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Sent: 3/8/2016 5:37:00 A.M. Hawaiian Standard Time
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Dear Constantin,
Boris  Schlossberg
I am sincerely sorry — but I may have been wrong about the euro.
A few weeks ago, I told everyone who’d listen the European currency was going to continue its long slide to oblivion. Now, I’m not so sure.
I just uncovered a BIG reason why it could crash and burn at virtually any moment ...
And if it does, you could be looking at gains of nearly 1,000%.
This could be the opportunity of a lifetime: The opportunity to multiply your money ten times over!
Look: You know the euro has been declining against the U.S. dollar for about two years now.
You know that Europe is fighting for its economic life — with a slowing economy and rapidly rising debt.
This is ONE trade you should NOT miss!
I explain everything HERE. It’s the recording of a phone call I made to my business partner Kathy Lien.
Or, if you prefer, you can read the transcript of the call HERE.
But whatever you do, get the facts NOW!

Boris  Schlossberg< Signature
Boris Schlossberg
Weiss Research

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Anonymous said…
Horia Sima found dead by German police because of cyanide poison in mouth
Link click for more detailes

Full police investigation

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