The Khazars, Magyars, Rothschilds and Sumer. (David Icke Guide To The Global Conspiracy)
Posted on October 21, 2009 by beyondthecurtain
Zionism (Rothschild-ism): the fake ‘history’
The movement created by the Rothschilds to lay false claim to the land we call Israel or Palestine is known as Zionism. This term is often used as a synonym for Jewish people when it is actually a political movement devised, funded and promoted through the House of Rothschild and opposed by many Jews. The most visible Zionist front in the United States today are the so-called ‘Neoconservatives’ or ‘Neocons’, who were behind 9 /11 and the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. Zionists claim quite simply that the Old Testament says that ‘God’ made the Jews his ‘Chosen People’ and gave them the ‘Promised Land’ of Israel. Therefore, it belongs to them, no debate necessary. As Golda Meir, the former Israeli Prime Minister, said in the French newspaper, Le Monde, in 1971: ‘This country exists as the fulfilment of a promise made by God Himself. It would be ridiculous to ask it to account for its legitimacy’. The invasion and subversion of an entire Arab nation in Palestine has been based on texts in the Bible written by who knows who, who knows when, thousands of years ago after the Jewish captivity in Babylon. It gets even more bizarre when you realise that the overwhelming majority of Jewish people have no historical or genetic connection to Israel, and the claim that there is such a connection is a gigantic hoax on both Jewish people and the wider world. The whole thing was orchestrated by the Rothschild dynasty to advance the goals of the Reptilians.
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Brave Jewish writers like Arthur Koestler have confirmed from their research that Jewish people have no historical claim to the land of Israel. They are not the biblical Hebrews and they are certainly not ‘Semites’. They don’t originate from biblical Israel, but from a Sumerian people who became known as the ‘Khazars’ in what became southern Russia and the Caucasus Mountains. Today, their lands are largely occupied by Georgia. This is why the so-called ‘Jewish nose’ is not a genetic trait of Israel, but the Caucasus. Alfred M. Lilienthal, a Jewish former American State Department official, called these facts ‘Israel’s Achilles heel’, because it destroys Zionist claims to the land of the biblical Hebrews. Historians believe the Khazars to be descendants of the Turkic tribe, known as the Huns or Hun, that invaded and savaged Europe from Asia around AD 450. The Huns’ territories stretched at one time from central Asia to central Europe, from Siberia and China to North India. They were a grouping of tribes and bloodlines from the interbreeding with many peoples, including the Chinese and Sumerians. The Huns are best remembered for their leader, Attila the Hun, who seized power by killing his brother, Buda, after whom the Hungarian city of Budapest was named. Like the Huns, the Khazars spoke a Turkic language and are believed to be the same people. The Khazars controlled a large and powerful ‘Pagan’ empire across most of Russia, to the Ural Mountains in the East and the Caucasus Mountains in the south. They made their living as traders and ‘middlemen’, levying taxes on the goods carried on the trade routes through their lands. Their influence in Eastern Europe extended well into the countries we now know as Poland, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria (Figure 94). The Khazars were phallic worshippers and engaged in human sacrifice rituals.

In about AD 740, the King of Khazaria, King Bulan, adopted the religion of Judaism and the whole nation did the same. Legend says that King Bulan was told to do this in dreams or visions, but it was clearly a political move to avoid being absorbed by the Christian or Islamic world on either side. What is certain, is that the Khazars, the ancestors of at least 90 per cent of those calling themselves ‘Jewish’ today, had no connection with the land called Israel. Their home was not the Dead Sea, but the Caspian Sea, which became known as the `Khazar Sea’. This is the area targeted by the Reptilian hybrids today for its immense oil and gas reserves. Arthur Koestler writes that ‘a warrior nation of Turkish Jews must have seemed to the rabbis as strange as a circumcised unicorn’. An Arab Chronicler, Ibn-Said al-Maghribi, wrote:
As to the Khazars, they are to the north of the inhabited Earth towards the 7th clime,
having over their heads the constellation of the Plough. Their land is cold and wet. Accordingly their complexions are white, their eyes blue, their hair flowing and predominantly reddish, their bodies large and their natures cold. Their general aspect is wild.
Certainly, the Caucasus region is so associated with the white race that in North America white people are still referred to as ‘Caucasian’. The Khazars fought, made alliances and interbred with peoples like the Viking Rus (who became the Russians) and the Magyars with whom they had extremely close relations. The Khazars converted to Judaism (another religion of Babylon) in around AD 740, and they are the ancestors to Reptilian hybrid manipulators like the Rothschilds, Henry Kissinger, many of the ‘Neocons’ behind the Bush administration in the United States, and those who have controlled Israel since it was formed in 1948. Khazars were instrumental in the creation of the Magyar homeland of Hungary. Names like the Russian Cossack and the Hungarian Hussar came from ‘Khazar’, as did the German for heretic, Ketzer. The Khazars also had close links with the Byzantine Empire, which was part of the Roman Empire centred on Constantinople, and there was interbreeding between them. I’m sure the Rothschilds have Roman Empire ‘royal’ blood connections. A Khazar princess married Byzantine Emperor Constantine V, and their son became Emperor Leo IV, known as Leo the Khazar, who ruled the Byzantine Empire from 775 to 800. The deposed emperor, Justinian II, fled to Khazaria in 705, where the king (the ‘Khagan’ or ‘Kagan’) gave him shelter and
allowed him to marry his sister. She took the name Theodora and became empress when Justinian was restored to the Byzantine throne. ‘Kagan’, of course, is a common ‘Jewish’ name today. According to ‘Holy Grail’ author, Sir Laurence Gardner, the archives of the Royal Court of the Dragon reveal that the origin of ‘kingship’ is ‘kinship’ or ‘blood relative’. Gardner contends that this came from ‘Kainship’ after ‘the first King of the “Messianic Dragon succession”, the biblical Cain (Kain), head of the Sumerian House of Kish’. The term ‘Kagan’ may have developed from this origin and certainly the stories of ‘Jewish’ history are really the history of Sumer, Mu and Atlantis.
