Fire Harry Reid, Constantin?

Dear Constantin,

Taking control of the United States Senate in 2014 is one of our last chances to defeat President Obama's liberal agenda.

Electing a Republican Senator from North Carolina is critical to winning the majority, but only a real conservative can defeat Democrat Kay Hagan.

The latest polls prove it; Dr. Greg Brannon, the true conservative currently running in the Republican primary, is leading one of Obama's most reliable allies, Senator Kay Hagan.

"Read More" 

Greg Brannon is pro-gun, pro-life, and he's a devoted husband and father.

And unlike his primary opponents, he refuses to support amnesty.

That's why I've proudly endorsed Greg Brannon's campaign for U.S. Senate.

He's running against a primary opponent backed by Washington special interests and he needs your help.

Greg's End of the Quarter fundraising push is going on RIGHT NOW!

Will you make a generous contribution to help him reach his fundraising goal by midnight tonight

Read Greg's letter below for more information about the campaign and why your contribution is desperately needed right away.

Thank you in advance for joining me and supporting Greg Brannon for U.S. Senate.


Ann Coulter
Conservative Author 

Dear Constantin,

I'm going to cut right to the chase.

The March 31 reporting deadline is rapidly approaching and I need your immediate financial support.

This reporting period is the FINAL deadline before the May 6th Primary.

The clock is ticking -- and I've launched a full-court press to win the Republican nomination for Senate.

Direct mail, phones, email, online and social media ads, and hard-hitting TV and radio ads are loaded up on deck and ready to launch . . .

. . . but only if my campaign has the resources to spread our conservative message across North Carolina.

This conservative outreach campaign is a proven winner.

Ted Cruz. Mike Lee. Rand Paul.

All 3 conquered better-funded establishment candidates because they mobilized the grassroots.

And North Carolina could be the next state to rock the political world.

So I hope I can count on your immediate financial support before the March 31 deadline

 You see, all eyes are trained on the North Carolina Senate race.

Political experts say this race is the pivot point for the midterm elections.

Unless conservatives boot Kay Hagan from office, you and I are staring down the barrel of Harry Reid entrenched as Majority Leader.

And that means ZERO chance to repeal ObamaCare.

Republicans everywhere will wake to that nightmare if my establishment opponent squeaks through the Republican Primary.

He's supported legislation to create state-run ObamaCare exchanges in North Carolina.

And he's even backed legislation to grant instate drivers licenses to illegal immigrants.

The Democratic Party attack machine is licking their lips at the opportunity to tear apart his record.

He'll spend the fall campaign tripping all over himself to apologize for his past positions instead of taking the fight to Kay Hagan for parroting Barack Obama's "if you like your health plan, you can keep your plan" lie.

Conservatives around the country recognize how crucial this North Carolina Senate race is to our movement and are rallying to my campaign.

Senator Rand Paul, Congressman Ron Paul, conservative author Ann Coulter and FreedomWorks PAC have all endorsed my campaign because they know I'm the conservative in this race who can beat Kay Hagan.

So I hope you will join these conservative leaders and generously support my end of quarter push.

But time is running out and I hope I can count on you to chip in $10 or more right away. 

This campaign is going to be one of the most costly in the entire country -- and I need the ammunition to fight back.

You see, Kay Hagan isn’t just going to hand her seat over.

The unions. The abortion lobby. New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg’s radical anti-gun group.

Every single deep-pocketed liberal interest group in America will pour money into this race to protect Kay Hagan.

Millions of dollars in attack ads will be dumped on the head of the Republican candidate.

And if the Republicans nominate an establishment moderate with no conservative convictions, the attack ads will sink their campaign.

My establishment opponent is too compromised from years of insider wheeling and dealing.

He created a culture of corruption as Speaker of the House that will disqualify him as a candidate for U.S. Senate.

I need your help right away!

The March 31 reporting deadline is creeping up.

And unless conservatives unite around my campaign, Kay Hagan will emerge victorious and you and I will have tossed away our best chance to remove Harry Reid as Majority Leader.

And make no mistake, if Democrats hold on to their Senate majority, Barack Obama will feel empowered to ram even more of his radical agenda through Congress during his remaining days in office.

Amnesty. Gun Control. Tax increases. Barack Obama will pounce and try to ram these far left policies through the Senate if Democrats cling to their majority.

I’m sick just writing it out.

Barack Obama’s dreams of transforming America don’t have to come true.

You can block his agenda.

That’s why I hope I can count on you to make your most generous personal contribution of $500, $250, $100, $50, $35 -- or whatever you can afford -- immediately!  

Political experts say every dollar raised now is worth ten dollars down the road!

If you want more lawyers and career politicians, you’ve got plenty of choices -- including my primary opponent.

But if you want real reform, someone who will stand up for freedom against the overreaching federal government, then I need your help like never before.

Constantin, please make your most generous personal contribution of $500, $250, $100, $50, $35 or whatever you can afford right away.

Your contribution will help my campaign run a grassroots voter mobilization program through email, phones, online and social media ads, direct mail, and if I can raise the resources, hard-hitting TV and radio ads.

The establishment is rallying around my opponent.

And unless conservatives rally around my campaign, our party stands to nominate another doomed-to-lose moderate candidate.

I hope I have earned your support.


Greg Brannon, MD
Rebublican Candidate
U.S. Senate

P.S. The March 31 reporting deadline is just days away.

With early voting starting in April, this report is critical for my campaign to budget our get-out-the-vote field operation that helped push Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and Mike Lee to victory.

So please agree to make your most generous personal contribution of $500, $250, $100, $50, $35 -- or whatever you can afford -- so my campaign can run the strongest grassroots mobilization program possible. 

This message was intended for:


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