Open Letter to U.S.Senator McCain

Dr.Constantin Burlacu
New York City
October 4, 2013
The Honorable Senator John McCain
United States Senate
241 Russell Bldg, Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-2235
"Read More" 

Dear Senator McCain,
Thank you very much for your letter dated September 26, 2013.If I understand correctly your position on Syria has not changed, even if Bashar al-Assad’s government accepts to put Syrian’s chemical weapons under international control and tries to eliminate and destroy all chemical weapons from Syrian territory; your style and President Barack Osama’s style is to threaten to use force against Assad’s regime, army, and country. This is not exactly what the American people want, so you, Barack Obama, and other people from American government don’t represent the interest of the American people, who are against the war, but represent the interest of Israel, and Zionism globalism. Israel and international Zionism try to use American military to bomb, occupy, and destroy all Semitic countries around Israel, and this is a very dangerous anti-Semitism aggression.
First Israel occupied and erased Palestine from the world map, then Israel dictated to the USA to bomb and destroy Iraq, Libya, and now Syria; perhaps after Syria, to attack Iran, Lebanon, Egypt, and Jordan. And after Israel and Zionist globalism achieve their purposes, they will let the American Empire collapse the some way the Roman Empire and the Soviet Empire did, to mention only some powerful and danger ones.  You and other American politicians from the republican and democrat parties call Israel a best friend of the USA, and put Israel’s interests’ ahead American interests, but Jewish people don’t have friends, only servants for their cause. In my native country Romania, there is an old proverb:  “God protect me from my friends, because I am looking after my enemies myself”.
The protest against Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria has started 2 ½ years ago by the Islamic Brotherhoods who’re attempting to overthrow Bashar al-Assad’s government, and impose a Sharia law in Syria and an Islamic regime similar to what was imposed in Egypt by president Mohamed Morse. So how come the USA supports the Islamic Brotherhoods in Syria, but supported the Egyptian Army to overthrowing Mohamed Morse in Egypt and his Islamic Brotherhoods regime who was democratic elected in Egypt by the majority of Egyptian people? The Egyptian Army killed 650 peaceful protesters and hurt thousands of others in a single day. This means that the USA has double standards regarding democracy and considers this type of practice usual business, disregarding respect for any value on liberty and democracy principles.
You stated that since 2011 Bashar al-Assad’s regime killed 110,000 people. I don’t rely on this number, but if you do, can you answer how many of the dead were killed by rebels with American and western countries guns? How many innocent Syrian children, women and elderly people died because of foreign intervention in Syria? How many buildings and houses were destroyed by these terrorists who try to seize power in Syria? The rebels against Bashar al-Assad are not Syrian, but terrorists from other countries associate with Al-Qaeda and supported by the USA, Israel and their allies. So there isn’t a “civil war” in Syria, as you mentioned, but an international aggression against Syria, an independent and sovereign nation. You also stated that Bashar al-Assad is “indiscriminately using chemical weapons”. This accusation is not based on facts, but speculations; the same accusation was used in the past against Saddam Hussein from Iraq, to have a motive and excuse to attack Iraq. So the USA uses tricks and plays games with unnecessary wars against humanity, which is why no-one trusts USA’s sincerity. Therefore, when other countries make deals with the USA they too “should not trust, and must verify”.  Isn’t that so? Do you agree? Or is this only important for the USA and not for other nations in this world?
You also stated that:  “And there is little reason to have more faith in Russia, especially when President Putin himself still insists that the Syrian opposition was responsible for the use of chemical weapons…” Are you 100% sure that the opposition in Syria never used chemical weapons against civilians and Syrian soldiers, especial on August 21st, when hundreds of civilians in a Damascus suburb died by a poisonous gas attack? If it’s true that the terrorists used chemical weapons as a provocation to involve the USA in this war, you lost the honor of your word, your credibility, and dignity as an American Senator and as an American hero! But maybe you don’t care about this when you want to bomb Syria and assassinate Bashar al-Assad. I saw on TV, Internet and YouTube that the rebels in Syria tortured and executed Syrian soldier that were prisoners; they ate their hearts, arms, legs, and eyes, which is a brutal and sadistic crime against humanity and civilization. So these are the people that you choose to support and eliminate Bashar al-Assad from power, who one day will repeat another Benghazi, this time in Damascus or another city in Syria. I know that you were a prisoner of war in Vietnam, and you were tortured by the Vietnamese communist secret police. So how could you now support the rebels in Syria who torture Syrian soldiers, children, and women, especially Christians? I ‘am sure that during you captivity in Vietnam, you didn’t want the communist Vietnamese military forces, to eat your heart, arms, legs or eyes, as your friends did in Syria and you didn’t want your captives to kill you.

