American taxpayers betrayed by chicken-hearted RINOs
By Todd Starnes
Todd's American Dispatch
Published October 16, 2013
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Todd's American Dispatch
Published October 16, 2013
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American taxpayers have once again been trampled by establishment
Republicans – a thundering herd of chicken-hearted Republicans in Name Only
(RINOs) galloping to the Left.
debt ceiling deal struck between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senate
Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is a victory for President Obama and
ObamaCare is still the law of the land. The government is still
spending money it does not have. And thousands of government workers just got a
two-week vacation courtesy of the taxpayers.
The debt ceiling deal struck between Harry Reid and Mitch
McConnell is a victory for Obama and Democrats.
sure we will hear establishment apologists calling the events of recent days a
compromise. But seeing how the president refused to compromise, it’s more likely
the Grand Old Party was the only one bending.
Establishment Republicans always talk about doing the right thing
for the nation, no matter the price. But when push comes to shove, they always
throw in the towel. And Wednesday, McConnell and his band of merry moderates
heaved their towels in an epic demonstration of lily-livered
you’ve got to hand it to Sen. Ted Cruz for standing his ground. He held the line
and ultimately paid the price. His good name was smeared by Democrats as well as
McConnell’s band – most notably Sens. John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Bob
band of bullies brushed aside Ronald Reagan’s 11th commandment – the one about
not speaking ill of any fellow Republican. If only the moderates debated
Democrats with the same ferocity reserved for conservatives.
nastier they get, the more it demonstrates how scared they are of the American
people holding every elected official accountable,” Cruz told me in a telephone
call Wednesday afternoon. “It’s not surprising the Washington establishment
pushes back. We knew when we took on the Washington establishment that it would
fight back.”
Cruz told me Wednesday was not a good day for America.
“Today’s deal is a classic example of the Washington establishment
turning a blind eye to the American people,” he said. “It does nothing for all
of the young people coming out of college right now who can’t find jobs because
of ObamaCare. It does nothing for all the single parents forced into part time
work who can’t feed their kids on 29 hours a week.”
gentleman from Texas had nothing but praise for the House of Representatives. He
said they held the line. They stood strong for the American people. The Senate
is another matter.
outcome of this fight would have been very, very different if only Senate
Republicans had made the decision to stand and fight alongside House
Republicans,” he said. “That didn’t happen. That was the critical
Limbaugh told his millions of listeners that the GOP has been
have never seen a major political party simply occupy placeholders, as the
Republican Party is doing,” he said on his national radio program.
hasn't been any opposition, not any serious opposition. There may have been
votes against this or that, votes against ObamaCare. There may have been votes
against the stimulus, but in terms of a package of policies, a package of
principled beliefs, of opposition expressed daily by party leaders against
what's happening in this country, there hasn't been.
Wednesday’s epic surrender was much like King Arthur in “Monty
Python and the Holy Grail,” hollering, “Run away, run away.”
I can
imagine the minstrel strumming a lyre in the middle of the Rotunda, warbling,
“Brave McConnell ran away. When Obama reared his liberal head, he bravely turned
his tail and fled. Yes, Brave Sir McConnell turned about and valiantly, he
chickened out.”
Alaska Governor Sarah Palin took lawmakers from both political parties to task
on her Facebook page.
life gives you lemons, at this point make margaritas,” she wrote in an essay
titled, “Thanks a Lot for Caving, Politicians."
“Caving on debt could drive one to drink.”
Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham still appears to be distressed that conservative
lawmakers would actually follow through on their campaign promises and represent
the interests of the people.
has been a very bad two weeks for the Republican brand,” he said.
about the American brand, sir? Is anybody in Washington concerned about
Todd Starnes is host of Fox News & Commentary, heard on
hundreds of radio stations. Sign up for his American Dispatch newsletter, be sure to join his Facebook page, and follow him
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