Sumerian ‘Jews’
The Khazars and their close associates and subordinates, the Magyars, were related to the Sumerians. It was believed that the Magyars were a nomadic people from the north with a language of Finnish-Ugrian origin, but Dr Sandor Nagy writes in The Forgotten Cradle of the Hungarian Culture, that the people who later became known as Magyars were Sumerians from the ‘Fertile Crescent’ that became the less-than-fertile, Iraq. Dr Nagy uses extensive examples to confirm the linguistic similarities between the Sumerian, Old Magyar and current Magyar language. He also refers to several works written during the first millennium, including the Arpad Codices and the De Administrando Imperio, and completed fifty years of his own research. He says that while there are only 200 Magyar words related to the Finno-Ugric language, there are over 2000 related to the Sumerian. It was the same story with British, French and German archaeologists and linguists, who concluded that the language of ancient Sumerian inscriptions was not Indo-European nor Semitic, but a language which demonstrated significant similarities with the group of languages known at the time as the Turanian ethnolinguistic group. These included Hungarian, Turkic, Mongolian and Finnic (later referred to as the Ural-Altaic group).
Research has indicated that the Sumerian-Hungarian languages have over a thousand common word roots and a very similar grammatical structure. Kalman Gosztony, professor of Sumerian philology at the Sorbonne in Paris, demonstrated in Sumerian Etymological Dictionary and Comparative Grammar that the structure of the Hungarian language is the closest to that of the Sumerian. Of the fifty-three characteristics of Sumerian grammar, fifty-one matched in the Hungarian, compared with twenty-nine in the Turkic languages, twenty-four in the Caucasian, twenty-one in the Uralic languages, five in the Semitic languages and four in the Indo-European. The linguistic similarities between Sumerian, Hungarian and other languages are confirmed by the archaeological and anthropological evidence. So let’s get this clear. What we call ‘Jewish’ people originally came out of Sumer, and the Sumerians were not Semitic, which refers to people of a particular language group (Figure 95). Therefore, to refer to ‘anti-Semitism’, with regard to Jewish people, is thoroughly inaccurate and their hierarchy, like the Rothschilds, know this.
Dr Sandor Nagy says there were two separate migrations of the Sumerian people out of Mesopotamia. One was through Turkey to the Carpathian Basin and the other went east, and then north, across the Caucasus Mountains into the area between the Caspian and Black Seas. This was the land occupied by the Khazar Empire to such an extent that the Caspian became known as the Khazar Sea. The Khazars were descended from the Huns and the Huns are said to be descended, like the Magyars, from the Sumerians. An ancient traditional pre-Christian account of Hungarian origins says they are the descendants of the Babylonian Nimrod. The legend claims that Nimrod had two sons, Magor and Hunor. It is said that Magor was the ancestor of the Magyars and Hunor was the ancestor of the Huns, so providing the common origin of the Magyars and the Huns (Khazars). Ancient Byzantine sources say the Magyars were also called the Sabirs and originated from Mesopotamia, the land of Sumer. Numerous other ancient and medieval sources refer to the Scythians, Huns (Khazars), Avars and Magyars as the same peoples, even though the Hungarian authorities appear desperate to deny this. In other books, I have highlighted the movement of the former Sumerians through the Caucasus Mountains under different names, like the Scythians, one of the names by which the Franks / Merovingians were known as they made their journey through the Caucasus. Now, we have further confirmation of the importance of the Caucasus region where some highly significant interbreeding occurred between bloodlines from Sumer and those from the Far East and China. This Caucasian—Chinese—Turkish combination produced very important ‘royal’ bloodlines from the Reptilian point of view. A writer on a Jewish website, using the name Im nin’alu, says:
The Huns’ origin is directly connected with two well-known peoples of the ancient Middle East: the Sumerians and the Scythians, namely, in the kingdom founded by Nimrod. Even though they belong to the Japhetic stock and their most creditable ancestor is Magog, the Sumerian heritage has been kept by them more than by any other people, which implies that they are in fact the result of a mixed background.
According to their own legendary accounts (legends that are anyway founded on true facts), it is very feasible that … they kept close ties with Sumerians even for a long time after the Sumerians disappeared from Mesopotamia as a national entity. Their particular link with ancient Sumerians was found through the comparison of modern Hungarian (Magyar) and other related languages with documents of the ancient Middle East that revealed a possible common origin.
The ancient Sumerians, that in the dawn of history settled in Southern Mesopotamia, in the land commonly known as Shin’ar or Chaldea, arrived there from the north, precisely from the Ararat region [now Turkey], that they called ‘Subar-Ki’ or ‘Subar-Tu’. This area was also named after one of the peoples that inhabited there, the Hurri, whose language was agglutinative like Sumerian and had many words in common, even being a totally different tongue. Modern Hungarian shares many terms with both Sumerian and Hurrian, as well as with Elamite.
You might recall from earlier that Sumer was known in southern Africa as ‘Sumaru’. The Ararat region is also the biblical location for where ‘Noah’s ark’ came to rest after the Flood. It was located, like the Khazars, near the Black and Caspian seas.
The real exodus
The Khazar Empire, the first feudal state in Eastern Europe, broke up in a series of wars and invasions culminating in the arrival of the Mongol ‘Golden Horde’, best remembered for their inspiration, Genghis Khan. Over the centuries of waning power and influence, the Khazar peoples began to emigrate in many directions. S.W. Baron said of Khazaria in A Social and Religious History of the Jews:
Its population was largely absorbed by the Golden Horde which had established the centre of its empire in Khazar territory. But before and after the Mongol upheaval the Khazars sent many offshoots into the unsubdued Slavonic lands, helping ultimately to build up the great Jewish centres of Eastern Europe.
