Fwd: Courageous Conservatives

A message from our sponsor Red State Sponsor
"I am running for President because millions of Americans are standing up and saying 'we want our country back!'"
My fellow conservative,

This week, I announced my candidacy for the Republican nomination for President of the United States. Since then, I've been tremendously encouraged by a surge of thousands of Americans joining our grassroots army of courageous conservatives by donating their hard-earned money to support this movement. I am humbled by your confidence and support for this campaign – our campaign – as we fight to reignite the promise of America.

As expected, the Washington Establishment and the liberal media were less than happy to hear our announcement. The New York Times even attacked our views as "Republican paradoxes and idiocies." But that's alright. This campaign won't be won by the Establishment or the media -- it will be won by the support of courageous conservatives across America.

On that note, I'd like to ask you to make a contribution – any contribution you can – to support our campaign.

I look forward to hearing from you on the road ahead, and together, with your help, we will win this campaign and reignite the promise of America.

For liberty,
Ted Cruz
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PAID FOR BY CRUZ FOR PRESIDENT http://www.tedcruz.org/


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