I was arrested, put in a communist prison, and tortured in my native country, Romania, by the communist dictatorship regime for political motivation against communist tyranny. So I know what torture is, and from this reason I’m against use of torture in any form against a human being. Today, the country that uses torture the most is USA, as proved in Guantanamo Bay-Cuba, Abu Ghraib-Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and other countries around the globe. In this world there are millions of people similar to prisoners in Guantanamo Bay, so what is so important and dangerous about the 200 prisoners in that prison for the USA and the rest of the world? To torture and starve them, the USA radicalized whole Islamic world against USA. But about to Guantanamo Bay, how many billions of US dollars are paid to communist Cuban’s regime every year to keep American military bases on Cuban territory? Or this is strictly a confidential secret between the American capitalists and the Cuban communists?!
This is not the first time that the USA is in love with communist tyrannical regimes. American democratic president Franklin Roosevelt hugged and kissed communist dictator Joseph Stalin, and gave to the Communist Evil Empire half of Central and Eastern Europe, including my native country Romania. In one interview published in a Romanian newspaper, the former U.S. Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger said that Romanian communist dictator, Nicolae Ceausescu, who was the most authoritarian Stalinist in Eastern Europe, helped the USA open diplomatic and economic relationships with China. So that long hour’s speech given by the communist dictator Ceausescu’s against American imperialism was false just like the American propaganda against communism is false. Furthermore, American republican president, Richard Nixon, hugged and kissed the leaders of Chinese communist regime, and started to move American companies into communist China, for cheaper labor and to improve the communist Chinese economy. Nixon-Kissinger & Co. left Americans without jobs and the American economy in disaster. Now China is an economic super-power, and USA borrows money from communist China to survive. This is a big shame for the USA! If the USA didn’t move her companies into China, today the Chinese communist economy would be the same as that of Cuba or North Korea.
When the Communist Evil Empire collapsed in the Soviet Union and Eastern European communist countries, the USA didn’t assist with the de-communization of Russia or other Eastern European countries as they did, the de-nazification, after the Nazi regime collapsed. On the contrary, the USA shook hands with the former communists who seized power, making business deals with them to exploit all the natural resources in their interest and left the people from former communist countries in poverty. One example is the former American republican, President George H.W.Bush, who played tennis in Bucharest, Romania with the former communist Ion Iliescu, who gave orders to the police and miners to beat up, massacre and kill unarmed civilians during the 1990 uprising against former communists who maintained high positions of power. Bush Sr., supported by former communist leader Ion Iliescu, put Romanian oil under control of Bush’s oil company. Another corrupt government leader in Romania was Petre Roman-Newulander, the former Prime-Minister of Romania, who destroyed the Romanian national economy and put its control under the Hungarian-American Jew, George Soros. Now other Canadian assassins and thieves from the Gold Corporation try to steal Romanian gold from Rosia Montana. Gold Corporation tries to corrupt the Romanian Government to achieve their goals of exploiting Romanian gold by use of cyanide, a dangerous chemical that causes cancer in people; the cyanide radiation stayed on Romanian soil for years. Romanian people waited for many years for Americans and Western nations to come into Romania, but not to be humiliated, or to be tricked or be robbed, or to suffer even more than during the communist regime. They expected them to come into Romania to help the Romania people, to place former communist criminals on trail, and to punish them for their abuses, crimes, massacres, genocides, and red holocaust committed during the communist dictatorship against the Romanian Nation, peace and humanity. We can’t believe that the United States ignored the anti-communist freedom fighters, and shook hands with the former terrorists and communist criminals. This is not what we were expecting from the USA or other Western nations. We know that the most hilarious interest of the USA in Romania is to protect former Jewish communists (the majority of which live in the US and Israel) from being persecuted for their crimes against humanity.
            During the communist era, in 1967, my parents who were part of the national resistance movement against communist tyranny, were informed by trusted sources working inside the communist Secret Police (Securitate) that the Securitate is about to arrest me and place me in jail for 20 years under the accusation that I spread manifests against the most tyrant communist regime in Romania. I had no place to hide, so I decided to take refuge in the American Embassy in Bucharest and asked for political asylum. It was not easy for me to get into the American Embassy, which was heavily guarded by the communist Secret Police, but I took the risk and I got inside the American Embassy. I explained my situation to the American General Consul and I asked him for political asylum, but he refused to take my situation under consideration and told me “If you don’t want to have any problems in communist Romania, as 20 million Romanians build communism, do exactly the same”. I couldn’t believe what I heard from a representative of American democracy and freedom in Romania, so I told him that “You are more communist than the communists”. He became very agitated and brutal, and instead of informing the U.S. Department of State about this incident he threatened me to leave the American Embassy or he would call the Securitate to have me arrested. I couldn’t believe that he was capable of something like this, to compromise the USA dignity and credibility, but he did. From a window in the embassy of the waiting room, located in the second floor, I saw a Romanian Securitate car, full with Romanian Secret Police officers stopping at main entrance of the American Embassy. Two Romanian Secret Police officer’s came out of the car and walked inside the American Embassy as they were walking into their own homes. When they arrived on the second floor and saw me, they told me “You see Costica that we are here too!” One employer of the American Embassy who was observing the situation, called me to go down to the first floor, and to avoid being arrested by the Romanian secret police in the American Embassy helped me escape to the street by the back entrance of the embassy. The other two officers from the Securitate’s car saw me leaving and began following me, but I managed to disappear into the crowd of people.

