
Showing posts from October, 2013

Report: White House Knew Millions Could Not Keep Health Plans

Monday, 28 Oct 2013 06:42 PM By Cathy Burke   White House spokesman Jay Carney admitted Monday some Americans won't be able to hold onto their current healthcare plans under Obamacare — despite the president's 2009 emphatic promise "if you like your healthcare plan, you'll be able to keep your healthcare plan. Period." "So it's true there are existing healthcare plans on the individual market that do not meet those minimum standards and therefore do not qualify for the Affordable Care Act," Carney said in response to a question about an earlier remark by David Axelrod, a senior adviser to President Barack Obama during his first term, the Weekly Standard reported. 

What else are they hiding?

Dear Constantin, With just weeks until the confirmation fight over President Obama’s nomination of Janet Yellen to replace Ben Bernanke as Chair of the Federal Reserve, I’m not backing down. I’m counting on you to stand with me. You see, I've informed Senate Majority Leader Reid that I am placing a hold on Janet Yellen's nomination to try and force a vote on my Audit the Fed bill (S. 209). Audit the Fed passed the House last year 327-98, but has languished in the Senate because too many of my colleagues tried to get away with turning a blind eye to the Fed's destructive policies. That's why to make my hold stick and force a vote on Audit the Fed; I'm going to need your help to mobilize the millions of Americans outraged over the unaccountable Federal Reserve. In fact, today I’m announcing an emergency Audit the Fed Money Bomb to raise $100,000 that will run through Sunday, November 3rd to fund an online banner ad campaign to allow Americans to petition ...

Obama Lied, Media Credibility Died

By Ben Shapiro October 30, 2013 6:55 am   On Monday evening, NBC News reported that President Obama wasn't just wrong, he was willfully lying when he said that if Americans liked their insurance plans, they could keep them under Obamacare. "(T)he administration knew that more than 40 to 67 percent of those in the individual market would not be able to keep their plans, even if they liked them," NBC News reported. To clarify, that's some 7 to 11 million Americans. The administration, NBC News said, had known all of this since 2010. Even as President Obama repeatedly told the American people that nobody had to lose their insurance, he recognized that millions would lose their insurance. But just as importantly, the Obama-defending media knew all of this years before the 2012 election ... and they downplayed it or ignored it altogether. In June 2012, PolitiFa...

Jewish lobby wants ‘greater Israel’ by wars against Syria, Iran West must stop arming terrorists in Syria 'No legal basis for US to attack Syria' Related Viewpoints: Should Syria give up chemical weapons? An American journalist says the Israeli lobby in the United States wants to create greater Israel by provoking Washington to launch wars against Syria and Iran. “Well, everything we are seeing is based on Jewish lies designed to take over the Middle East and create greater Israel, which would stretch from Egypt to Iran,” Columnist J. Bruce Campbell told Press TV on Tuesday. “This was the purpose of the Jewish attack on the USS Liberty in 1967, the attacks on 9/11, 2001, and is the purpose of these bogus chemical attacks by the sadistic mercenaries of the CIA, and [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu, and the Saudis,” he added. The analyst was referring to the August 21st chemical weapons attack in Syria. Th...


Wednesday, 23 Oct 2013 04:01 PM By Melissa Clyne A harmless warning shot to the desert — in the form of a nuclear missile — is the United States' only hope of persuading Iran to halt its nuclear program, says billionaire casino mogul Sheldon Adelson. If that doesn't work, he said, another missile should be sent to annihilate Tehran. During a panel discussion Tuesday at Yeshiva University entitled "Will Jews Exist? Iran, Assimilation and the Threat to Israel and Jewish Survival," Adelson, a staunch conservative and supporter of Israel, said there is no negotiating with Iran. The country needs to know the United States has a zero-tolerance policy. ObamaCare: You Can Win With The Facts Currently, he said, the United States is showing weakness in its ongoing diplomatic efforts concerning ec...


