Cuts coming to our grassroots budget?

Sent: 3/8/2016 5:55:49 A.M. Hawaiian Standard Time
Subj: Cuts coming to our grassroots budget?

Our annual money bomb fundraiser is so far behind that I must unfortunately make some very, very tough decisions.

Unless we get this fundraiser back on track towards our $500,000 goal, we will have to cut back on our grassroots efforts to protect the Supreme Court from a liberal Obama nominee!

Please donate $20, $25, $30, $50, $100, or whatever you can afford today.

Unless we raise this $500,000 by this Friday, we won’t be able to fund our national grassroots plan to block Obama’s leftist Supreme Court nominee.

We’ve budgeted for a massive national campaign. We need to be ready to swamp Congress with calls, faxes, and emails the very second Obama announces his liberal appointee.

We need to be able to send Tea Party volunteers directly into the state offices of wavering GOP senators.

We need phone banks and ads.

Obama plans to unveil his pick to replace conservative Antonin Scalia any day now. He will almost certainly pick an ultra liberal who will join him in “fundamentally transforming America.”

Obama will then barnstorm the country tearing into Republicans for being “unfair” and not rushing his left-wing pick through the senate and onto the bench.

The Tea Party must be ready to counterattack.

Please give anything you possibly can right now.

Our treasurer just told me we are still 82% short of our goal. He says we must get this money bomb fundraiser back on track right away or we will have to start cutting.

First, we’ll have to radically scale back our national efforts to coordinate all our local Tea Party groups. It’s very hard and extremely expensive to get over 700 local Tea Party affiliates organized across America.

Next up on the chopping block will be our efforts over the phone. We need to be able to call and patch voters all across the country through to their senators.

With control over the Supreme Court and the future of our Constitution hanging in the balance, we really can’t afford to cut back on anything.

But if we can’t raise this $500,000 by this Friday, we’re going to have to do just that!

This fight to keep Obama’s liberal nominee from even getting a vote is one of the most important political battles of our lives.

If we can’t hold the line, Obama will be able to seize control over the Supreme Court. The left will go wild.

Please make the very best donation you possibly can, and help us save the Supreme Court, our Constitution, and our liberty.

Thank you!

For liberty,

Jenny Beth Martin
CEO and Co-Founder
Tea Party Patriots

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