Time is running out

Fw: Time is running out
4/6/2014 4:50:19 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time

Sent from the Internet (Details)


I hope the email below made it to your inbox.

You see, it is critical that my friend Mark Mix have your support as he mobilizes for battle against Big Labor.

So after reading the email below, please take action right away.

Without the support of Americans like you, the fight for worker freedom would be near impossible.

Thank you for your support,

Steve Forbes "Read More" 
From: Mark Mix [mark.mix@nrtwfoundation.org]
To: Constantin Burlacu [dacialan@aol.com]
Subject: Time is running out 
Dear Constantin,

The deadline to register your opposition to the National Labor Relations Board's (NLRB) radical ambush election scheme is just days away!

Over the last week, I've collected over 60,000 petitions from Right to Work supporters like you opposing the Obama Labor Board's proposed election guidelines, which are designed to grease the skids to force workers under union-boss control.

Now it's time to turn up the heat even more.

In a moment, I'll show you how you too can register your opposition with the NLRB -- and provide you with sample comments -- but first let me remind you what's at stake if the Obama NLRB gets its way.

You see, the NLRB's proposed new election guidelines are designed to make union certification elections as one-sided as possible by:
** Encouraging union operatives to conduct stealth organizing campaigns for months or even years until they collect "union authorization cards" from just 30 percent of the workforce;
** Ambushing the rest of the workforce with quick-snap elections just days after union organizers turn the cards in to the NLRB;
** Denying workers sufficient time to counter union-boss propaganda, educate themselves and coworkers about the effects of unionization and organize in opposition to the union;
** Forcing companies to hand over to union organizers the name, address, phone number, e-mail address and shift schedule of each employee, exposing workers to "home visits" and other intimidation tactics.
In fact, if union bosses get wind of the possibility that they could even lose an ambush election, the new rules would allow them to withdraw their petition but save the personal contact information of each worker for a full-scale card check campaign at a later date.

I guarantee that Big Labor's high command, always desperate for new streams of forced-dues revenue to spend on politicking and union-boss perks, and their allies will file comments with the Board in favor of the new guidelines.

It's vital you and I stand up and speak for the individual worker.

That's why, in addition to the Foundation's comments and the petitions I've already collected, I'm asking you to register your opposition to the rule change with the NLRB.

Please, file your comments with the Board today.

You can write your own comments explaining why you oppose the ambush election scheme, or please feel free to copy the text below:

As a concerned citizen, I ardently oppose the National Labor Relations Board's proposed new union certification election procedures.

If enacted, these rules would expose workers to even more aggressive union organizing drives and invasions of privacy. Quick-snap elections deny independent-minded workers sufficient time to counter years of union-boss propaganda and make an informed, private choice for themselves. Even if union operatives think they can't win an ambush election stacked in their favor, the new rules let them keep the phone numbers, email addresses, home addresses, and shift schedules of every worker and launch a intimidation-filled "card check" campaign in the future.

I urge the NLRB to drop the proposed rule change under Docket ID No. 2011-0002-65959.

Click here to register your opposition to the NLRB's proposed union certification election rule changes.

The bureaucrats at the Obama Labor Board are out of control. Demand they stop acting as an organizing tool for Big Labor.

The deadline is Monday, April 7, so I hope you'll act right away.

And after you file your comments, please consider chipping in with a tax-deductible contribution of $10 or more to help the Foundation fight back against forced-unionism power grabs like the Obama Labor Board's ambush election scheme.

But most importantly, please register your opposition to the NLRB's proposed scheme today.

Mark Mix

P.S. The biased Obama Labor Board is once again scheming to implement new union certification election rules that would open up workers across the country to harassment and intimidation by aggressive union organizers.

It's vital the Board hears from citizens like you opposing these dangerous ambush election rules.

Please click here to register your opposition to the Obama Labor Board's radical rule change before the April 7 deadline.

The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation is a nonprofit, charitable organization providing free legal aid to employees whose human or civil rights have been violated by compulsory unionism abuses. The Foundation, which can be contacted toll-free at 1-800-336-3600, is assisting thousands of employees in more than 200 cases nationwide. The Foundation's mailing address is 8001 Braddock Road, Springfield, Virginia 22160. Its web address is www.nrtw.org.

To help the National Right to Work Foundation grow; please forward this to a friend.

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