Dr. Ron Paul issues Alarming Warning

Dear Reader,
Here’s a fascinating story that is quickly developing…
Former Congressman Dr. Ron Paul has just issued a major new warning about a potential crash of the U.S. dollar.
Keep in mind, Dr. Paul probably has a better understanding of both the inner workings of the U.S. government, and the financial system than anyone else in America.
After all…
* He spent more than two decades in Congress.
* He served on the House Banking Committee and the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
* He sponsored more than 600 legislative bills.
* He met with every President of the past 40 years and every Fed Chairman.
* He spent thousands of hours in top secret, closed-door meetings.
And now, Dr. Paul says that despite the recent rise of the U.S. stock market, and the real estate recovery, America could be on the verge of a major “currency crisis.”
In fact, Dr. Paul is so concerned, he put together a free video presentation that not only explains how and when this crisis will hit— but exactly what you can actually do to protect yourself and your family.
Be sure to take a minute to check out Dr. Paul’s work.
If this doesn’t move you to take the necessary steps to protect yourself from a big new crisis in the financial system, I don’t know what will.
You may have seen Dr. Paul give a political speech, or even address Congress, but I guarantee you’ve never seen him quite like this before.
Mike Palmer
Senior Researcher, Stansberry Research
P.S. I think you’ll be fascinated by what Dr. Paul says is the “first step” you should take to protect your health and your wealth against the potential for major currency crisis here in America. All the details are in Dr. Paul’s presentation, which we’ve posted on our website, right here


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