
Showing posts from April, 2015

FBI Warns Airlines to Watch For In-Flight Hackers

Marco Rubio: I'm in

Dear GOPUSA Reader , Monday I officially announced my candidacy for President of the United States. Today, I'm asking for your help in these critical early days of my campaign. Will you join me as a Founding Member of my campaign? I'm running for the highest office in our land because I want to ...

Russia's Revenge: The End of the Dollar

Dear Newsmax Reader: Please find below a message from our advertising sponsor, Money Morning. Our email report is a free service to you with the help of our sponsors. The products, views, and offerings made by advertisers are not necessarily endorsed by Russia's Revenge: The End of the Dollar Dear Concerned American, This is a quickly developing story ...

Asia Still Rising!

by Larry Edelson Dear Constantin, Larry Edelson Last week, I told you that I couldn't even count the number of analysts who mistakenly believe Europe's financial crisis is over. Today, I'm going to tell you about those who are wrong about Asia. I can't even count the number of analysts who still predict doomsday for China. Or, in fact, for all of Asia — based on some crazy notion that Asian economies can't possibly thrive when Europe is such a mess and the United States is growing at a mere 2.4 percent. Meanwhile, for well over a year now I've been telling you ... 1. That instead, Asian economies — especially China's — were booming. 2. That Asian stock markets would be some of the best performing markets on the planet. 3. That if you needed income, to look at Asian sovereign bond markets instead of Europe and the United States …

His lies about you

Dear Friend of Freedom, Barack Obama and his gun-hating allies are hammering our elected officials with a steady stream of LIES about YOU. You should see the army of high-priced gun control lobbyists flooding the halls of Congress every day now. These people aren’t gun owners. Yet with a straight face, they’re telling YOUR elected officials that they speak for YOU on the Second Amendment. They’re shoving phony polls in front of your elected officials, claiming that a majority of NRA members like you agree with Obama’s gun control agenda and actually want to register your guns with the federal government! They’re even saying that you want to do away with certain laws that protect your fundamental right to self-defense! You know these are lies. I know they’re lies. But that doesn’t matter.

Putin's Secret Plan to Crush America

New Investigative Report Reveals ... Vladimir Putin's Five Secret Plans for the U.S. Will the Russian leader's 5 war strategies CRUSH the U.S. stock market in 2015? Or drive stocks THROUGH THE ROOF? CLICK HERE for the free report Dear Fellow Investor: Select members of the news media know about it. Obama knows about it. Military strategists discuss it behind closed doors ... Vladimir Putin has plans for the United States. Five shocking plans that could decimate financial markets worldwide and threaten the security of our nation. Putin's 5 War Strategies: What You Must Do Immediately to Protect Your Wealth and Profit is yours, FREE. In this exclusive new report, you'll learn about ...

Say No To Hillary Clinton

Dear Constantin,   It’s 3:00 AM, and you’re living in a world that is less safe and secure because of the failed foreign policy of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. By any honest reckoning Hillary Clinton’s leadership on the world stage has been one failure after another – from the murder of our ambassador in Benghazi, to the fall of Yemen, the collapse of Libya into a terrorist playground, the spread of ISIS across Syria and Iraq, the expansionist saber-rattling of Vladimir Putin, and the ongoing threat of a nuclear Iran. On the domestic front, Hillary is recycling the same failed Obama economic policies that left the middle-class behind while her friends on Wall Street feast off D.C.’s crony capitalism paid for by your tax dollars. Now Hillary Clinton wants to sleep in the White House again and take those important 3:00 AM phone calls. Time to hit the Snooze Button on her presidential ambitions. Time to say no to the corrupt politics of the D.C. perm...

Dr. Ron Paul issues Alarming Warning

Dear Reader, Here’s a fascinating story that is quickly developing… Former Congressman Dr. Ron Paul has just issued a major new warning about a potential crash of the U.S. dollar. Keep in mind, Dr. Paul probably has a better understanding of both the inner workings of the U.S. government, and the financial system than anyone else in America. After all… * He spent more than two decades in Congress. * He served on the House Banking Committee and the Committee on Foreign Affairs. * He sponsored more than 600 legislative bills. * He met with every President of the past 40 years and every Fed Chairman. * He spent thousands of hours in top secret, closed-door meetings. And now, Dr. Paul says that despite the recent rise of the U.S. stock market, and the real estate recovery, America could be on the verge of a major “currency crisis.” In fact, Dr. Paul is so concerned,  he put together a free video presentation that not only explains how ...

SVASTICA și YIN YANG pe teritoriul României – o istorie de peste 7.500 de ani.

