Marco Rubio: I'm in

Dear GOPUSA Reader,

Monday I officially announced my candidacy for President of the United States.

Today, I'm asking for your help in these critical early days of my campaign. Will you join me as a Founding Member of my campaign?

I'm running for the highest office in our land because I want to fight for the New American Century, where our best days are still in the future.

TODAY, when you donate to our new campaign, you'll receive special recognition for becoming a Founding Member.

It would mean so much to me if I could include you as one of our earliest supporters.

Even if you’re only able to give $5 to our effort today, it will go a long way toward launching our campaign with momentum.

On Sunday we heard from a leader from yesterday who wants to take us back to yesterday, but I feel that this country has always been about tomorrow.

That leader, Hillary Clinton, is uniting Democrats behind her campaign and building a massive warchest.

That's why it's so important that I can count on you. Will you donate right now and become a Founding Member of my presidential campaign?

Starting our campaign off on the right foot is absolutely critical, and it's the only way to beat Hillary Clinton in the fall.

I hope you'll join me on this journey to create a New American Century.

Thanks for your support!

Marco Rubio

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