The Romanian Secret Police lost track of me in the Bucharest, both in the train station (Gara de Nord), and then on the train Bucharest- Suceava-Botosani, which I took to go back home. Before reached my destination, which was one train station away from Botosani, I saw outside the train window before entering the station that the platform of the station was full with police, Securitate, and the Army. I didn’t have another choice, but to jump off the train, which I did with success. The train was searched in the station for approximately half an hour by the communist secret police, but I was on my way home on a well-known road.
On my way home, the communist secret police officers searched for me by cars, but miraculously I survive to be alive. One year later, when I was arrested by the Romanian Secret Police, for anti-communist activity, during the interrogation, one high-ranking secret police officer, told me that they don’t know how I escaped from their control, when I was at the American Embassy, and that I am lucky to be alive, because the order from headquarters of the Romanian communist Secret Police from Bucharest was to kill me and to place in my language one kilogram of drugs, under the pretext that I went to the American Embassy in Bucharest to pick up drugs and to leave an impression that I am an American drug trafficker. So this is an indication that American General Consul in Romania, in 1967, was part of a conspiracy with the Romanian communist Secret Police to arrest and assassinate me.

The truth is that the Securitate in Romania, was formed by the communist Jews during the Soviet Union occupation of Romania, and the majority of the officers were Jewish with a communist evil mentality. They arrested, persecuted, tortured, massacred and killed more than two million innocent Romanians. To humiliate and discredit anti-communist patriots, the former communist repressive regime, used psychiatry for their political purpose. Thousands upon thousands of healthy Romanian freedom fighters were put in psychiatric hospitals guarded by the Securitate, against their wills, and many of them were killed by poisonous injections. Not only I was arrested and tortured by the Jewish-communist secret police, but my parents Petru and Elena Burlacu, my uncle Ion Burlacu, and millions of other Romanians were too. My uncle, Ion Burlacu, suffered for 9 years in the Soviet Gulag as a prisoner of war. He also endured many years in Romania’s communist prisons because of nationalist and anti-communist activity. He was nearly beaten to death and forced to eat his own excrements by a Jewish-communist secret police officer, who was the Chief Persecutor at the headquarters of the Secret Police at Suceava. My uncle was killed with poison by the communist secret police in 1980, under the accusation that he was an American spy and that he helped me come to United States.

I know that there are rich Jews and poor Jews who work hard to survive, but I am pointing out only the Jewish Zionist monsters, because they are the troublemakers. (See “The Crisis of Zionism” by Peter Beinart).They is the founders of the communist dictatorship in Russia, in Eastern European countries, and brought the communist evil tyranny to my native country Romania, and Moldova. The regime in the former USSR and other former communist countries in Eastern Europe were ruled in 90% proportions by left-wing Jews with Marxism-Leninism ideologies. In the red holocaust, which took place during 1917 through 1990, over 100 million innocent people were killed (a statistic recorded by official American sources). These left-wing Jews refuse to be judged in a court similar to Nuremberg trials and continue to intimidate and manipulate people with the Nazi “holocaust”. (See “The Holocaust Industry” by Norman G. Finkelstein). If you ask them how it was possible that the Nazis killed not less or more, but exactly 6 million Jews, as the Jews claim, you are immediately accused of anti-Semitism and condemned to jail in some countries like Germany and Austria for being “holocaust deniers”.  I specified left-wing Jews above because there are right-wing Jews that were a part of the Nazi Army, SS, Gestapo, German Judicial System (facts brought into evidence even by Jewish historians), or by sympathizers with the right-wing, nationalists and fascists in many countries. (See “Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers “by Jewish historian Bryan Mark Rigg).

