million signups, proving his healthcare law's opponents were wrong, Obama said, because "Armageddon has not arrived."
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"His Armageddon is coming in November [with] these midterm elections and then again in 2016," DeLay told "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV.

"The American people have lost all confidence in this president, they've lost trust in him. He has no credibility.

"The reason people are against Obamacare is they don't want the federal government to be involved in their healthcare, or in their lives. He just doesn't get it," DeLay said Wednesday.
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DeLay says the commander-in-chief made "a fool of himself" with his claim on Tuesday.

"They're all proud of the fact that 7 million have signed up . . . Well, that leaves 23 million uninsured that haven't signed up, or as much as 43 million, as some people have said," he said.

"Those signing up . . . [are] signing up to the entitlement portion of this program because [they] were cancelled.

"So, you've got the insured that have policies that are cancelled are being subsidized, the others are being subsidized, plus the huge increase in Medicaid," he said.

Delay also said entitlements and welfare costs are skyrocketing.

"It's going to cost us trillions of dollars. That's what we ought to be focused on — not that they signed up 7 million people," he said.

"And then the Obama administration is going to control our healthcare. They already are by setting standards, by saying who can be on and who can't be on, it's just absolutely amazing, but the American people are figuring it out."

DeLay also expressed dismay at what he says is Obama's passive approach to dealing with Russian President Vladimir Putin's aggressive push into Ukraine.

"I don't know what we’re going to do for the next two-and-a-half years of this president being president. Foreign policy is in the toilet, Russia is running wild," he said.

"Who knows what North Korea is going to do now with South Korea. It's starting to break open, and this president's still president and will be for another two-and-a-half years. It's scary."

DeLay lauded the U.S. Supreme Court's 5-4 ruling on Wednesday that lifts limits on total amounts of money an individual can give candidates, political parties and political action committees, the justices saying the limits were unconstitutional and a violation of freedom of speech.

"I’m just absolutely thrilled; anytime freedom is protected I'm very excited about it," he said.

"I know the Democrats are upset about it because they've used limits to limit the ability for Republicans and conservatives to raise money. So, this is going to open up a lot more opportunities to raise more money. You notice they don't scream and yell that there's no limit on unions.

"Anything they can do to stifle or intimidate people from giving to Republicans, they're going to try. One way or another. That's how they operate."
Urgent: Do You Approve Or Disapprove of President Obama's Job Performance? Vote Now in Urgent Poll 

Tom DeLay: Obama Faces 'Armageddon'; Cruz Nabs $1.5 Million
4/3/2014 9:07:06 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time

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