Fwd: Mrs. Reagan

From: Connect@messages.speaker.gov
To: dacialan@aol.com
Sent: 3/7/2016 8:01:27 A.M. Hawaiian Standard Time
Subj: Mrs. Reagan
Photo: Flags at half-staff

Mrs. Reagan

On January 20, 1989, after the new president was sworn in, President and Mrs. Reagan departed Washington from the East Front of the Capitol Building.
Today, at my request, flags above the Capitol fly at half-staff in honor of her memory. 
President Reagan could not have achieved all he did without Nancy. She brought a sense of grace and dignity to the White House, and the times. She showed us all the meaning of devotion throughout his presidency, and his long goodbye. 
This was her service. It was her way of giving back. 

The people’s House extends its condolences to the Reagan family and offers its prayers on the passing of a great American.
Flags at the U.S. Capitol fly at half-staff in honor of Nancy Reagan's memory.


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