Sent: 10/23/2016 5:07:28 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: listen
Sent: 10/23/2016 5:07:28 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: listen

The politicians and liberal elites have not been listening to you.
But I hear you loud and clear. That’s why I am the people’s candidate for president with a rising movement of pro-America voters ready to take back our country.
As one of my best and most loyal supporters, you can do a lot to help finish this race strong and send Crooked Hillary down to defeat.
Please take a minute right now to complete our Listening to America Survey so I can hear your voice at this important moment in the race.
You have my word I will take action on YOUR concerns and speak up for YOUR interests.
That’s what I’ve been doing this whole time.
When I said we should not be letting tens of thousands of Syrian refugees into our country if we don't know who they are, the liberal elites screamed out against me, but they were not listening to you.
When I said we should build a real border wall because if you don’t have a border, you don’t have a country, they raged against me on TV, but they were not listening to you.
When I said China is ripping us off with all these stupid trade deals, the liberal elites screamed about their globalist economic theories, but they were not listening to you.
Well I have been listening to you, Constantin . I have been taking you seriously. And I will not let you down.
So our campaign – our pro-America movement – is taking a new approach that hasn’t been tried before by the D.C. insiders. I am campaigning on a message that seeks to represent the American people only, NOT lobbyists, NOT the media, and NOT corporate elites. The reason I have surged in the polls from 'day one' of this race is because I have been listening to you – the great silent majority of Americans - and keeping you and other supporters engaged every step along the way.
With just a few weeks to go before Election Day, I need you to stay engaged more than ever, so please complete our Listening to America Survey.
In addition to your valuable answers, I also hope I can count on you to make a special donation in support of our campaign at this critical time.
Crooked Hillary has tons of money from the liberal elites who have rigged everything against you. The media are in her corner too, and frankly I don’t think I’ve seen the media in this country behave in such a disgusting way as they have against me. So many lies!
So help me cut through the media nonsense and take our message right to the people. Complete our Listening to America Survey
Thank you,
Donald Trump
The politicians and liberal elites have not been listening to you.
But I hear you loud and clear. That’s why I am the people’s candidate for president with a rising movement of pro-America voters ready to take back our country.
As one of my best and most loyal supporters, you can do a lot to help finish this race strong and send Crooked Hillary down to defeat.
Please take a minute right now to complete our Listening to America Survey so I can hear your voice at this important moment in the race.
You have my word I will take action on YOUR concerns and speak up for YOUR interests.
That’s what I’ve been doing this whole time.
When I said we should not be letting tens of thousands of Syrian refugees into our country if we don't know who they are, the liberal elites screamed out against me, but they were not listening to you.
When I said we should build a real border wall because if you don’t have a border, you don’t have a country, they raged against me on TV, but they were not listening to you.
When I said China is ripping us off with all these stupid trade deals, the liberal elites screamed about their globalist economic theories, but they were not listening to you.
Well I have been listening to you, Constantin . I have been taking you seriously. And I will not let you down.
So our campaign – our pro-America movement – is taking a new approach that hasn’t been tried before by the D.C. insiders. I am campaigning on a message that seeks to represent the American people only, NOT lobbyists, NOT the media, and NOT corporate elites. The reason I have surged in the polls from 'day one' of this race is because I have been listening to you – the great silent majority of Americans - and keeping you and other supporters engaged every step along the way.
With just a few weeks to go before Election Day, I need you to stay engaged more than ever, so please complete our Listening to America Survey.
In addition to your valuable answers, I also hope I can count on you to make a special donation in support of our campaign at this critical time.
Crooked Hillary has tons of money from the liberal elites who have rigged everything against you. The media are in her corner too, and frankly I don’t think I’ve seen the media in this country behave in such a disgusting way as they have against me. So many lies!
So help me cut through the media nonsense and take our message right to the people. Complete our Listening to America Survey
Thank you,
Donald Trump