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Say No To Hillary Clinton

Dear Constantin,

It’s 3:00 AM, and you’re living in a world that is less safe and secure because of the failed foreign policy of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.
By any honest reckoning Hillary Clinton’s leadership on the world stage has been one failure after another – from the murder of our ambassador in Benghazi, to the fall of Yemen, the collapse of Libya into a terrorist playground, the spread of ISIS across Syria and Iraq, the expansionist saber-rattling of Vladimir Putin, and the ongoing threat of a nuclear Iran.

On the domestic front, Hillary is recycling the same failed Obama economic policies that left the middle-class behind while her friends on Wall Street feast off D.C.’s crony capitalism paid for by your tax dollars.

Now Hillary Clinton wants to sleep in the White House again and take those important 3:00 AM phone calls.

Time to hit the Snooze Button on her presidential ambitions.

Time to say no to the corrupt politics of the D.C. permanent political class that Hillary Clinton is a charter member of.

Time for a foreign policy rooted in Peace Through Strength and a domestic policy that gives everyone a shot at the American dream!

With an Alaskan Heart,
Sarah Palin
Sarah Palin


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