What else are they hiding?
With just weeks until the confirmation fight over President Obama’s nomination of Janet Yellen to replace Ben Bernanke as Chair of the Federal Reserve, I’m not backing down.
I’m counting on you to stand with me.
You see, I've informed Senate Majority Leader Reid that I am placing a hold on Janet Yellen's nomination to try and force a vote on my Audit the Fed bill (S. 209).
Audit the Fed passed the House last year 327-98, but has languished in the Senate because too many of my colleagues tried to get away with turning a blind eye to the Fed's destructive policies.
That's why to make my hold stick and force a vote on Audit the Fed; I'm going to need your help to mobilize the millions of Americans outraged over the unaccountable Federal Reserve.
In fact, today I’m announcing an emergency Audit the Fed Money Bomb to raise $100,000 that will run through Sunday, November 3rd to fund an online banner ad campaign to allow Americans to petition their Senators and demand they take action to rein in the out-of-control Federal Reserve.
These banner ads will run nationwide and especially heavy in states like Alaska, Arkansas, Louisiana and North Carolina, where vulnerable red-state Democrats stand for re-election.
I’m convinced we can create the grassroots tidal wave it will take to force a vote on my Audit the Fed Bill.
I need to prove to my colleagues that the grassroots are FURIOUS with their refusal to hold the Fed accountable for their failed easy-money policies that choked off economic growth.
And that will only happen if I can take this fight national and swamp the Senate with a grassroots tsunami of outrage.
Will you stand with me in the fight to force a vote on Audit the Fed?
If you agree, it's vital you sign your "Audit the Fed" petition right away.
And after you sign your petition, won’t you please contribute as generously as you can to help me Audit the Fed IMMEDIATELY?

The truth is, ever since the financial crisis of 2008 – which the Fed’s easy-money policies helped create in the first place – the Fed’s economic central planning strategy has boiled down to this:
Print now. Ask questions later.
That alone has made many Americans nervous. Printing money out of thin air to pay the bills ultimately leads to fiscal disaster.
Not only that, but many Americans were shocked to learn the Fed has been doled out more than one TRILLION in U.S. dollars to foreign banks.
What else have they been up to? What else are they hiding?
Sadly, since much of the Fed’s actions are “off limits” to the public, you and I can only guess.
We’re just supposed to look the other way and trust them not to misbehave.
Whether it’s the IRS targeting Tea Party organizations, the Justice Department’s wiretapping of reporters who dared to criticize President Obama – or the NSA admitting to thousands of privacy violations after assuring us there were none – more and more Americans are now understanding just how foolish it would be.
The fact is, nearly 80% of the American people agree the Fed should be audited.
With your help, my Audit the Fed Bill will finally expose the Federal Reserve’s:
*** Aiding and abetting big spending politicians in Congress by simply printing more money to pay the bills – destroying the dollar and driving the costs of housing, food, gasoline, higher education and medical care sky-high – when all of Washington, D.C.’s taxes and borrowing still don’t make ends meet;
*** Corruption and cronyism and the incredible power the unelected financiers wield over our economy;
*** Interest-rate manipulation, “Quantitative Easing,” and secret bailouts, which instead "paper over" economic problems and lead to worse conditions down the line – instead of improving economic conditions as some would have you believe.
That’s why it’s so critical you act NOW.
The Janet Yellen nomination will put the Federal Reserve in the spotlight like never before.
Will my colleagues in the Senate really stand up and say “NO!” to auditing the Federal Reserve?
Not unless you and I turn up the pressure.
It’s up to you and me to act right away.

So please sign your "Audit the Fed" petition and make a generous contribution of $250, $100, $50 or $35 to this emergency money bomb.
If that is too much for you to afford, please chip in a contribution of $25 or $10.
Your generosity can help me mobilize Americans all over the country to turn up the heat on Congress to Audit the Fed.
Whether it’s stopping President Obama’s march to war in Syria, stopping gun control or forcing the administration’s hand over drone strikes within our borders, you’ve proven your action makes a difference.
Now it’s time to turn our focus on EXPOSING the Federal Reserve.
So please contribute as generously as you can to my Audit the Fed Money Bomb at once!
In Liberty,

