
Showing posts from 2015

Are We on the Verge of WWIII?

From: To: Sent: 12/13/2015 3:13:43 P.M. Central Standard Time Subj: Are We on the Verge of WWIII?   Dear Patriot, WWIII seems like a scary throwback to our past, to two world wars in the past century. And it is a scary proposition. What makes it even scarier is that we may be closer to the brink of a nuclear conflict than you may be aware. Here's why... Click Here to See How Close We Really Are to WWIII Alan Morris Editor More Survival Institute News: - How Not To Be A Victim When Attacked - Scary Murder Statistic: Will This Happen To You? - One Crazy Event that Has Brought Us Closer to a Maoist Nightmare - The Scary Police State Move that Is Close to Being Fully Implemented in the ...

Who really created ISIS?

From: Reply-to: To: Sent: 11/24/2015 12:44:25 P.M. Central Standard Time Subj: Who really created ISIS?   Questions? MEET ME ON MY BLOG! Ask me anything you like — about how this great supercycle will impact you ... the best supercycle investments as Europe continues to crater ... the end of the four-year bear market in gold and other commodities ... and more! CLICK THIS LINK TO JOIN THE DISCUSSION NOW! Who really created ISIS? Dear Constantin, ...

Updated Links: Don’t Let Them Reauthorize This Govt Waste

From: To: Sent: 10/26/2015 11:58:22 A.M. Hawaiian Standard Time Subj: Updated Links: Don’t Let Them Reauthorize This Govt Waste   Dear Constantin, *Please note: the Tweet links have been updated in the following message. Today, Nancy Pelosi is working hard to bring back another wasteful and corrupt government program that uses our tax dollars to line the pockets of some of the world’s largest corporations. Call now and tell these Congressmen NOT to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank (Ex-Im). A vote on reauthorization is expected today, so act fast! That’s right! While everyone has been distracted b...

Premierul Israelului ȘOCHEAZĂ | Hitler nu voia să-i extermine pe evrei, ci să-i expulzeze

Premierul israelian Benjamin Netanyahu era vizat miercuri de critici dure, după ce a sugerat marţi că liderul palestinian din al Doilea Război Mondial i-a convins pe nazişti să adopte „soluţia finală” de exterminare a evreilor europeni, relatează AP în pagina electronică. Experţi în Holocaust denunţă afirmaţiile lui Netanyahu ca inexacte din punct de vedere istoric. Critici subliniau totodată, miercuri, că această declaraţie a lui Netanyahu echivalează cu o incitare împotriva palestinienilor contemporani, în toiul unui val de tulburări violente şi de tensiuni israeliano-palestiniene. Netanyahu a spus marţi unui grup de lideri evrei că muftiul Ierusalimului, Haj Amin al-Husseini, un simpatizant al nazismului, l-a convins pe Adolf Hitler să-i distrugă pe evrei. „Hitler nu voia să-i extermine pe evrei la momentul acela, el voia să-i expulzeze pe evrei”, a spus Netanyahu. Când Hitler l-a întrebat pe al-Husseini ce să facă, Netanyahu a spus că muftiul i-...

Aşa ceva n-aţi mai auzit ! 54minute ascultati pana la sfarsit

Ce spune prof. univ. dr. Corvin Lupu Nu deschideţi dacă nu dispuneţi de 54 de minute libere GeoStroe 0722972522, tel:0214138434, Fundația Academia DacoRomână ”TDC” - FADRTDC, cu filiala Academia Zamolsiană ”Primii în timp” în Traian Ialomița; Blocul Unitatea Națiunii - BUN Partidul României Europene - P.R.E. va deveni Partidul Dacilor Liberi - D.L. SC.Tempus DacoRomânia ComTerra SRL - Editura DacoRomână ”TDC”

My rollercoaster visit to Chongqing, China ...

Dear Constantin, OK, if you saw my email yesterday, hopefully you have already watched my third video ... and have acted on it. If you didn't see it, please watch it now . I was excited when I got here. But I'm even more excited now. It makes a big difference to actually put your feet on the ground and explore an investment opportunity like this first hand. Incredibly, most people in the financial business never even leave their desks! That's probably why the new Silk Road is still a "hidden" opportunity. Nobody else has bothered to come out here and discover what's really happening. For myself, this trip has been a game-changer. I have already made some significant changes to my own portfolio. And once I get home I'll be sharing my thoughts and recommendations with my readers. But first, I would love for you to watch the third and final video . This is where you discover what to do, and how to do it. This is w...