Curios ca au venit sa-l felicite pe Mihai si politicieni care prin vocatie si apartanenta la filozofii totalitare au activat si au denigrat monarhia dar care acum apara tradatorii de tara si neam! caci se para si pe ei! Tara arde si regii "nuntesc"! avem doar si pe cei ai tiganilor din toata lumea! si fiecare cu nunta lui, da nu toti sunt si tradatori de tara si neam! "Ioane, Ioane, Ioane Ioane..." un cantec incarcat de semnificatii care trebuia sa-i fi fost cantat lui Mihai la nunta lui de diamant de la Ateneul Roman, caci ai lui se roaga sa apuce si "ziua de diamant a tradarii nationale"! si atunci sa vedeti bucurie! desi isi construeste si el o "catedrala a tradarii de neam si tara" unde vrea sa fie inmormantat! cu bubuit de tunuri! rege sa te fi nascut! Doamne, ce lume stramba si ipocrita ai mai creat! dupa chipul si asemanarea diavolului! Imi fac cruce si-...

Oprah Tells Obama 'No' for Obamacare Help

Sunday, 20 Oct 2013 04:27 PM By Sandy Fitzgerald Celebrities may be lining up to push the president's healthcare insurance plan, but Obamacare will not be getting any Oprahcare any time soon. Talk show queen Oprah Winfrey , who went all out during the 2008 presidential election to help President Barack Obama win the White House, is spurning the Oval Office's advances when it comes to promoting the troubled Affordable Care Act, wrote best-selling author Ed Klein in a New York Post piece Sunday.

Dick Cheney: Tea Party a 'Good Thing' for GOP

Monday, 21 Oct 2013 04:30 PM By Dan Weil The tea party is a force for good in the Republican Party, says former Vice President Dick Cheney . "I think they raised issues that an awful lot of Americans care about," he told NBC’s "Today" program. "It’s an uprising, in part, and the good thing is it's taken place within the Republican Party. I don't see it as a negative. I think it's much better to have that kind of turmoil and change in the Republican Party than it would be to have it outside." Urgent: Should GOP Stick to Its Guns on Obamacare? Vote Here. Story continues below video. 

LUX = biserici / SARACIE = spitale, scoli, batrani...

Iata unde s-a ajuns in urma actiunii de "imbecilizare religioasa" a poporului roman, actiune la care participa presedentia, guvernul si mai toti politicienii, majoritatea proveniti din structuri securisto- comuniste! Sa nu se uite si finantarea din exterior -fonduri private , fonduri europene, fonduri de la diverse servicii secrete straine de tara si neam a caror obiectiv este distrugerea Romaniei si a poporului roman si prin construirea lacaselor de imbecilizare religioasa si prin "impunerea" tagmei popesti deasupra legilor tarii: -provenienta averilor popimii nu pote fi cercetata -nu pot fi cercetate nici doasarele popimii de colaborare cu acele structuri ale securitatii care au practicat politia politica si deci nici colaborarea popimii cu structuri de spionaj si opresiune straine care au actinat si actioneaza impotriva Romaniei si poporului roman. In loc sa construim spitale, scoli, gradinite, industrie-in general intreprinderi care ...


Cititi, mediatizati, judecati si sprijiniti toate actiunile si presonalitatile care se "OPUN" statutului de COLONIE la care a fost condamnata Romania de catre OCCIDENT -in occident sunt inclusi si politicienii din Statele Unite! Multi, foarte multi americani nici nu stiu unde este Romania, si nici de unde si cum le vin food stamp-urile Ziarul Ziua ne dezvaluie interpretarea "parteniatului strategic" si "prietenia de nezdruncinat dintre poporul roman si poporul american" de catre companii americane puse pe jaf si profit maxim! Sloganul cu "pretinia" cred ca va este familiar! il stiti inca de la tradarea fostului rege nevolnic Mihai zis intaiul! adica intaiul tradator de tara si neam desi si pana la el am avut destui Accesati site-ul Ziua virgil ciuca  


