Fwd: China Puts on a Brave (Fake?) Face

From: eletter@e.moneyandmarkets.com
To: dacialan@aol.com
Sent: 2/25/2016 11:30:57 A.M. Hawaiian Standard Time
Subj: China Puts on a Brave (Fake?) Face
View in Browser  |  Thursday, February 25, 2016
China Puts on a Brave (Fake?) Face as Economy, Markets Slump
By Mike Larson

Market Roundup
16,697.29 (+212.30)
$1,234.00 (-$4.70)
$32.99 (+$0.84)

China is a mess. Its benchmark stock market plunged more than 6% overnight, while its money-market rates surged higher.
Its currency remains under pressure thanks to massive credit concerns and hundreds of billions of dollars in capital outflows.
To read the rest of Mike Larson’s Afternoon Edition, click here ...
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