now or never

Sent: 10/7/2016 1:06:31 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: now or never

Constantin, we are in the critical, final days of the election, and Donald Trump and our House and Senate candidates need your help.

A record number of Republicans showed up to vote in the primaries and we have a chance to turn those voters out and elect Donald Trump President of the United States, preserve our Senate Majority and elect more Republicans to the House.

I know you understand how important this opportunity is for our country and that is why we need your help to win.

With early voting already underway, we must do everything in our power NOW to reach voters and get GOP ads on the airwaves.

Constantin, I would like to humbly ask you today for a special Get-Out-The-Vote gift of $35, $50, $100, $250 or even just $5.

Without a strong push to carry our message of strength, prosperity and freedom we could lose on Election Day.

Mr. Trump and all our candidates nationwide count on your vote and financial help to win.

I want them all to know that the grassroots of our party are standing with them in this battle to Make America Great Again.

Please join me now with a contribution of $35, $50, $100, $250 or even just $5 and let’s take our country back.

There is so much on the line over these last weeks, I hope you’re with us.

Your friend,

Newt Gingrich
Former Speaker of the House


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