Khazars took their Judaic and Talmudic (Babylonian/ Sumerian) faith and settled in East European and Alpine lands, especially Poland—Lithuania. There are many ancient place names in Poland and the Ukraine inspired by the name ‘Khazar’ or ‘Zhid’, a term meaning Jew. These include Kozarzewek, Kozara, Kozarzow and Zydowo. As the Khazar Empire collapsed in the period after 960, a number of Slavonic tribes, led by the Polans, formed an alliance that became the state called Poland. ‘Jews’ (Khazars) played an important role in the Polish legends about the formation of the country. One says that a ‘Jew’ called Abraham Prokownik was elected by the tribes to rule them. Certainly Khazar ‘Jews’ became prominent in many countries of Eastern Europe. Jewish writer Arthur Koestler writes in The Thirteenth Tribe:
Both the Hungarian and Polish sources refer to Jews employed as mintmasters, administrators of the royal revenue, controllers of the salt monopoly, tax-collectors and ‘money-lenders’ — i.e., bankers. This parallel suggests a common origin of those two immigrant communities; and, as we can trace the origins of the bulk of Hungarian Jewry to the Magyar-Khazar nexus, the conclusion seems self-evident.
Koestler points out that the traditional garb of Polish Jewry is of unmistakably Eastern origin — ‘The skull-cap (yarmulka) is worn to this day by orthodox Jews and by the Uzbeks and other Turkish people in the Soviet Union’ (and by Muslims and the Roman Catholic hierarchy, because the skull cap comes from Babylon). In this period, the people formerly known for centuries as the Khazars became known as ‘Jews’ and their true origin was lost, but not to their elite families who sold a false history to the Jewish masses and the rest of the world. This was the belief that they were the biblical Jews and the fallacy continues to this day with devastating consequences for peace in the Middle East. The Khazar ‘Jews’ were confined to ghettos as a result of papal dictat in the mid-16th century, and this, together with the 17th-century Cossack massacres in the Ukraine, led to another mass exodus into Hungary, Bohemia, Rumania and Germany. There were hardly any Jews in Germany until this time. ‘Thus the great trek to the West was resumed’, says Koestler. ‘It was to continue through nearly three centuries until the Second World War and became the principle source of the existing Jewish communities in Europe, the United States and Israel.’ Koestler, who was himself born in Budapest, says of ‘Jews’ and the Khazar revelation:
… [It] would mean that their ancestors came not from the Jordan, but from the Volga, not from Canaan but from the Caucasus, once believed to be the cradle of the Aryan race; and that genetically they are more closely connected to the Hun, Uigur and Magyar tribes than to the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Should this turn out to be the case, then the term ‘anti-Semitism’ would be void of meaning, based on a misapprehension shared by both the killers and their victims. The story of the Khazar Empire, as it slowly emerges from the past, begins to look like the most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated.
Benjamin H. Freedman was a one-time Jewish businessman in New York and a long-time ‘insider’ before speaking out vociferously against Zionism after World War Two. He was personally acquainted with leading American political figures like Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Joseph Kennedy, John F. Kennedy and Bernard Baruch.
Freedman went much further in his assessment of the Khazar revelation:
What are the facts about the Jews? (I call them Jews to you, because they are known as
Jews. I don’t call them Jews myself. I refer to them as so-called Jews, because I know what they are) … There wasn’t one of them [the Khazars] who had an ancestor who ever put a toe in the Holy Land. Not only in Old Testament history, but back to the beginning of time. Not one of them! And yet they come to the Christians and ask us to support their armed insurrections in Palestine by saying, ‘You want to help repatriate God’s Chosen People to their Promised Land, their ancestral home, don’t you? It’s your Christian duty. We gave you one of our boys as your Lord and Saviour … It is as ridiculous to call them ‘people of the Holy Land’, as it would be to call the 54 million Chinese Moslems ‘Arabs’ …
Stewart Swerdlow, who is himself Jewish, comes from a completely different research background to Freedman and Koestler. He gleaned much of his knowledge by being on the inside of the government-military mind control programme at Montauk on New York’s Long Island. This is what he says in Blue Blood, True Blood:
… [the Sum-Aryans] mostly established themselves in the Caucasus Mountains and [later] became the Khazars. From here, they spread west towards Europe, seeding the national identities for the Vikings, the Franks, the Teutonic [German] peoples and the
Russians. Keep in mind that when Atlantis sank, some of those refugees went to Western Europe and developed into the Celts. Some went to Greece and others to the Italian Peninsula. These peoples were here before the hybrids moved in … These Blueblood leaders also infiltrated the Middle Eastern peoples, such as the biblical Canaanites, Malachites and Kittites.
Babylon was the civilization that Sumer developed into as it expanded into Central Asia to become the Khazars. In fact, many of the Blueblood organisations that developed through the millennia called themselves Babylon Brotherhoods. [They] later combined with the secret Atlantean-Egyptian schools in Europe to become the Freemasons. Some of these immigrants went by the name of Bauer, now known as the Rothschilds. The family quickly took control of the financial and trade foundations of Europe.
This makes sense of why Phillip Eugene de Rothschild said that the importance of Charlemagne was that he embodied the mixture of the ‘royal’ bloodlines of ‘King David’ (Sum-Aryan/Reptilian) and Alexander the Great (Sum-Aryan/Reptilian). Together they produced a combination which, to them, was a perfect genetic mix, or computer program. Stewart Swerdlow also says that the Reptilians developed hybrid bloodlines with a race now known as ‘the Greys’ from Rigel in the Orion system, and these became the royal bloodlines of China and Japan. This is another reason why the Caucasus and Eastern Europe are so significant. It was into this region that the ‘Golden Horde’, and others, came from the Far East to interbreed with Sumerian Reptilian ‘royal’ bloodlines to create a very important genetic combination from the Reptilian perspective.