The majority of Jews do not live in Israel, which they pretend is the “holy land”, but live in other countries so they can dominate them economically, socially, politically, and militaristically. And they justify having this right by pretending to be “God’s chosen people”.  In countries occupied by Zionists, the Jews don’t want the take any ordinary jobs, but want to become presidents, prim-ministers, senators, congressmen, governors, mayors, ambassadors, teachers, lawyers, prosecutors, judges, and directors for the Treasury, IRS, Wall Street, or the International Monetary Foundation, etc. This is the case not only in countries with a white dominant population like those in Europe, but in the whole world –in Asia, Africa, Australia, North and South America. Any action against them is considered to be anti-Semitic crimes.

Zionists are against Iran and other Arab countries having nuclear arms, but refuse to give up their own nuclear arsenal. Furthermore, Zionists accuse Semitic nationalist organizations, like: Hamas, Hezbollah, Fatah, Baath Party, Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, and others, of being extremist and terrorist, but they refuse to admit that Israel was and still is ruled by extremists and terrorists themselves. (See “The General’s Son” by Miko Peled). They erased Palestine from the map of the world and committed the most horrible genocide and holocaust against the Palestinian population, in Gaza and the West Bank, and other Semitic Arabs. Until a few years ago, Zionists were supported by the Soviet Union (a Judeo-Bolshevik country which they created), but after the collapse of communism, they are supported by the United States and NATO, which they use as the world police to protect their interests and Zionist world domination. And now in the USA, the Jews who came from Russia and Europe, change their names from judeo-bloshevik to neo-conservatives, and try to bankrupt and destroy this country.

Jews in United States, like Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Senator Chuck Schumer and others, try to change the American Constitution, eliminate the Second Amendment Right and ban American citizens from owning guns. This is exactly what Benjamin Franklyn, one of the American fathers said in 1787 at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. Franklyn said:
”I ‘am totally agreed with General Washington, that we most protect our young nation from the influences nocives who come from outside.There is a great danger for the United State of America. This great danger is the Jew. Gentlemen, in every land the Jews have settled, they have depressed the moral level and lowered the degree of commercial honesty. They have remained apart and unassimilated; oppressed, they attempt to strangle the nation financially, as in the case of Portugal and Spain.
For more than seventeen hundred years they have lamented their sorrowful fate — namely, that they have been driven out of their mother land; but, gentlemen, if the civilized world today should give them back Palestine and their property, they would immediately find pressing reason for not returning there. Why? Because they are vampires and vampires cannot live on other vampires --they cannot live among themselves. They must live among Christians and others who do not belong to their race.
If they are not expelled from the United States by the Constitution within less than one hundred years, they will stream into this country in such numbers that they will rule and destroy us and change our form of Government for which we Americans shed our blood and sacrificed our life, property and personal freedom. If the Jews are not excluded within two hundred years, our children will be working in the field to feed Jews while they remain in the counting houses, gleefully rubbing their hands.
I warn you, gentlemen, if you do not exclude the Jews forever, your children and your children’s children will curse you in their graves. Their ideas are not those of Americans, even when they lived among us for ten generations. The leopard cannot change his spots. The Jews are a danger to this land, and if they are allowed to enter, they will imperil our institutions. They should be excluded by the Constitution”.
 Relatives and friends of Mayor Bloomberg and Senator Schumer, in Israel, have the right to sleep with automatic guns under their pillows and use them to kill non-Jews, but they are against American citizens having guns to protect themselves. This anti-gun Jewish lobby doesn’t condemn the movies made by Jewish producers in USA, which instigates violence, robbery, terrorism and crimes. And this is the real problem in the USA, not the guns.

