Term limits are the only way we’ll stop the political elites in Washington.

From: jenny.beth@teapartypatriots.org
To: dacialan@aol.com
Sent: 10/26/2016 2:17:02 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Term limits are the only way we’ll stop the political elites in Washington.
Term limits are the only way to cut off the entrenched Washington elites from living on your taxpayer dollars for decades.
Donald Trump has promised to tackle term limits as president, and Tea Party Patriots could not agree more about the importance of imposing limits on all members of Congress.
If we’re ever going to change things in Washington, we have got to put an end to career politicians who go to Congress, cozy up to lobbyists and special interest groups, and plant themselves there for life.
Tea Party Patriots is leading the national movement to enact term limits for all members of Congress — it’s why we included it as one of the key issues in our Yellow Card Project last year. With your immediate gift today, we will forever bring an end to ‘business as usual’ in Washington.
The Founders never envisioned a “Ruling Class.” They set our country up to be run by “citizen-legislators.”
Members of Congress should go to Washington to serve us for a short time, then return to their normal lives as citizens.
It’s the only way we’ll stop 80% of incumbents from entrenching themselves in Washington for decades at a time.
The data shows that the longer a member stays in Congress, the greater chance they’ll vote for higher spending and higher taxes...
... two things we simply cannot afford.
Please support us with your best gift today, so we can continue fighting for term limits.
Tea Party Patriots is leading the national effort to enact term limits for all members of Congress, and luckily Donald Trump is helping by bringing this issue into the national conversation.
We’ve been fighting for years to impose term limits on Congress.
And we won’t give up the fight until this legislation is enacted.
But we need your help to assemble a coordinated, nationwide, grassroots effort to press this issue and force Congress to act, whether or not the next president takes it up.
Will you help make sure we have the resources needed to coordinate our grassroots team and flood Congress with calls and mailers about term limits?
For years, we have sent letters to Congress, demanded action on this issue, and been a leading voice in the fight… and we’re making great progress.
As Americans we must put an end to the political elites living high off of our taxpayer dollars for decades on end.
We must demand term limits on all members of Congress.
And we need to ensure the next Congress and president make this a top priority.
Please give the best gift you can today to help Tea Party Patriots force the next Congress to enact term limits on all members.
For liberty,
Jenny Beth Martin
Tea Party Patriots


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