Dear Constantin,

This week, the House Government and Reform Oversight Committee voted to hold IRS official Lois Lerner in contempt for her refusal to answer questions about the IRS' targeting of Tea Party groups.

This is appalling.

And Congress needs to get to the bottom of the Obama administration deploying the IRS to bully and harass conservative organizations.

Recently, I appeared on Sean Hannity's program to discuss the Obama administration's attempt to sweep this scandal under the rug.

I hope you'll take a few moments to watch the video and then sign your "We Demand the Truth" petition.

Only by demanding accountability will you and I discover the full extent of the IRS' targeting of Tea Party groups.

In Liberty,
Senator Rand Paul (R-KY)

P.S. After you watch the video, please sign your "We Demand the Truth" petition and demand accountability for the IRS' targeting of Tea Party groups for harassment.


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