Buckle up, Constantin

From: rand.paul@randpaulvictorycommittee.com
To: dacialan@aol.com
Sent: 4/1/2015 4:33:52 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Buckle up, Constantin


Skyrocketing spending and $18.1 TRILLION in national debt . . .

Barack Obama's NSA illegally spying on the phone calls of innocent Americans . . .

The massive corruption and cronyism taking place under a cloak of secrecy at the Federal Reserve . . .

The trampling of the Bill of Rights and the flat-out disregard for our most basic freedoms . . .

Liberty is under siege in America.

And today I'm asking for your help to do something about it. "Read More"

This Tuesday, April 7th, I'm launching a "Stand with Rand" Money Bomb to send a message to the big government crowd.

I'd really like to know you'll be in my corner when I announce to the Washington establishment that freedom-loving Americans have had enough -- and we're coming to take our country back.

So today, Constantin, will you let me know you'll stand with me by pledging your most generous contribution to this Money Bomb?


I really need you in my corner on Tuesday.

You see, I've been under fire from the big government crowd in Washington for months now.

And I'm sure the attacks are going to intensify after I launch my "Stand with Rand" Money Bomb on Tuesday, April 7th.

That's because the powerful special interest lobby that controls Washington will be desperate to crush anyone who truly believes in liberty and Constitutional government.

Their goal is to steamroll me from the get-go.

But rest assured, Constantin.

No matter how heated it gets, no matter how vicious the attacks, I will NOT back down -- now or never!

Instead, I'm going to stand up and fight even harder for our God-given liberties.

Will you pledge to stand with me on April 7th?

Constantin, I'm not asking you to stand with me while I trim around the edges in Washington.

I'm asking you to help me remove the cloak of secrecy and Audit the out-of-control Federal Reserve.

To help me put an END to the NSA's illegal domestic spying program.

To help me get the government out of healthcare and REPEAL ObamaCare 100%.

To help me protect and defend our Second Amendment freedoms.

And to help me STOP the giant vacuum in Washington that's invading every nook and cranny of our lives and sucking up every last bit of our remaining freedoms.

But I'm just one man.

If I'm going to take on the powerful special interest in Washington, I'm going to need an army of freedom-loving Americans standing behind me.

That's why I hope you'll pledge to contribute. And I'm counting on you to stand with me every step of the way.

You see, the truth is, with an army of liberty-loving Americans standing behind me -- one man can make a difference in Washington.

My dad proved this during his 20+ years in Congress.

I remember back when I was just a young boy, and my father was the only one in Washington talking about monetary policy -- let alone questioning the Fed's "print now, ask questions later" policies.

But once he had an army of grassroots supporters standing behind him, Audit the Fed became a top issue in American politics.

And it passed the U.S. House by overwhelming bipartisan majorities for two Congresses in a row.

Today, I'm asking you to stand with me as I take on the powerful special interest that have controlled Washington for far too long.

So please pledge your most generous contribution to my "Stand with Rand" Money Bomb.

Let me know you'll be in my corner this Tuesday.

Pledge to contribute to my "Stand with Rand" Money Bomb on April 7th.

In Liberty,

Rand Paul
U.S. Senator (R-KY)


Paid for by Rand Paul Victory Committee
A joint fundraising committee authorized by and composed of
Rand Paul for US Senate 2016 and RAND PAC
This message was intended for: dacialan@aol.com
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