The former Khazar people are known today as the Ashkenazi Jews (plural Ashkenazim) and some writers estimate that perhaps 90 to 95 per cent of those calling themselves ‘Jewish’ worldwide are Ashkenazi, or former Khazars. Others are known as Sephardic Jews and they do have an historical connection to the Middle East, although, even then, the idea of a ‘chosen race’ going back to biblical Israel still doesn’t stand up. The Ashkenazim (‘Khazars’) hold the reins of power in Israel and have done so since the country was created in 1948. Every Israeli prime minister has been an Ashkenazi Khazar. The name ‘Ashkenazi is said by some to originate from Ashkenaz, the Hebrew word for Germany, but the Bible refers to the Ashkenaz as a people living in the region of Mount Ararat (now Turkey) and Armenia — ‘Noah’s Ark’ country. That would certainly fit the basic location of the Khazars. There is also a biblical reference to Ashkenaz, brother of Togarma and nephew of Magog. Joseph, the Khazar king in the second half of the 10th century, wrote in correspondence that they were ancestors of Togarma, who, he said, had ten sons that seeded all the Turkish tribes, including the Huns, Khazars and Bulgars. In the centuries after the demise of Khazaria, the Ashkenazi did not speak the Semitic language of Hebrew, which is no surprise at all because they were not Hebrews. They developed their own tongue called Yiddish. This began as a Germanic language from south eastern dialects of Middle High German and expanded into central and eastern Europe, starting in the 12th century. Later, it evolved to include elements of Hebrew, Aramaic, Slavic languages and other influences. Once again, Yiddish, the language of the Ashkenazi, did not come from Israel, but from Germany and Eastern Europe. The multiple linguistic influences in their language were also mirrored in the genes of the former Khazars. By this time, they had interbred with so many other races that they were a genetic cocktail which included Sumerian, Turkish, Far Eastern and northern and western European. However, their ‘royal’ bloodlines, like the Rothschilds, then the Bauers, remained ‘pure’ through interbreeding, and are a race apart from the rest of their fellow ‘Jews’ — just like the Reptilian hybrids in other nations and races. I am not saying for a second that there is a ‘Jewish’ plot to control the world. I am saying that their leading families, who could not care less about Jewish people in general, are serious players in the Reptilian bloodlines that have infiltrated all peoples and nations with the aim of manipulating themselves into power.
The Creation of Israel
The ‘Jewish homeland’ in the former Palestine was, from the start, a Rothschild fiefdom engineered through the global secret society network controlled by interbreeding families and known as the Illuminati. In 2006, during the Israel-Lebanon war, the Israeli writer, Barry Chamish, told of a meeting he had with Evelyn Rothschild’s grandson who abandoned the family to be a Mormon. Actually, I say ‘abandoned’, but the Mormon Church and the Watchtower Society (Jehovah’s Witnesses) were funded into existence by the Rothschilds. Their founders, like the Mormons, Joseph Smith and Brigham Young, and the Watchtower Society’s Charles Taze Russell, were Merovingian bloodline. At the highest levels these religions are, as you would expect, Reptilian—satanic operations, as I detail in books like The Biggest Secret and Children of the Matrix. Anyway, Barry Chamish said he learned from this Rothschild grandson that just seven families were enjoying the ‘fruits of the war’ in the Lebanon at the time.
The grandson said of the Rothschilds: ‘They created Israel as their personal toy. It makes them richer and gives them more control. It’s not going to be destroyed’. The Rothschilds funded the early European settlers in Israel, manipulated events in Germany that led to the horrific treatment of Jewish people, and others, and then used that as the excuse to reach their long-term goal — a Rothschild-Reptilian stronghold in Palestine with the Jewish population treated like fodder to be used and abused as necessary. They called their plan ‘Zionism’, and the planning and manipulation began in the 19th and early 20th centuries through the Rothschilds and their gofers such as Chaim Weizmann.
The British Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary, Viscount Palmerston, was a close Rothschild family associate and patriarch of European Freemasonry. He mixed with all the major Illuminati names of his era, and waged the Opium Wars against China on their behalf. As early as 1840, Palmerston wrote:
There exists at the present time among the Jews dispersed over Europe a strong notion that the time is approaching when their nation is to return to Palestine. It would be of manifest importance to the Sultan to encourage the Jews to return and settle in Palestine because the wealth that they would bring with them would increase the resources of the Sultan’s dominions, and the Jewish people, if returning under the sanction and protection at the invitation of the Sultan, would be a check upon any future evil designs of Egypt or its neighbours. I wish to instruct your Excellency strongly to recommend to the Turkish government to hold out every just encouragement to the Jews of Europe to return to Palestine.
All bullshit. Palmerston was pushing the secret agenda and he knew it. The Rothschild/Illuminati manipulated the First World War (see And The Truth Shall Set You Free) and this led to the ‘Balfour Declaration’ in 1917 when the British Foreign Secretary, Lord Balfour, declared his government’s support for a Jewish homeland in Israel. This announcement was connected to a deal to bring the United States into the war, a plan arranged through President Woodrow Wilson’s closest ‘advisors’, Edward Mandel House and Bernard Baruch — both Rothschild agents in America. The ‘Balfour Declaration’ sounds like some kind of public announcement, but it was a letter from Balfour to Lionel Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild, and almost certainly written by Rothschild banker, Alfred Milner. It said:
His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.

