It is critical that my friend Mark Mix has your
support as he mobilizes for battle against Big Labor.
Without the support of Americans like you, the fight for worker freedom would be nearly impossible. The union bosses have over $1 billion in forced dues and an army of militants.
Those who care about workplace freedom and the Right to Work have each other.
So after reading the email below, please make a generous contribution to the National Right to Work Committee.
Thank you for your support,
Steve Forbes "Read More"

Without the support of Americans like you, the fight for worker freedom would be nearly impossible. The union bosses have over $1 billion in forced dues and an army of militants.
Those who care about workplace freedom and the Right to Work have each other.
So after reading the email below, please make a generous contribution to the National Right to Work Committee.
Thank you for your support,
Steve Forbes "Read More"
Mark Mix []
Sent: Friday, October 2nd, 2015 9:30 AM
Subject: Let's blitz the new Speaker
Sent: Friday, October 2nd, 2015 9:30 AM
Subject: Let's blitz the new Speaker
Dear Constantin,
With the U.S. House about to elect a new Speaker, you and I have a real opportunity.
The next Speaker, whoever it turns out to be, is going to want to find a way to make his mark.
And you and I know the American people want to tear down the corrupt political system that enriches union label politicians and their cronies.
The next Speaker could make real progress in that direction, by bringing the National Right to Work Act to the House floor for a vote.
This simple one page bill does not add a single word to federal law, it merely removes the federal provisions allowing union bosses to claw money out of workers' paychecks to fund Big Government politicians and their pet causes.
That's why I'm planning an all-out Banner Blitz designed to flood conservative news and blog sites with a clear call to action.
A Banner Blitz will generate a tidal wave of support for the National Right to Work Act -- and Right to Work will be the first thing on the mind of the new Speaker as he prepares to take leadership.
We'll run ads on sites like:
...and even more depending on the budget we're able to raise.
But the first vote for a new Speaker has been scheduled for next Thursday, October 8th.
And I'd like to be ready to launch this blitz as soon as that vote happens.
So in order to run this program and continue to push for a vote and ultimately pass the National Right to Work Act, you and I need to raise $50,000 in the next week.
That's why I've set a deadline of Wednesday, October 7th and I need your help to hit our goal before then.
Will you help us Blitz the New Speaker by chipping in just $10 or $20 today?
The truth is a change in leadership couldn't have come at a better time.
As I write this email, the union bosses are pulling their hair out -- and for good reason.
You see, the National Right to Work Act (S. 391/H.R. 612) is gaining momentum with 120 members cosponsoring the Bill so far.
And there's little union officials fear more than a very public debate and a very public vote on this important piece of legislation.
After all, over 3 out of every 4 Americans think forcing workers to pay dues and fees as a condition of employment is just plain wrong.
So you can be sure the forced-unionism-loving union brass and their political allies on Capitol Hill are going to be pressuring any new Speaker.
So you and I need to make it clear:
Ignoring the will of the American people will be bad for their careers.
That's why it's essential you and I raise the full $50,000 needed to run our digital Banner Blitz, mobilizing grassroots Americans to action.
The more money you and I raise, the more pressure we can create.
So will you help raise $50,000 by Wednesday, October 7th?
Will you chip in just $10 or $20 to make this Banner Blitz happen?
The fact is, as you read this email, more than 11 million American workers are forced to pay union dues or be fired.
And these workers cough up almost $10 billion a year in union dues -- money union bigwigs funnel into the campaign coffers of their political protectors in Washington.
But, of course, a National Right to Work law, when ultimately passed, will repeal the federally granted power Big Labor has to force workers to pay dues and fees as a condition of employment -- and strip from the union bosses a portion of their political clout.
So, there's no question about it. The union bosses and their forced-dues allies will go all-out to stop our Bill.
That's why your help is so important.
The fact is, voting to force workers to pay union dues as a condition of employment is political poison.
So pressuring the new House Speaker to give us a vote is of critical importance.
Politicians will be forced to either vote to free workers from the shackles of forced unionism or they can face the wrath of the American people when faced with re-election.
And just think of the price Big Labor's cohorts will pay once the American people learn that:
Big Labor's
power is lethal to tens of thousands of small
Union-label politicians and bureaucrats strangle small businesses with confiscatory taxes, destructive laws and straitjacket regulations; |
Forced unionism is a
dead weight on key parts of the American
Productivity-killing work rules, a hate-the-boss mentality, slowdowns and strikes all take their crippling toll on our economy; |
Big Labor's
forced-dues booty is pure poison to our political
Forced-dues dollars stripped from the pockets of hardworking men and women are funneled into the campaign coffers of Tax-and-Spend politicians like Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid; and |
Union thugs terrorize
workers into submission.
Threats, intimidation and even physical violence are all tools Big Labor has routinely used to force workers to pay union dues and keep quiet. |
But to be ready to launch immediately after their election, you and I must raise our $50,000 by Wednesday, October 7th.
So will you chip in just $10 or $20 to make this Banner Blitz happen?
It's vital you and I not allow the new Speaker to continue to block the National Right to Work Act from coming to the floor for public debate and vote.
So, please act today.
Mark Mix
P.S. Ignoring the forced dues issue has tainted the legacy of House Speaker John Boehner and ultimately forced him to announce his resignation.
With new leadership likely to be elected next week, you and I need to make sure the new Speaker hears from the overwhelming majority of Americans opposed to forced unionism.
That's why I'm planning an all out Banner Blitz designed to flood conservative news and blog sites with this clear call to action.
We'll run on sites like,, and and drive pro-Right to Work Americans to flood Congress with phone calls and emails.
But to be ready to launch immediately after their election, you and I must raise our $50,000 by Wednesday, October 7th.
So will you chip in just $10 or $20 to make this Banner Blitz happen?