Senator Rand Paul
P.S. I've launched an emergency Audit the Fed Money Bomb to raise $100,000 by Sunday, November 3rd to fund a national online banner ad campaign to turn up the heat on my colleagues to support my Audit the Fed Bill.
Now, I’m convinced you and I have the best opportunity in years to finally pass this critical bill, but the establishment is already fighting back.
So please sign your "Audit the Fed" petition and make a generous contribution of $250, $100, $50 or $35 to this emergency money bomb.
If that is too much for you to afford, please chip in a contribution of $25 or $10.
With your support, I’m convinced we can create the grassroots tidal wave it will take to force a vote on my Audit the Fed Bill (S. 209) in the U.S. Senate.
With just weeks until the confirmation fight over President Obama’s nomination of Janet Yellen to replace Ben Bernanke as Chair of the Federal Reserve, I’m not backing down.
I’m counting on you to stand with me.
You see, I've informed Senate Majority Leader Reid that I am placing a hold on Janet Yellen's nomination to try and force a vote on my Audit the Fed bill (S. 209).
Audit the Fed passed the House last year 327-98, but has languished in the Senate because too many of my colleagues tried to get away with turning a blind eye to the Fed's destructive policies.
That's why to make my hold stick and force a vote on Audit the Fed; I'm going to need your help to mobilize the millions of Americans outraged over the unaccountable Federal Reserve.
In fact, today I’m announcing an emergency Audit the Fed Money Bomb to raise $100,000 that will run through Sunday, November 3rd to fund an online banner ad campaign to allow Americans to petition their Senators and demand they take action to rein in the out-of-control Federal Reserve.
These banner ads will run nationwide and especially heavy in states like Alaska, Arkansas, Louisiana and North Carolina, where vulnerable red-state Democrats stand for re-election.
I’m convinced we can create the grassroots tidal wave it will take to force a vote on my Audit the Fed Bill.
I need to prove to my colleagues that the grassroots are FURIOUS with their refusal to hold the Fed accountable for their failed easy-money policies that choked off economic growth.
And that will only happen if I can take this fight national and swamp the Senate with a grassroots tsunami of outrage.
Will you stand with me in the fight to force a vote on Audit the Fed?
If you agree, it's vital you sign your "Audit the Fed" petition right away.
And after you sign your petition, won’t you please contribute as generously as you can to help me Audit the Fed IMMEDIATELY?
The truth is, ever since the financial crisis of 2008 – which the Fed’s easy-money policies helped create in the first place – the Fed’s economic central planning strategy has boiled down to this:
Print now. Ask questions later.
That alone has made many Americans nervous. Printing money out of thin air to pay the bills ultimately leads to fiscal disaster.
Not only that, but many Americans were shocked to learn the Fed has been doled out more than one TRILLION in U.S. dollars to foreign banks.
What else have they been up to? What else are they hiding?
Sadly, since much of the Fed’s actions are “off limits” to the public, you and I can only guess.
We’re just supposed to look the other way and trust them not to misbehave.
Whether it’s the IRS targeting Tea Party organizations, the Justice Department’s wiretapping of reporters who dared to criticize President Obama – or the NSA admitting to thousands of privacy violations after assuring us there were none – more and more Americans are now understanding just how foolish it would be.
The fact is, nearly 80% of the American people agree the Fed should be audited.
With your help, my Audit the Fed Bill will finally expose the Federal Reserve’s:
*** Aiding and abetting big spending politicians in Congress by simply printing more money to pay the bills – destroying the dollar and driving the costs of housing, food, gasoline, higher education and medical care sky-high – when all of Washington, D.C.’s taxes and borrowing still don’t make ends meet;
*** Corruption and cronyism and the incredible power the unelected financiers wield over our economy;
*** Interest-rate manipulation, “Quantitative Easing,” and secret bailouts, which instead "paper over" economic problems and lead to worse conditions down the line – instead of improving economic conditions as some would have you believe.
That’s why it’s so critical you act NOW.
The Janet Yellen nomination will put the Federal Reserve in the spotlight like never before.
Will my colleagues in the Senate really stand up and say “NO!” to auditing the Federal Reserve?
Not unless you and I turn up the pressure.
It’s up to you and me to act right away.
So please sign your "Audit the Fed" petition and make a generous contribution of $250, $100, $50 or $35 to this emergency money bomb.
If that is too much for you to afford, please chip in a contribution of $25 or $10.
Your generosity can help me mobilize Americans all over the country to turn up the heat on Congress to Audit the Fed.
Whether it’s stopping President Obama’s march to war in Syria, stopping gun control or forcing the administration’s hand over drone strikes within our borders, you’ve proven your action makes a difference.
Now it’s time to turn our focus on EXPOSING the Federal Reserve.
So please contribute as generously as you can to my Audit the Fed Money Bomb at once!
In Liberty,
Senator Rand Paul
P.S. I've launched an emergency Audit the Fed Money Bomb to raise $100,000 by Sunday, November 3rd to fund a national online banner ad campaign to turn up the heat on my colleagues to support my Audit the Fed Bill.
Now, I’m convinced you and I have the best opportunity in years to finally pass this critical bill, but the establishment is already fighting back.
So please sign your "Audit the Fed" petition and make a generous contribution of $250, $100, $50 or $35 to this emergency money bomb.
If that is too much for you to afford, please chip in a contribution of $25 or $10.
With your support, I’m convinced we can create the grassroots tidal wave it will take to force a vote on my Audit the Fed Bill (S. 209) in the U.S. Senate.