In the latter years of the 19th century, an elite and
Rothschild-funded secret society was formed in Britain called the Round
Table. It was headed by the Reptilian hybrid, Cecil Rhodes, who led the
conquest of southern Africa for the Illuminati-controlled ‘British’
Empire. He had Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe and Zambia, named after him. When
he died in 1902, Rhodes was replaced as head of the Round Table by
Rothschild front man, Alfred Milner, and among the Table’s inner circle
was … Lord Balfour. So, the ‘Balfour Declaration’ was a letter, probably
written by the head of the Round Table, and officially sent by a
government minister and elite member of the Round Table to Lord Lionel
Walter Rothschild, the 2nd Baron Rothschild, who was funding the Round
Table. The Declaration promised Palestine to both the Jews and Arabs at
this time, because they wanted to keep the Arabs on their side for a
while. They needed them to revolt against the Turks as part of their
First World War strategy and the British government would use the man
known as ‘Lawrence of Arabia’ to lead this campaign. Like the
government, Lawrence knew it was all a lie and that the people of
Palestine were being set up. The Balfour Declaration said that ‘nothing
shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of the
existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine’. But, the Rothschild
sidekick, Chaim Weizmann, would say: ‘With regard to the Arab question —
the British told us that there are several hundred thousand Negroes
there, but this is a matter of no consequence’. Nor have they been ever
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Zionism (Rothschild-ism): the fake ‘history’
The movement created by the Rothschilds to lay false claim to the land we call Israel or Palestine is known as Zionism. This term is often used as a synonym for Jewish people when it is actually a political movement devised, funded and promoted through the House of Rothschild and opposed by many Jews. The most visible Zionist front in the United States today are the so-called ‘Neoconservatives’ or ‘Neocons’, who were behind 9 /11 and the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. Zionists claim quite simply that the Old Testament says that ‘God’ made the Jews his ‘Chosen People’ and gave them the ‘Promised Land’ of Israel. Therefore, it belongs to them, no debate necessary. As Golda Meir, the former Israeli Prime Minister, said in the French newspaper, Le Monde, in 1971: ‘This country exists as the fulfilment of a promise made by God Himself. It would be ridiculous to ask it to account for its legitimacy’. The invasion and subversion of an entire Arab nation in Palestine has been based on texts in the Bible written by who knows who, who knows when, thousands of years ago after the Jewish captivity in Babylon. It gets even more bizarre when you realise that the overwhelming majority of Jewish people have no historical or genetic connection to Israel, and the claim that there is such a connection is a gigantic hoax on both Jewish people and the wider world. The whole thing was orchestrated by the Rothschild dynasty to advance the goals of the Reptilians.
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Brave Jewish writers like Arthur Koestler have confirmed from their research that Jewish people have no historical claim to the land of Israel. They are not the biblical Hebrews and they are certainly not ‘Semites’. They don’t originate from biblical Israel, but from a Sumerian people who became known as the ‘Khazars’ in what became southern Russia and the Caucasus Mountains. Today, their lands are largely occupied by Georgia. This is why the so-called ‘Jewish nose’ is not a genetic trait of Israel, but the Caucasus. Alfred M. Lilienthal, a Jewish former American State Department official, called these facts ‘Israel’s Achilles heel’, because it destroys Zionist claims to the land of the biblical Hebrews. Historians believe the Khazars to be descendants of the Turkic tribe, known as the Huns or Hun, that invaded and savaged Europe from Asia around AD 450. The Huns’ territories stretched at one time from central Asia to central Europe, from Siberia and China to North India. They were a grouping of tribes and bloodlines from the interbreeding with many peoples, including the Chinese and Sumerians. The Huns are best remembered for their leader, Attila the Hun, who seized power by killing his brother, Buda, after whom the Hungarian city of Budapest was named. Like the Huns, the Khazars spoke a Turkic language and are believed to be the same people. The Khazars controlled a large and powerful ‘Pagan’ empire across most of Russia, to the Ural Mountains in the East and the Caucasus Mountains in the south. They made their living as traders and ‘middlemen’, levying taxes on the goods carried on the trade routes through their lands. Their influence in Eastern Europe extended well into the countries we now know as Poland, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria (Figure 94). The Khazars were phallic worshippers and engaged in human sacrifice rituals.
In about AD 740, the King of Khazaria, King Bulan, adopted the religion of Judaism and the whole nation did the same. Legend says that King Bulan was told to do this in dreams or visions, but it was clearly a political move to avoid being absorbed by the Christian or Islamic world on either side. What is certain, is that the Khazars, the ancestors of at least 90 per cent of those calling themselves ‘Jewish’ today, had no connection with the land called Israel. Their home was not the Dead Sea, but the Caspian Sea, which became known as the `Khazar Sea’. This is the area targeted by the Reptilian hybrids today for its immense oil and gas reserves. Arthur Koestler writes that ‘a warrior nation of Turkish Jews must have seemed to the rabbis as strange as a circumcised unicorn’. An Arab Chronicler, Ibn-Said al-Maghribi, wrote:
As to the Khazars, they are to the north of the inhabited Earth towards the 7th clime,
having over their heads the constellation of the Plough. Their land is cold and wet. Accordingly their complexions are white, their eyes blue, their hair flowing and predominantly reddish, their bodies large and their natures cold. Their general aspect is wild.
Certainly, the Caucasus region is so associated with the white race that in North America white people are still referred to as ‘Caucasian’. The Khazars fought, made alliances and interbred with peoples like the Viking Rus (who became the Russians) and the Magyars with whom they had extremely close relations. The Khazars converted to Judaism (another religion of Babylon) in around AD 740, and they are the ancestors to Reptilian hybrid manipulators like the Rothschilds, Henry Kissinger, many of the ‘Neocons’ behind the Bush administration in the United States, and those who have controlled Israel since it was formed in 1948. Khazars were instrumental in the creation of the Magyar homeland of Hungary. Names like the Russian Cossack and the Hungarian Hussar came from ‘Khazar’, as did the German for heretic, Ketzer. The Khazars also had close links with the Byzantine Empire, which was part of the Roman Empire centred on Constantinople, and there was interbreeding between them. I’m sure the Rothschilds have Roman Empire ‘royal’ blood connections. A Khazar princess married Byzantine Emperor Constantine V, and their son became Emperor Leo IV, known as Leo the Khazar, who ruled the Byzantine Empire from 775 to 800. The deposed emperor, Justinian II, fled to Khazaria in 705, where the king (the ‘Khagan’ or ‘Kagan’) gave him shelter and
allowed him to marry his sister. She took the name Theodora and became empress when Justinian was restored to the Byzantine throne. ‘Kagan’, of course, is a common ‘Jewish’ name today. According to ‘Holy Grail’ author, Sir Laurence Gardner, the archives of the Royal Court of the Dragon reveal that the origin of ‘kingship’ is ‘kinship’ or ‘blood relative’. Gardner contends that this came from ‘Kainship’ after ‘the first King of the “Messianic Dragon succession”, the biblical Cain (Kain), head of the Sumerian House of Kish’. The term ‘Kagan’ may have developed from this origin and certainly the stories of ‘Jewish’ history are really the history of Sumer, Mu and Atlantis.
