## The Federal Reserve vs. Rand Paul ##


"The Federal Reserve vs. Rand Paul."

"Fed Fires Back at Rand Paul."

"PANIC: Federal Reserve Attacks Rand Paul Over Audit Bill."

That's just a few national news headlines about the nasty smear campaign launched by Federal Reserve cronies against my efforts to Audit the Fed.

The attacks are personal -- and they're only going to intensify.

The Federal Reserve's cronies will stop at nothing to make sure Audit the Fed doesn't see the light of day in the U.S. Senate.

But rest assured, Constantin, I'm not backing down.

If Federal Reserve cronies want a fight, I'll give them a fight.

But if I'm going to take on the powerful Federal Reserve and their nasty attack dogs, I need you with me every step of the way.

That's why I'm counting on you to sign your Audit the Fed Petitions to your U.S. Senators and Representative right away.

"Read More"

You see, since its creation in 1913, the Federal Reserve has operated under a cloak of secrecy. Knowledge of its actions are "off limits" to the public.

And the few times we've been able to take a sneak-peek behind the curtains -- what we've found is shocking to say the least.

In fact, a 2011 GAO report revealed that during and after the financial crisis of 2008 -- which the Fed's easy money policies helped create in the first place -- the Fed SECRETLY bailed out foreign corporations and banks to the tune of $16 TRILLION.


Sent overseas to foreign banks and corporations!

What else have they been up to at the Federal Reserve? What else are they hiding?

The Federal Reserve's been operating in secrecy for far too long now.

I plan to make 2015 the year we pull back the curtains, open the books and expose the corruption and cronyism taking place at the Fed to the American people.

But with the Federal Reserve in full-on attack mode, I'm going to need a little grassroots muscle from you to make that happen.

So please sign your Audit the Fed petition to your U.S. Senators and Representative immediately.

The good news is you and I finally have a real opportunity to pass Audit the Fed through Congress this year.

You see, Audit the Fed legislation passed the House last year by an overwhelming margin of 333-92.

But Harry Reid blocked the bill from ever coming up for a vote!

Standing against the nearly 80% of Americans who support real transparency at the Federal Reserve is a big reason why the American people demoted him to Minority Leader.

With momentum on our side, I'm asking for your help again to pass Audit the Fed in BOTH houses of Congress.

With your help, my Audit the Fed Bill will expose the Federal Reserve's:

*** Aiding and abetting big-spending politicians in Congress by simply printing more money to pay the bills -- destroying the dollar and driving the costs of housing, food, higher education and medical care sky-high -- when all of Washington, D.C.'s taxes and borrowing still don't make ends meet;

*** Corruption and cronyism and the incredible power the unelected financiers wield over our economy;

*** Interest-rate manipulation, "Quantitative Easing," and secret bailouts, which only "paper over" economic problems and lead to worse conditions down the line -- instead of improving economic conditions as some would have you believe.

If you agree it's time to Audit the Fed, please sign your petition immediately.

As I told you, nearly 80% of the American people support Audit the Fed.

And I'm convinced a massive grassroots tidal wave of support for Audit the Fed is what it will take to overcome the Fed's intense pressure and behind-the-scenes lobbying.

That tidal wave begins today -- with you, Constantin.

So won't you please sign your Audit the Fed petitions right away?

Of course, this fight won't be easy -- or cheap.

Fed Chair Janet Yellen has already thrown down her marker by publicly opposing Audit the Fed, even threatening to "forcefully" oppose the bill if necessary.

And my colleagues are under intense pressure from the D.C. insiders to look the other way to keep this cheap money-fueled "recovery" flowing.

With nearly $18 trillion in debt, our nation can't afford the single biggest enabler of Big Government to escape accountability.

You can't stop President Obama unless you rein in the out-of-control Federal Reserve.

All the debt. All the spending. All the tax increases.

Every last failed agenda item is possible because of the Federal Reserve's unchecked power to create money out of thin air.

That's why, after you sign your petition, I hope you'll agree to chip in a generous contribution of $10 or more TODAY!

Your generosity will help RANDPAC mobilize Americans from all over the country to stop the Federal Reserve's madness.

But your immediate action is critical.

Currently, 32 of my colleagues have signed on as co-sponsors of Audit the Fed.

My staff and I are busy reaching out to more of my colleagues in the U.S. Senate to sign on as co-sponsors of Audit the Fed.

And believe me, Constantin, having tens of thousands of petitions from grassroots Americans urging Congress to pass Audit the Fed could make all the difference in the world.

You and I may just be one person, but if tens of thousands of us stand together and urge Congress to pass Audit the Fed -- it'll get my colleagues' attention!

That's why I'm asking you to please chip in a generous contribution of $10 or more to help RANDPAC mobilize more freedom-loving Americans to this fight.

The Federal Reserve's personal attacks are only going to intensify.

So you and I must fight back immediately.

Please sign your Audit the Fed petitions and agree to your most generous contribution immediately.

Together, you and I can EXPOSE the out-of-control Federal Reserve once and for all.

In Liberty,

Rand Paul

P.S. I plan to make 2015 the year we pull back the curtains, open the books and expose the corruption and cronyism taking place at the Fed to the American people.

But with the Federal Reserve in full-on attack mode, I'm going to need a little grassroots muscle from you to make that happen.

So please sign your Audit the Fed petition to your U.S. Senators and Representative immediately.

Paid for by RANDPAC.
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee


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