Comunicat de presă Conform deciziei adoptate de către componentele active ale Consiliului Unirii, o delegaţie din partea acestei Platforme unioniste va participa la “Marşul pentru Basarabia”, organizat de Platforma Civică „Acțiunea 2012” pe 20 octombrie la București. Evenimentul va începe la ora 14.00 în Piața Victoriei, unde se află Guvernul României, urmând să finalizeze la Palatul Parlamentului care, în cursul acestei luni, va lua în dezbatere legea pentru apropierea celor două state românești, semnată de peste 117.000 de români.

American taxpayers betrayed by chicken-hearted RINOs

By Todd Starnes Todd's American Dispatch Published October 16, 2013

Arrogant president scolds Republicans

As the 16-day government shutdown ended Thursday, a stern President Obama blasted Republicans for deliberately trying to "break" the federal government and allowing their hatred of him to justify un-American tactics.

Ted Cruz vs The Republican Establishment

Humberto Fontova | Oct 18, 2013 Ted Cruz has recently…well you know what he’s been up to recently. Former Massachusetts. Governor and Republican establishment stalwart John Sununu, on the other hand, has recently been busy on Capitol Hill lobbying on behalf of the business interests of Castro’s Cuba, an official “State-Sponsor of Terrorism.” So which Republican is taking all the heat—and from the Republican establishment?

War in Washington: Two Shocking Forecasts

by Martin D. Weiss, Ph.D. Dear Constantin, If you think the debt war in Washington is over, take another look at two of the shocking forecasts I made in this column just two weeks ago. Here they are verbatim ... Forecast #1: "At the 11th hour, the warring factions [will] reach a compromise and Congress [will] raise the debt limit to fund the government's operations normally." "Based strictly on history," I wrote, "this is the most likely result. It's what has happened every single time in the past. ... "Despite the intense pain and embarrassment, born-in-Washington, garden-variety government shutdowns are temporary. They disappear just as soon as enough people on either side of the aisle come to their senses." End result: Despite all the chaos and cursing, forecast #1 is exactly what we got: At the 11th hour, the warring fa...

Failing to stop the heist

Date: 10/19/2013 9:29:51 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time From: To: Sent from the Internet (Details) Dear Constantin, The real losers of the shutdown were the American people who were stuck with a $17 trillion debt. The American people are demanding answers, but Washington kicks the can down the road.

AR-15 Colt 6920 GIVEAWAY

If you are on a mobile device or cannot view the images in this message view this email in your web browser .To ensure future delivery please add to your address book or safe sender's list. Below please find a special message from one of our advertisers, National Association for Gun Rights . From time to time we find special opportunities we believe you as a valued customer may want to see. Please note that the following message reflects the opinions and representations of our advertiser alone, and not necessarily the opinion or editorial positions of or Eagle Publishing.   Dear fellow Patriot, We're giving away the top quality Colt 6920 AR-15 rifle pictured below! The drawing for this Colt 6920 AR-15 rifle is 5 PM EST on Thursday, October 31st, 2013 . . . but you can't win unless you sign up. That's why it's importa...

This is not over

Dear Friends, Here we are again. Another unnecessary crisis. A proposal that maintains the status quo. Very little time to read and evaluate the bill. No time to explain it to our constituents. This is Washington. It is exactly the kind of thing the American people are fed up with and exactly why several of my colleagues and I began the effort to defund and delay Obamacare back in July. It appears that this particular fight will end much the same way Obamacare began: in a last-minute deal, negotiated in back rooms, then forced on Congress and the American people.