Sumerian ‘Jews’
The Khazars and their close associates and subordinates, the Magyars, were related to the Sumerians. It was believed that the Magyars were a nomadic people from the north with a language of Finnish-Ugrian origin, but Dr Sandor Nagy writes in The Forgotten Cradle of the Hungarian Culture, that the people who later became known as Magyars were Sumerians from the ‘Fertile Crescent’ that became the less-than-fertile, Iraq. Dr Nagy uses extensive examples to confirm the linguistic similarities between the Sumerian, Old Magyar and current Magyar language. He also refers to several works written during the first millennium, including the Arpad Codices and the De Administrando Imperio, and completed fifty years of his own research. He says that while there are only 200 Magyar words related to the Finno-Ugric language, there are over 2000 related to the Sumerian. It was the same story with British, French and German archaeologists and linguists, who concluded that the language of ancient Sumerian inscriptions was not Indo-European nor Semitic, but a language which demonstrated significant similarities with the group of languages known at the time as the Turanian ethnolinguistic group. These included Hungarian, Turkic, Mongolian and Finnic (later referred to as the Ural-Altaic group).
Research has indicated that the Sumerian-Hungarian languages have over a thousand common word roots and a very similar grammatical structure. Kalman Gosztony, professor of Sumerian philology at the Sorbonne in Paris, demonstrated in Sumerian Etymological Dictionary and Comparative Grammar that the structure of the Hungarian language is the closest to that of the Sumerian. Of the fifty-three characteristics of Sumerian grammar, fifty-one matched in the Hungarian, compared with twenty-nine in the Turkic languages, twenty-four in the Caucasian, twenty-one in the Uralic languages, five in the Semitic languages and four in the Indo-European. The linguistic similarities between Sumerian, Hungarian and other languages are confirmed by the archaeological and anthropological evidence. So let’s get this clear. What we call ‘Jewish’ people originally came out of Sumer, and the Sumerians were not Semitic, which refers to people of a particular language group (Figure 95). Therefore, to refer to ‘anti-Semitism’, with regard to Jewish people, is thoroughly inaccurate and their hierarchy, like the Rothschilds, know this.
Dr Sandor Nagy says there were two separate migrations of the Sumerian people out of Mesopotamia. One was through Turkey to the Carpathian Basin and the other went east, and then north, across the Caucasus Mountains into the area between the Caspian and Black Seas. This was the land occupied by the Khazar Empire to such an extent that the Caspian became known as the Khazar Sea. The Khazars were descended from the Huns and the Huns are said to be descended, like the Magyars, from the Sumerians. An ancient traditional pre-Christian account of Hungarian origins says they are the descendants of the Babylonian Nimrod. The legend claims that Nimrod had two sons, Magor and Hunor. It is said that Magor was the ancestor of the Magyars and Hunor was the ancestor of the Huns, so providing the common origin of the Magyars and the Huns (Khazars). Ancient Byzantine sources say the Magyars were also called the Sabirs and originated from Mesopotamia, the land of Sumer. Numerous other ancient and medieval sources refer to the Scythians, Huns (Khazars), Avars and Magyars as the same peoples, even though the Hungarian authorities appear desperate to deny this. In other books, I have highlighted the movement of the former Sumerians through the Caucasus Mountains under different names, like the Scythians, one of the names by which the Franks / Merovingians were known as they made their journey through the Caucasus. Now, we have further confirmation of the importance of the Caucasus region where some highly significant interbreeding occurred between bloodlines from Sumer and those from the Far East and China. This Caucasian—Chinese—Turkish combination produced very important ‘royal’ bloodlines from the Reptilian point of view. A writer on a Jewish website, using the name Im nin’alu, says:
The Huns’ origin is directly connected with two well-known peoples of the ancient Middle East: the Sumerians and the Scythians, namely, in the kingdom founded by Nimrod. Even though they belong to the Japhetic stock and their most creditable ancestor is Magog, the Sumerian heritage has been kept by them more than by any other people, which implies that they are in fact the result of a mixed background.
According to their own legendary accounts (legends that are anyway founded on true facts), it is very feasible that … they kept close ties with Sumerians even for a long time after the Sumerians disappeared from Mesopotamia as a national entity. Their particular link with ancient Sumerians was found through the comparison of modern Hungarian (Magyar) and other related languages with documents of the ancient Middle East that revealed a possible common origin.
The ancient Sumerians, that in the dawn of history settled in Southern Mesopotamia, in the land commonly known as Shin’ar or Chaldea, arrived there from the north, precisely from the Ararat region [now Turkey], that they called ‘Subar-Ki’ or ‘Subar-Tu’. This area was also named after one of the peoples that inhabited there, the Hurri, whose language was agglutinative like Sumerian and had many words in common, even being a totally different tongue. Modern Hungarian shares many terms with both Sumerian and Hurrian, as well as with Elamite.
You might recall from earlier that Sumer was known in southern Africa as ‘Sumaru’. The Ararat region is also the biblical location for where ‘Noah’s ark’ came to rest after the Flood. It was located, like the Khazars, near the Black and Caspian seas.
