10/26/2015 11:58:22 A.M. Hawaiian Standard Time
Subj: Updated Links: Don’t
Let Them Reauthorize This Govt Waste
*Please note: the Tweet links have been updated in
the following message.
Today, Nancy Pelosi is working hard to bring back another
wasteful and corrupt government program that uses our tax dollars
to line the pockets of some of the world’s largest
Call now and tell these Congressmen NOT to
reauthorize the Export-Import Bank (Ex-Im). A vote on
reauthorization is expected today, so act fast!
That’s right! While everyone has been distracted by the race
for Speaker of the House, some Members of Congress have been
trying to revive this wasteful government program. The Ex-Im Bank
sends billions of our tax dollars to countries that violate human
rights and undermine democracy – using our hard earned money to
send jobs overseas.
Ex-Im expired on June 30th of this year, thanks in large part
to some of our conservative heroes like Senator Ted Cruz and Rep.
Dave Brat. But more importantly, YOU played a huge role in seeing
this government agency shut down. This was a major victory for
But Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and the Democrats are doing
everything in their power to reauthorize this crony government
waste program, even working hard to get moderate Republicans to
help them do it.
How many times can we say that a government program was
actually ended? This is huge and we must not let them re-open
A vote on reauthorization is expected today and we must make
every call and tweet possible to stop this crony government
program from re-opening its doors!
Call and tweet now!
In liberty, Tea Party Patriots National Support Team
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simply click the Twitter handle below to tweet.)
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