Morici: Obama Victory Based on 'Deception and Demagoguery'

Thursday, 17 Oct 2013 08:32 AM By Peter Morici Twitter @pmorici1 To end the government shutdown and raise the debt ceiling without accepting any meaningful GOP conditions, President Barack Obama has resorted to falsehoods, wounded American democracy, and damaged U.S. global leadership. The president has accused the House GOP majority of refusing to pay bills Congress has already racked up, not doing its job, and defying the outcome of the 2012 election. The $17 trillion outstanding national debt funded past spending, and raising the debt ceiling is all about the government spending more than it taxes going forward. The Constitution requires that revenue bills originate in the House, not the president's desk. If Obama wants to spend more than the country can afford, it requires him to negotiate with the House — that's where the framers put the money.

A "Financial War" that will strike America

Dear Moneynews Reader, I was recently tipped off regarding a “Financial War” that will strike America in the next 60 days. And it could eradicate 50% of your life savings. My source: none other than a CIA and Pentagon adviser. I didn’t believe him . . . at first . But then he showed me the disturbing evidence — seven charts, a few chilling photos, and various controversial cables from China. Click Here to See the Exact Proof He Showed Me Aaron DeHoog Financial Publisher Newsmax and Moneynews

"Voi ce-ati indragit strainii, manca-var inima caini"

Cum si de ce devin romanii unguri. O ancheta-bomba via Gazeta de Maramures si Ziaristi online Sub patriotul presedinte Traian Basescu, romanii din Republica Moldova si Ucraina – “moldoveni”, conform exprimarii publice a aceluiasi presedinte, care a ales sa foloseasca oficial etnonimul preferat al lui Vladimir Voronin, Vasile Stati si… George Soros – au nevoie de o rabdare care se intinde pe ani de zile pentru a-si redobandi cetatenia naturala, cea romana. Unii, ca Paul Goma, nu au reusit sa si-o obtina nici dupa peste 20 de ani. Sub acelasi presedinte patriot, romanii din Romania UE-ista au nevoie de doar sase luni pentru a deveni cetateni ai Ungariei. De la simplificarea obtinerii cetatentiei maghiare, 283,866 de cetateni romani au solicitat sa devina cetateni maghiari, releva . O ancheta dramatica, prezentata in exclusivitate de Gazeta de Maramures : Cum devine un român cetățean ungur?

Lt. Governor calls for impeachment of Obama

By Austin American-Statesman (TX) October 16, 2013 6:55 am  Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst has ramped up his criticism of President Barack Obama by suggesting that the 44th chief executive should be impeached, raising the anti-government rhetoric in a GOP primary campaign that has increasingly focused on Washington and the federal government. In an appearance at a Northeast Tarrant Tea Party candidate forum, Dewhurst said late Monday that Obama should be impeached for overreaching in his positions on immigration and health care and for lapses in the 2012 terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

Syrian Rebels Committed War Crimes, Killed 190 Civilians: Report

By KARIN LAUB 10/11/13 01:31 AM ET EDT An opposition fighter fires towards Syrian government forces in Maaret al-Numan in the Idlib province, Syria, Tuesday, Oct. 8, 2013. (AP Photo) BEIRUT -- BEIRUT (AP) — Jihadi-led rebel fighters in Syria killed at least 190 civilians and abducted more than 200 during an offensive against pro-regime villages, committing a war crime, an international human rights group said Friday. The Aug. 4 attacks on unarmed civilians in more than a dozen villages in the coastal province of Latakia were systematic and could even amount to a crime against humanity, Human Rights Watch said in a 105-page report based on a visit to the area a month later.

Democrats to America: We own the government!

Ann Coulter Letter Dear Fellow Conservative, In the current fight over the government shutdown , Republicans are simply representing the views of the American people. Americans didn’t ask for Obamacare, they don’t want it, but now their insurance premiums are going through the roof, their doctors aren’t accepting it, and their employers are moving them into part-time work — or firing them — to avoid the law’s mandates.

