Half of U.S. Jews Critical of Israel

Half of U.S. Jews Critical of Israel

A surprising 48 percent of American Jews believe the Israeli government is not making a "sincere effort" to reach a peace deal with the Palestinians, a landmark new survey reveals.

The Pew Research Center conducted the first-ever independent study of American Jews, interviewing nearly 3,500 people in all 50 states.

Pew found that only 38 percent of U.S. Jews believe the Israeli government is making a "sincere effort" to come to a peace settlement, and among those ages 18 to 29, just 26 percent agree.

A majority of those polled say a two-state solution is possible and oppose Israeli settlements in the West Bank, and just 17 percent say the settlements help Israeli security, according to survey results reported by the Jewish Daily Forward.

One-quarter of Jews ages 18 to 29 believe the United States supports Israel too much, while just 5 percent of those 50 and older feel that way.

"Young Jews are increasingly likely to say that they have no religion, despite saying they are Jewish," the Forward observed. "In doing so, they are rewriting the norms of behavior of American Jews.

"These 'Jews of no religion' are far less likely to marry other Jews, raise their children Jewish, give to Jewish charities, belong to Jewish organizations, feel connected to the Jewish community, and care about Israel."

Pew estimates that there are 6.7 million American Jews, including 5.3 million adults, comprising 2.2 percent of all U.S. adults.

There are an additional 2.4 million Americans who have a Jewish parent but claim allegiance to another religion or don't consider themselves Jewish in any way.

Among the other findings of the Pew survey:

    Since 2000, 71 percent of non-Orthodox Jews who married wed a non-Jew.
    Jews are disproportionately wealthy compared with other Americans — 25 percent make at least $150,000 a year, compared with 8 percent for the population as a whole. But 20 percent of U.S. Jews earn less than $30,000 annually.
    Jews are more likely than the rest of the population to believe that Muslims and blacks are discriminated against.
    The vast majority of American Jews say homosexuality should be accepted by society.
    32 percent of Jews born since 1980 say they have no religion, but just 7 percent of those born between 1914 and 1927 have no religion.
    Among Jewish parents who have no religion, 67 percent say they are not raising their children Jewish.
    Only 48 percent of people raised as Orthodox Jews are currently Orthodox.
    70 percent of Jews are Democrats or lean Democratic, while 23 percent are Republicans or lean Republican. But 57 percent of Orthodox Jews are Republicans or lean Republican.
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