EUROPE — A Blizzard of Bad News: What to do ...
Dear Constantin,
The headlines out of Europe this morning are enough to curl your
hair ...This is the worst kind of news imaginable for European leaders in general and for the EU in particular:European stocks headed for their worst quarter in four years!
German unemployment rate suddenly explodes!
Portuguese voters abandoning the EU in droves!
Slowing economies and stock markets add up to plunging tax revenues for Europe’s governments.
And plunging tax revenues are the worst news possible at a time when they need all the money they can lay their hands on to service their massive debts.
Make no mistake: My forecast stands: Europe’s great debt crisis is beginning NOW.
When the dust settles, the EU will no longer exist. Many European governments will have defaulted on their patently unpayable national debts. European stock markets will be smoldering ruins. And the euro currency itself will be little more than a soon-to-be-forgotten relic.
Meanwhile, the supercycle investments I’ve repeatedly named for you over the past several weeks are already posting massive profits:
Profits of 690% ... 899% ... up to 1,267% as the euro currency continues to plunge ...
Profits of 402% ... 917% ... up to 1,180% as European stocks continue to crater ...
Profits of 958% ... 1,292% ... up to 1,421% as Japanese stocks continue to implode ...
Profits of 546% ... 846% ... up to 1,412% as Japanese stocks continue to bite the dust ...
Profits of 586% ... 809% ... up to 1,179% as massive waves of flight capital continue to flow into the U.S., driving the U.S. dollar and U.S. stocks through the roof.
Fair warning:
Only 7 days remain till
major deadlines hit:
You owe it to yourself to get the facts: Click
this link to read my report and to discover how you can not only
survive, but USE this crisis to go for windfall profits.Only 7 days remain till
major deadlines hit:
But please hurry: The report will go offline on October 7, 2015 just 7 days from today.
On that same day, all enrollment must close.
And when it does, you will have missed your opportunity to save up to $406 on two years of Supercycle Trader and have me pay for three additional years.
Most importantly, you will have missed your opportunity to be on-board for my new investment recommendations, which are scheduled for release next Thursday, October 8.
I urge you: Click this link ... get the facts ... and join me in Supercycle Trader while there’s still time.
Yours for supercycle survival and profits,
Larry Edelson
Senior Analyst, Weiss Research,
Editor, Supercycle Trader