This is an emergency, Constantin
Sent: 10/26/2016 4:57:26 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: This is an emergency, Constantin
Sent: 10/26/2016 4:57:26 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: This is an emergency, Constantin
Constantin, Please take action right away. Without the support of Americans like you, the fight for worker freedom would be nearly impossible. The union bosses have over $1 billion in forced dues and an army of militants. Those who care about workplace freedom and the Right to Work have each other. That's why I ask you to make a generous contribution to the National Right to Work Committee. Thank you for your support, Rand Paul sent from my iPad ------Begin forwarded message------From: Mark Mix To: Rand Paul Re: RED ALERT (Emergency) ![]() Constantin, This is an all-out emergency. The crucial 2016 elections are just weeks away, and Big Labor knows exactly what's at stake -- complete control of the Federal Government. So they're pulling out all the stops to ele ct Hillary and seize control of Congress by SMEARING pro-Right to Work candidates in hopes of taking the focus off their radical agenda of union-label government. That's why I've issued a Red Alert to our staff and expanded our MASSIVE 2016 4-part plan dead-set on exposing Big Labor's handpicked politicians! At this very moment, National Right to Work Committee staff are preparing to launch an Emergency Counter Blitz exposing Hillary's and Big Labor agenda, using EVERY MEANS at our disposal. We'll use Internet and TV ads on highly-trafficked websites through Google and Facebook. And radio and newspaper too -- all in addition to our hard-hitting TV ad and direct mail program. But I cannot wait to raise the money for this program. Needless to say, doubling-down on our extensive TV ads along with our Emergency Counter Blitz won't be cheap. Which means the Committee must raise an emergency influx of funds by October 27th to make sure we are able to continue running these TV ads. I'll give you the link to donate in just a moment, but first let me explain why your emergency contribution is urgently needed at this time. You see, history has shown that when voters learn which politicians are in Big Labor's pocket, they don't put up with it for long. That's why Hillary and her Big Labor allies are retaliating with another massive barrage of attacks in response to your Committee's hard-hitting programs exposing their agenda. But you and I can still thwart Hillary's and Big Labor's plans. The National Right to Work Committee has never been in a better position to successfully execute an Emergency Counter Blitz exposing union-lackey politicians. Poll after poll shows nearly 80% of Americans believe it's just plain wrong to force workers to pay union dues as a condition of employment. So what you and I have to do is let the American people know which candidates stand with them, and which ones side with the union elite. But this cannot happen without your IMMEDIATE financial support. Imagine, Constantin, Big Labor maintaining their stranglehold over the White House with Hillary's victory, and newly-crowned Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer ushering in AFL-CIO boss Richard Trumka's agenda. I shudder at the very thought. And that nightmare can very well become a reality -- unless you act right away. That's why it's vital you make your most generous contribution of $50 right away. ![]() I know that's more than you've given in the past. But, given the urgency of our situation during these final weeks before the elections, your Committee needs all the resources we can get. If $50 is just too much, please consider a generous contribution of $25 right away. I know it's a lot to ask, especially since you've already done so much for worker freedom. But, Constantin, I would not ask if this weren't so important. So please consider your most generous contribution right away. Sincerely, ![]() Mark Mix President, National Right to Work P.S. The crucial 2016 elections are just weeks away, and Big Labor knows exactly what's at stake -- complete control of the Federal Government. So they're pulling out all the stops to elect Hillary and seize control of Congress by SMEARING pro-Right to Work candidates in hopes of taking the focus off their radical agenda of union-label government. That's why I've issued a Red Alert to our staff and expanded our MASSIVE 2016 Emergency Counter Blitz, dead-set on exposing Big Labor's handpicked politicians! So please consider your most generous contribution right away. ![]() |