From documents and other historical sources provided by Jewish historians I discovered that the majority of Jews who invaded Europe, and later immigrated to America or Israel, do not have a bloodline descending from either the Israel or Judea tribes. (See “The Thirteenth Tribe” by Arthur Koestler) or (“The Invention of the Jewish People” by Shlomo Sand).They are a race that stemmed from Turkish tribes that converted into Judaism which “used Jewish personal names, spoke and wrote in Hebrew, were circumcised, had synagogues and rabbis, studied the Torah and Talmud, and observed Hanukkah, Pesach, and the Sabbath”, as is mentioned in the history of Khazaria ( These Zionist-Khazars who founded the Kingdom of Khazaria (652-1016 AD) occupied Palestine illegally and founded the Zionist Racist State of Israel in 1948. (See “The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel” by Jack Bernstein).

Hundreds of thousands of children in the USA don’t have daily regular food on the table, but the USA gives billions of dollars every year from American tax payer’s free to Israel, Egypt and other countries to keep them as America’s friends. Now the American economy is in great danger, so it’s about time for the USA to stop supporting financial and military the Israel, Egypt or other countries who made a coalition with the USA against Islamic people. The USA must be a democratic, a bastion of freedom country, and well-respected and honest country, not a police of the world, not an aggressive country, not another Soviet Union and not a monster that invades other independent and sovereign countries. It would be better for the USA if she faces the reality and becomes more responsible and mature country, and stop playing games with the lives and freedom of other nations, or even with the American people.

 As an American citizen and a republican supporter it is hard for me to say this, but there is no big difference between the Republican and Democratic Party in the USA. That is way the Republican Party must be refreshed with members like Senator Ted Cruz, Senator Rand Paul, Senator Marco Rubio, Senator Mike Lee and others like them with right-wing ideologies. The moderate republican is easily manipulated by the democratic liberal of left-wings, how they’re in mind a socialist and Marxist-Leninist ideologies. And if the Republican Party is not strong enough to defend the American Constitution, American people, and America’s economy it is necessary to form a third party in the USA founded by conservatives, libertarian, Tea Party and other strong right-wingers. Recently, moderate republican congressmen, Peter King, from New York, criticized and accused Senator Ted Cruz of becoming an extremist, but Congressman King’s point of views on: Muslims, Syria, Iran Palestine, supporting Israel, prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, Patriotic Acts, use of drones to kill innocent people around the world and even American citizens, guns control, and eliminating the Second Amendment of the American Constitution, are the among the most extreme point of views in America. We need fair and patriotic politicians, not those with double standards, who think that the USA is a unique country in this world and above the international law. And don’t forget that only American right-wingers can save this country, nobody else.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said "use of chemical weapons anywhere constitutes a threat to international peace and security", but the USA was one of the countries who broke the Geneva Convention and international law when they dropped the atomic bomb in Japan, used napalm, phosphor, and other materials of mass destruction against Vietnam, and gave to their “friend”, Saddam Hussein, the chemical weapons to kill Iranian and Kurdish people. The Israeli Army bombed Palestinian people with white phosphor, a very dangerous chemical weapon, which burns people, but the USA doesn’t consider that Israel crossed the red line, and didn’t bomb Israel for using this dangerous chemical weapon against innocent Palestinians. Nobody was persecuted for these horrible crimes from the past, and those people who are guilty all say let’s forget and move on. But history never forgets, and will keep the records and ask for justice. At 9/11, the majority of the airplane hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, but the USA instead of bombing Saudi Arabia, bombed and destroyed Iraq, who didn’t send a single man to harm the USA. This is totally unfair and unjust and it is a shame that the USA forms a coalition forces against Assad’s regime, with countries like Turkey, how crack down the protesters for democracy, sexually attack them and kills them. Or with monarchy of Saudi Arabia, who don’t have any respect for democracy and don’t let the Saudi Arabian’s women even drive a car.
In conclusion, I agree with U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, who said "A red light for one form of weapons does not mean a green light for others," and "This is not a license to kill with conventional weapons”. But these recommendations made by Ban Ki-moon must be imposed on both sides involved in the conflict, not only for Assad’s forces. To end the violence, crimes and war in Syria the USA and their allied must stop financing and giving guns to the opposition against Assad’s regime in Syria, the terrorist organizations like Al Qaeda, how kill soldiers and innocent civilians, especially Christians in Syria. I’m sorry senator McCain if I disappointed you, but the American interest and national security must be here, inside of the United States, not in Syria, Pakistan, Japan, Germany, or other countries which American soldiers put their boots on. So you must take care first the United States of America, not Israel and Zionists supremacy elite. I understood that it’s hard for you to change, but it’s not wrong or too late to try.
Dr.Constantin Burlacu
President of League of National Defense
P.O.Box 292
Tel/Fax: 718-381-3804


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