Istoria, așa cum o cunoaștem noi, reprezintă doar ceea ce puternicii vremii au considerat că trebuie să ajungă la publicul larg. Dincolo de varianta oficială, adevărul unor evenimente ni se dezvăluie așa cum, adeseori, nici nu ne imaginăm că a fost.   În ecuația celui de Al Doilea Război Mondial, preocupările oculte ale dictatorului german au avut un rol semnificativ. Partidul nazist al lui Hitler s-a născut dintr-o organizație finanțată de Societatea secretă Tule, o organizație ocultă ce și-a luat numele după un tărâm mitologic necunoscut, din nordul îndepărtat…   Fascinat de parapsihologie și ocultism, Hitler a dus bătăliile celui de-al doilea Război Mondial, în mod deliberat, și pe teritoriul magicului. Alegerea simbolului svasticii ca amprentă a acțiunilor sale a fost, prin urmare, o decizie bine cântărită. Cu toate acestea, nu i-a putut aduce victoria finală…

Buckle up, Constantin

From: To: Sent: 4/1/2015 4:33:52 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time Subj: Buckle up, Constantin   Constantin, Skyrocketing spending and $18.1 TRILLION in national debt . . . Barack Obama's NSA illegally spying on the phone calls of innocent Americans . . . The massive corruption and cronyism taking place under a cloak of secrecy at the Federal Reserve . . . The trampling of the Bill of Rights and the flat-out disregard for our most basic freedoms . . . Liberty is under siege in America. And today I'm asking for your help to do something about it.

EXPLOZIV: Un evreu cu funcții înalte în SUA declară că cele două Războaie Mondiale au fost amplificate (Al Doilea chiar și provocat) de manevrele criminale ale EVREILOR SIONIȘTI, care controlau SUA și alte țări... TEXT ȘI AUDIO

BENJAMIN HARRISON FREEDMAN a fost una dintre cele mai uimitoare, dar şi contradictorii personalităţi ale secolului trecut. Născut în 1890, acesta a fost un om de afaceri evreu de succes în New York City, fiind principalul acţionar al companiei Woodbury Soap. După cel de-al doilea război mondial, a întrerupt contactul cu organizaţiile evreieşti şi şi-a petrecut restul vieţii cheltuind o mare parte din averea sa evaluată la cel puţin 2,5 milioane dolari, pentru a prezenta opiniei publice structurile de putere ale evreilor care dominau Statele Unite. De aceea mărturiile sale sunt extrem de valoroase, deoarece provin chiar din interiorul celor mai înalte nivele ale organizaţiilor evreieşti şi maşinaţiunilor acestora puse la cale pentru a-şi câştiga şi menţine puterea asupra naţiunii americane. Freedman a lucrat alături de Bernard Baruch, Samuel Untermeyer, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Joseph Kennedy, John F. Kennedy şi multe alte personalităţi de vază ale societăţ...

Saudi Arabia-Iran Proxy War Erupts in Yemen as Bombs Unleas

Saudi Arabia-Iran Proxy War Erupts in Yemen as Bombs Unleashed! MARKET ROUNDUP Dow -40.31 to 17,678.23 S&P 500 -4.90 to 2,056.15 Nasdaq -13.16 to 4,863.36 10-YR Yield +0.087 to 2.007% Gold +$6 to $1,203 Crude Oil +$2.13...

Fwd: Courageous Conservatives

A message from our sponsor "I am running for President because millions of Americans are standing up and saying 'we want our country back!'" My fellow conservative, This week, I announced my candidacy for the Republican nomination for President of the United States. Since then, I've been tremendously encouraged by a surge of thousands of Americans joining our grassroots army of courageous conservatives by donating their hard-earned money to ...

Din Montreal - salutari primavaratice, revista Destine Literare cu Anunt de concurs de poezie patriotica

Dragi romani de pretutindeni, Odata cu salutul nostru primavaratec, va trimitem si inmiresmata revista Destine Literare. O puteti descarca fie de la link-ul:   fie de la pagina web : , in stanga  - Destine Literare .  Prosperitate si lectura placuta ! Din partea Colectivului de redactie al DL, Alexandru Cetateanu NB. Avem adresa dumneavoastra de email fie din corespondenta directa fie din Cc-urile de la email-urile trimise noua de la diferiti colaboratori si cititori. In cazul in care nu vreti sa mai  primiti revista Destine Literare, va rugam sa ne anuntati prin Reply - Dezabonare. Cu stima, AC -- Alex Cetateanu

Special: Why Is China's Military Secretly Smuggling Gold?

## The Federal Reserve vs. Rand Paul ##

Constantin, "The Federal Reserve vs. Rand Paul." "Fed Fires Back at Rand Paul." "PANIC: Federal Reserve Attacks Rand Paul Over Audit Bill." That's just a few national news headlines about the nasty smear campaign launched by Federal Reserve cronies against my efforts to Audit the Fed . The attacks are personal -- and they're only going to intensify. The Federal Reserve's cronies will stop at nothing to make sure Audit the Fed doesn't see the light of day in the U.S. Senate. But rest assured, Constantin, I'm not backing down. If Federal Reserve cronies want a fight, I'll give them a fight . But if I'm going to take on the powerful Federal Reserve and their nasty attack dogs, I need you with me every step of the way. That's why I'm counting on you to sign your Audit the Fed Petitions to your U.S. Senators and Representative right away .

Bad News...

Dear Newsmax Reader: Please find below a message from our advertising sponsor, Crisis Education. Our email report is a free service to you with the help of our sponsors. The products, views, and offerings made by advertisers are not necessarily endorsed by We all drink water every day… But did you know that the water in your town or city could contain Fluoride, Heavy Metals, and Prescription Drugs? Over 205 million Americans are drinking contaminated water…and chances are you’re one of them. I know it may sound scary but these nasty chemicals have been linked to bone disease, hip fractures, lower IQ…and even cancer in some cases. …...