The real exodus
The Khazar Empire, the first feudal state in Eastern Europe, broke up in a series of wars and invasions culminating in the arrival of the Mongol ‘Golden Horde’, best remembered for their inspiration, Genghis Khan. Over the centuries of waning power and influence, the Khazar peoples began to emigrate in many directions. S.W. Baron said of Khazaria in A Social and Religious History of the Jews:
Its population was largely absorbed by the Golden Horde which had established the centre of its empire in Khazar territory. But before and after the Mongol upheaval the Khazars sent many offshoots into the unsubdued Slavonic lands, helping ultimately to build up the great Jewish centres of Eastern Europe.
Khazars took their Judaic and Talmudic (Babylonian/ Sumerian) faith and settled in East European and Alpine lands, especially Poland—Lithuania. There are many ancient place names in Poland and the Ukraine inspired by the name ‘Khazar’ or ‘Zhid’, a term meaning Jew. These include Kozarzewek, Kozara, Kozarzow and Zydowo. As the Khazar Empire collapsed in the period after 960, a number of Slavonic tribes, led by the Polans, formed an alliance that became the state called Poland. ‘Jews’ (Khazars) played an important role in the Polish legends about the formation of the country. One says that a ‘Jew’ called Abraham Prokownik was elected by the tribes to rule them. Certainly Khazar ‘Jews’ became prominent in many countries of Eastern Europe. Jewish writer Arthur Koestler writes in The Thirteenth Tribe:
Both the Hungarian and Polish sources refer to Jews employed as mintmasters, administrators of the royal revenue, controllers of the salt monopoly, tax-collectors and ‘money-lenders’ — i.e., bankers. This parallel suggests a common origin of those two immigrant communities; and, as we can trace the origins of the bulk of Hungarian Jewry to the Magyar-Khazar nexus, the conclusion seems self-evident.
Koestler points out that the traditional garb of Polish Jewry is of unmistakably Eastern origin — ‘The skull-cap (yarmulka) is worn to this day by orthodox Jews and by the Uzbeks and other Turkish people in the Soviet Union’ (and by Muslims and the Roman Catholic hierarchy, because the skull cap comes from Babylon). In this period, the people formerly known for centuries as the Khazars became known as ‘Jews’ and their true origin was lost, but not to their elite families who sold a false history to the Jewish masses and the rest of the world. This was the belief that they were the biblical Jews and the fallacy continues to this day with devastating consequences for peace in the Middle East. The Khazar ‘Jews’ were confined to ghettos as a result of papal dictat in the mid-16th century, and this, together with the 17th-century Cossack massacres in the Ukraine, led to another mass exodus into Hungary, Bohemia, Rumania and Germany. There were hardly any Jews in Germany until this time. ‘Thus the great trek to the West was resumed’, says Koestler. ‘It was to continue through nearly three centuries until the Second World War and became the principle source of the existing Jewish communities in Europe, the United States and Israel.’ Koestler, who was himself born in Budapest, says of ‘Jews’ and the Khazar revelation:
… [It] would mean that their ancestors came not from the Jordan, but from the Volga, not from Canaan but from the Caucasus, once believed to be the cradle of the Aryan race; and that genetically they are more closely connected to the Hun, Uigur and Magyar tribes than to the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Should this turn out to be the case, then the term ‘anti-Semitism’ would be void of meaning, based on a misapprehension shared by both the killers and their victims. The story of the Khazar Empire, as it slowly emerges from the past, begins to look like the most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated.
Benjamin H. Freedman was a one-time Jewish businessman in New York and a long-time ‘insider’ before speaking out vociferously against Zionism after World War Two. He was personally acquainted with leading American political figures like Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Joseph Kennedy, John F. Kennedy and Bernard Baruch.
Freedman went much further in his assessment of the Khazar revelation:
What are the facts about the Jews? (I call them Jews to you, because they are known as
Jews. I don’t call them Jews myself. I refer to them as so-called Jews, because I know what they are) … There wasn’t one of them [the Khazars] who had an ancestor who ever put a toe in the Holy Land. Not only in Old Testament history, but back to the beginning of time. Not one of them! And yet they come to the Christians and ask us to support their armed insurrections in Palestine by saying, ‘You want to help repatriate God’s Chosen People to their Promised Land, their ancestral home, don’t you? It’s your Christian duty. We gave you one of our boys as your Lord and Saviour … It is as ridiculous to call them ‘people of the Holy Land’, as it would be to call the 54 million Chinese Moslems ‘Arabs’ …
Stewart Swerdlow, who is himself Jewish, comes from a completely different research background to Freedman and Koestler. He gleaned much of his knowledge by being on the inside of the government-military mind control programme at Montauk on New York’s Long Island. This is what he says in Blue Blood, True Blood:
… [the Sum-Aryans] mostly established themselves in the Caucasus Mountains and [later] became the Khazars. From here, they spread west towards Europe, seeding the national identities for the Vikings, the Franks, the Teutonic [German] peoples and the
Russians. Keep in mind that when Atlantis sank, some of those refugees went to Western Europe and developed into the Celts. Some went to Greece and others to the Italian Peninsula. These peoples were here before the hybrids moved in … These Blueblood leaders also infiltrated the Middle Eastern peoples, such as the biblical Canaanites, Malachites and Kittites.
Babylon was the civilization that Sumer developed into as it expanded into Central Asia to become the Khazars. In fact, many of the Blueblood organisations that developed through the millennia called themselves Babylon Brotherhoods. [They] later combined with the secret Atlantean-Egyptian schools in Europe to become the Freemasons. Some of these immigrants went by the name of Bauer, now known as the Rothschilds. The family quickly took control of the financial and trade foundations of Europe.