Who will save Germany?

Thursday, October 8, 2015 Dear Constantin, My cycles research is virtually screaming that Phase II of this great government debt crisis — the phase in which the European Union ultimately defaults on its debts — has begun. Just as I've warned, the era in which governments could amass unpayable debts with impunity has ended. And the era in which mankind pays the price for those debts has begun. Could the VW scandal be the straw that breaks Europe's back? For years now; ever since the European debt crisis first raised its ugly head; most talking heads have assured us that Germany — the economic engine of the EU — would save the day. But now, the question see...

EUROPE — A Blizzard of Bad News: What to do ...

Dear Constantin, The headlines out of Europe this morning are enough to curl your hair ...   European stocks headed for their worst quarter in four years!   German unemployment rate suddenly explodes!   Portuguese voters abandoning the EU in droves! This is the worst kind of news imaginable for European leaders in general and for the EU in particular: Slowing economies and stock markets add up to plunging tax revenues for Europe’s governments. And plunging tax revenues are the worst news possible at a time when they need all the money they can lay their hands on to service their massive debts. Make no mistake: My forecast stands: Europe’s great debt crisis is beginning NOW. When the dust se...
Dear Constantin, Call your Member of Congress today and tell him or her not to vote for Kevin McCarthy for Speaker. Here's why. Find your Representative and Call Now! Today on Capitol Hill, lobbyists from K Street are doing everything they can to shore up the votes for California Congressman Kevin McCarthy so that their favor on the Hill doesn't diminish as Boehner prepares to exit stage left. McCarthy, who appeared on Hannity on Fox News Tuesday night, did everything he could to try to convince the American people that his leadership will be different than Boehner's. However, as Hannity continued to push him on whether or not he would use Congress' Constitutional authority - the power of the purse - to stop President Obama's failed agenda, he repeatedly pledged to do so with one caveat. If there is a "winning" ...


Constantin, It is critical that my friend Mark Mix has your support as he mobilizes for battle against Big Labor. Without the support of Americans like you, the fight for worker freedom would be nearly impossible.  The union bosses have over $1 billion in forced dues and an army of militants. Those who care about workplace freedom and the Right to Work have each other . So after reading the email below, please make a generous contribution to the National Right to Work Committee. Thank you for your support, Steve Forbes
Dear Constantin, After last night's debate, I immediately asked my campaign to get you this email. I need to ask you for a very important personal favor -- a personal sacrifice. And I need to hear back from you before 10pm tomorrow night? I wouldn't ask you this favor if I wasn't willing to make deep sacrifices myself. Please let me briefly explain: running for President of the United States is a significant sacrifice. Only through prayer and many late night discussions with my wife, family, and closest friends did I make the decision. It's a decision I do not take lightly, and I need to share something with you... The sacrifices for our campaign are steep, but I'm proud to be...
Constantin: Too many establishment Republicans and leaders in Washington have let us down. From ObamaCare, to illegal executive amnesty, to funding Planned Parenthood, surrender was always the first option. As a result, our party's nominating contest is wide open as voters are rejecting the establishment candidates the media thought would cake walk to victory. And the September 30th reporting deadline is our chance to send a clear message that my campaign has the grassroots muscle to win. Constantin, this is the most important deadline I will face as a candidate, so I hope I can count on you to chip in a contribution of $20.16 right away . Already, this past week my campaign has received a boost of momentum. I've passed one test of organizational strength and grassroots support by winning the Mackinac Island straw poll in Michigan. And in the last debate I turned in a strong performance by outlining my plan to take our country back by: >>> Ending the IRS...
Dear Constantin, VICTORY! House Speaker John Boehner just announced his intention to vacate the Speaker’s chair and resign from Congress. And make no mistake – this has much to do with the hard work and commitment of grassroots conservatives just like you!! Here at Tea Party Patriots, we could not be more proud of this accomplishment. And as a Tea Party Patriots supporter, you should feel proud, too! We were the first grassroots organization in the country to call for John Boehner’s firing all the way back in 2012. With your help, we bombarded Congress with petitions calling for his ouster gathered through our #FireTheSpeaker” campaign. We pressured members of Congress. We hounded him in the press. YOU, the grassroots, spoke, and John Boehner is finally, reluctantly listening! However, this battle is far from over. We must n...