On Anniversary of Che Killing, CIA's Felix Rodriguez Remembers

Tuesday, 08 Oct 2013 10:03 PM By Andrea Billups and Kathleen Walter Felix Rodriguez, left, with Ernesto "Che" Guevara before he was shot to death in Bolivia. Former CIA operative Felix Rodriguez, who participated in the historic manhunt to capture Ernesto "Che" Guevara, says the Marxist revolutionary was little more than a criminal and devoted killer who deserves to be demystified. "I believe that eventually people will see what he really was. He was an assassin," said Rodriguez, who spoke to Newsmax about Guevara in advance of the 46th anniversary of his death on Oct. 9, 1967, at age 39. "He was an individual with very little regard for life. He enjoyed killing people." In the interview with Newsmax, Rodriguez gives a detailed first-hand account of the capture and execution of the man whose image is still being appropriated as a counterculture fashion statement.

Mike Lee: Government Default Unconstitutional, Won't Happen

Wednesday, 09 Oct 2013 10:00 PM By Jim Meyers and Kathleen Walter U.S.Senator Mike Lee

Sclavul jidanilor vrea sa interzica nationalistii

Preşedintele PNL, homosexualul Crin Antonescu, a anunţat cu ocazia zilei Holocaustului că a depus o iniţiativă legislativă prin care organizaţiile, simbolurile şi promovarea ideilor legionare vor fi interzise prin lege. Crin Antonescu intervine într-o materie foarte sensibilă care a prilejuit multe dispute şi care nu încetează să suscite o vie emoţie politică. În primăvara acestui an, bunăoară, o conferinţă susţinută la Bucureşti de cercetătorul William Totok despre Ion Gavrilă Ogoranu şi rezistenţa armată anticomunistă a provocat proteste în sală şi reacţii vehemente în presă. Conferenţiarul care făcuse parte din Comisia Internaţională pentru studierea Holocaustului în România, avertiza asupra relaţiei greu disociabile între fosta mişcare legionară şi o rezistenţa armată anticomunistă, căutând totodată să limiteze înclinaţiile mitizante. Au fost sau nu partizanii din munţi legionari? Şi dacă au fost legionari, este legitim cultul care li se dedică? Sau, cu...


SHELL a constatat trei incidente în cursul carora telefoanele mobile au provocat incendii la pompele de benzina din statiile de carburanti : Ø În primul caz, telefonul era in portbagaj când soferul facea plinul; telefonul a sunat si incendiul care a urmat a distrus masina si pompa. Ø În al doilea caz, o persoana a raspuns la telefon în timp ce facea plinul si a fost arsa grav la fata când vaporii de benzina s-au inflamat. Ø În al treilea caz, o persoana a fost arsa grav la picior când vaporii de benzina s-au inflamat; telefonul, care era în buzunar, a început sa sune în timp ce facea plinul.

Half of U.S. Jews Critical of Israel

Half of U.S. Jews Critical of Israel A surprising 48 percent of American Jews believe the Israeli government is not making a "sincere effort" to reach a peace deal with the Palestinians, a landmark new survey reveals. The Pew Research Center conducted the first-ever independent study of American Jews, interviewing nearly 3,500 people in all 50 states. Pew found that only 38 percent of U.S. Jews believe the Israeli government is making a "sincere effort" to come to a peace settlement, and among those ages 18 to 29, just 26 percent agree. A majority of those polled say a two-state solution is possible and oppose Israeli settlements in the West Bank, and just 17 percent say the settlements help Israeli security, according to survey results reported by the Jewish Daily Forward. One-quarter of Jews ages 18 to 29 believe the United States supports Israel too much, while just 5 percent of those 50 and older feel that way. "Young Jews are increasingly likely to say tha...

Is President Obama serious?