This makes sense of why Phillip Eugene de Rothschild said that the importance of Charlemagne was that he embodied the mixture of the ‘royal’ bloodlines of ‘King David’ (Sum-Aryan/Reptilian) and Alexander the Great (Sum-Aryan/Reptilian). Together they produced a combination which, to them, was a perfect genetic mix, or computer program. Stewart Swerdlow also says that the Reptilians developed hybrid bloodlines with a race now known as ‘the Greys’ from Rigel in the Orion system, and these became the royal bloodlines of China and Japan. This is another reason why the Caucasus and Eastern Europe are so significant. It was into this region that the ‘Golden Horde’, and others, came from the Far East to interbreed with Sumerian Reptilian ‘royal’ bloodlines to create a very important genetic combination from the Reptilian perspective.
The former Khazar people are known today as the Ashkenazi Jews (plural Ashkenazim) and some writers estimate that perhaps 90 to 95 per cent of those calling themselves ‘Jewish’ worldwide are Ashkenazi, or former Khazars. Others are known as Sephardic Jews and they do have an historical connection to the Middle East, although, even then, the idea of a ‘chosen race’ going back to biblical Israel still doesn’t stand up. The Ashkenazim (‘Khazars’) hold the reins of power in Israel and have done so since the country was created in 1948. Every Israeli prime minister has been an Ashkenazi Khazar. The name ‘Ashkenazi is said by some to originate from Ashkenaz, the Hebrew word for Germany, but the Bible refers to the Ashkenaz as a people living in the region of Mount Ararat (now Turkey) and Armenia — ‘Noah’s Ark’ country. That would certainly fit the basic location of the Khazars. There is also a biblical reference to Ashkenaz, brother of Togarma and nephew of Magog. Joseph, the Khazar king in the second half of the 10th century, wrote in correspondence that they were ancestors of Togarma, who, he said, had ten sons that seeded all the Turkish tribes, including the Huns, Khazars and Bulgars. In the centuries after the demise of Khazaria, the Ashkenazi did not speak the Semitic language of Hebrew, which is no surprise at all because they were not Hebrews. They developed their own tongue called Yiddish. This began as a Germanic language from south eastern dialects of Middle High German and expanded into central and eastern Europe, starting in the 12th century. Later, it evolved to include elements of Hebrew, Aramaic, Slavic languages and other influences. Once again, Yiddish, the language of the Ashkenazi, did not come from Israel, but from Germany and Eastern Europe. The multiple linguistic influences in their language were also mirrored in the genes of the former Khazars. By this time, they had interbred with so many other races that they were a genetic cocktail which included Sumerian, Turkish, Far Eastern and northern and western European. However, their ‘royal’ bloodlines, like the Rothschilds, then the Bauers, remained ‘pure’ through interbreeding, and are a race apart from the rest of their fellow ‘Jews’ — just like the Reptilian hybrids in other nations and races. I am not saying for a second that there is a ‘Jewish’ plot to control the world. I am saying that their leading families, who could not care less about Jewish people in general, are serious players in the Reptilian bloodlines that have infiltrated all peoples and nations with the aim of manipulating themselves into power.
The Creation of Israel
The ‘Jewish homeland’ in the former Palestine was, from the start, a Rothschild fiefdom engineered through the global secret society network controlled by interbreeding families and known as the Illuminati. In 2006, during the Israel-Lebanon war, the Israeli writer, Barry Chamish, told of a meeting he had with Evelyn Rothschild’s grandson who abandoned the family to be a Mormon. Actually, I say ‘abandoned’, but the Mormon Church and the Watchtower Society (Jehovah’s Witnesses) were funded into existence by the Rothschilds. Their founders, like the Mormons, Joseph Smith and Brigham Young, and the Watchtower Society’s Charles Taze Russell, were Merovingian bloodline. At the highest levels these religions are, as you would expect, Reptilian—satanic operations, as I detail in books like The Biggest Secret and Children of the Matrix. Anyway, Barry Chamish said he learned from this Rothschild grandson that just seven families were enjoying the ‘fruits of the war’ in the Lebanon at the time.
The grandson said of the Rothschilds: ‘They created Israel as their personal toy. It makes them richer and gives them more control. It’s not going to be destroyed’. The Rothschilds funded the early European settlers in Israel, manipulated events in Germany that led to the horrific treatment of Jewish people, and others, and then used that as the excuse to reach their long-term goal — a Rothschild-Reptilian stronghold in Palestine with the Jewish population treated like fodder to be used and abused as necessary. They called their plan ‘Zionism’, and the planning and manipulation began in the 19th and early 20th centuries through the Rothschilds and their gofers such as Chaim Weizmann.
The British Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary, Viscount Palmerston, was a close Rothschild family associate and patriarch of European Freemasonry. He mixed with all the major Illuminati names of his era, and waged the Opium Wars against China on their behalf. As early as 1840, Palmerston wrote:
There exists at the present time among the Jews dispersed over Europe a strong notion that the time is approaching when their nation is to return to Palestine. It would be of manifest importance to the Sultan to encourage the Jews to return and settle in Palestine because the wealth that they would bring with them would increase the resources of the Sultan’s dominions, and the Jewish people, if returning under the sanction and protection at the invitation of the Sultan, would be a check upon any future evil designs of Egypt or its neighbours. I wish to instruct your Excellency strongly to recommend to the Turkish government to hold out every just encouragement to the Jews of Europe to return to Palestine.
All bullshit. Palmerston was pushing the secret agenda and he knew it. The Rothschild/Illuminati manipulated the First World War (see And The Truth Shall Set You Free) and this led to the ‘Balfour Declaration’ in 1917 when the British Foreign Secretary, Lord Balfour, declared his government’s support for a Jewish homeland in Israel. This announcement was connected to a deal to bring the United States into the war, a plan arranged through President Woodrow Wilson’s closest ‘advisors’, Edward Mandel House and Bernard Baruch — both Rothschild agents in America. The ‘Balfour Declaration’ sounds like some kind of public announcement, but it was a letter from Balfour to Lionel Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild, and almost certainly written by Rothschild banker, Alfred Milner. It said:
His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.
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