Memo from Kellyanne

Sent: 10/24/2016 8:09:09 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Memo from Kellyanne


Because you’ve been such a supportive donor, I had Kellyanne write this memo last night to show you where we currently stand in the race for the White House and what we must do to lock in a BIG win.

If you don’t read the entire memo below, I’ve highlighted key points that you NEED to know.

After reading the memo, please consider making a contribution of $100, $65, $50, $35, $15, or $5 to help us stay on track to win just 15 days from today.

BEFORE donating, you’ll also be able to indicate your preference for the state we invest your contribution in.

FROM: Kellyanne Conway, Campaign Manager
RE: Donald Trump’s Path to 270 Electoral Votes

Donald Trump must reach 270 electoral votes to win the presidency. We’ve outlined a map to show where we currently stand as well as the possible paths forward to win.

While we are not taking any state for granted, those colored red are states that we can safely assume will vote for Donald Trump. Blue states favor Hillary. Blank states are too close to call.

Over the past month, polls have shown us winning Iowa, Ohio, Maine, Florida, Nevada, and North Carolina. If we maintain our leads in those six states, we can reliably claim 266 electoral votes. Hillary can claim 193. But we’d still have 4 electoral votes to go.

Polls show us close in New Hampshire, Colorado, and Pennsylvania. Winning just any one of those states would lead us to victory.

We are currently executing a highly costly early voting push and get-out-the-vote operation to ensure identified Trump supporters make it to the polls before Election Day. We are also planning a $140 million-dollar ad blitz in battleground states to lead us to victory.
Constantin: with just 15 days left, we have a few paths to win. But we’ll need your continued support.

Because you’ve been such a critical donor, you’ll also be able to share your preference on which state we should invest your contribution in.

Please make a contribution of $100, $65, $50, $35, $15, or $5 to help us stay on track to win just 15 days from today.

Thank you,

Donald J. Trump  


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