Dear Constantin, I wanted to share with you an op-ed I authored about how President Obama refuses to budge on ObamaCare. He's shut the government down rather than listen to the majority of American people who are crying out for relief from the ObamaCare train wreck. Republicans in the house have passed numerous bills to fund the government while granting the American people a break from ObamaCare. So I hope you'll take a few moments of your time to read my op-ed below. After you read my article, please chip in a contribution so I can continue to help lead the fight in the senate to defund ObamaCare. In Liberty, Senator Rand Paul

Confuzie incredibila "NE FAC POPII DE RASUL LUMII"

From: To: Sent: 10/5/2013 1:30:25 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time Subj: Fw: Fwd: Confuzie incredibila "NE FAC POPII DE RASUL LUMII"   Nu-i confuzie decat in parte ca popilor ortodocsi le plac nu numai aurul-adica averea-ci si chiolhanele, femeile -ca asa-i crestineste-, homoxesualitate -sediul central, este se stie doar, chiar Patriarhia unde se toarna si fimulete-, acolo sus pe deal!-ca turnatori si tortionari sunt decand se stiu! vezi si inchisorile si pe mitropolitii trecuti pe acolo dar si bisericuta Tanacu

Statul Român se află în faţa unei mari escrocherii istorice

(Lector universitar doctor Ilie Gherheş) Nu ne vindem ţara, o retrocedăm, pe bucăţi, fără să ţinem seama de tratate, legi, sentinţe sau victimele din cele două conflagraţii mondiale. Din măsuri reparatorii şi juste, retrocedările au devenit un flagel injust, periculos şi imoral, profund scăpat de sub control. Familiile criminalilor de război au ajuns să dobândească imobile şi bunuri de o valoare inestimabilă, fără ca cineva să ţină seama de contextul şi modul în care averea lor a ajuns în proprietatea Statului Român.

Lenin de la KGB

21/12/2010 Conform scrisorilor păstrate de KGB, Lenin a fost homosexual. Zinoviev către Lenin: „Te pup pe tine şi fundul tău marxist” Cotidianul bulgar „Trud" publică, într-unui din numerele sale recente, un articol senzaţional despre viaţa amoroasă a liderului revoluţiei bolşevice, Vladimir Ilici Lenin. Doctorul în istorie N. V. Sokolov a căutat mai mult timp prin arhivele ruseşti, iar ceea ce a descoperit a meritat efortul depus: V. I. Lenin a fost homosexual! Istoricul rus afirmă, în baza unor scrisori pe care le-ar fi găsit în arhive, că amantul lui Vladimir Ilici a fost un lider de nădejde al comuniştilor, Grigori Zinoviev. Vă prezentăm în întregime articolul publicat de Trud.


Actorul Mitică Popescu, închis 3 ani în lagărul de la Periprava, își amintește Iadul prin care a trecut ARTICOL POSTAT DE: Cristina Ologeanu

Israel's chemical arsenal under new scrutiny

Nazareth, Israel - Israeli officials are reported to be increasingly nervous that international efforts to destroy of Syria's chemical weapons might serve as a prelude to demands on Israel to eliminate its own, undeclared weapons of mass destruction.


Plaja Gura Portitei, o alternativa pentru Vama Veche, intre Delta si mare. Unul din primele sate de vacanta din Romania, atestat in harti din anul 1710. Rasarit magic in Rarau.   Statuia lui Decebal pe Dunăre, la Cazane. Ceahlau, salbatica splendoare.. Rapa rosie,Sebes. Lacul Balea este un lac glaciar (format in circ glaciar) situat la o altitudine de 2040 m, in Muntii Fagaras, Judetul Sibiu.     Cheile Bicazului, situate in partea centrala a Muntilor Hasmas, in nord-estul tarii in judetele Neamt si Harghita. Lacul Oasa, Muntii Sureanu. Transfagarasan: cel mai spectaculos traseu rutier din Romania. Multi straini compara Transfagarasanul, cel mai spectaculos traseu rutier din Romania, cu Trollstigen Mountain Road Norway Cascada Cailor este una dintre cele mai frumoase cascade din Romania, formata pe versantul nordic al Muntilor Rodnei, in apropierea statiunii turistice Borsa. Laguna Albastra - Aghires, Romania ...