
Showing posts from November, 2014

Putin just made his move... Russia has begun dumping U.S. dollars

Dear Concerned American, This is a quickly developing story that you need to see. It's being reported that under the direct order of President Vladimir Putin, Russia has begun dumping U.S. dollars. Over the last few days the amount has added up to an estimated $2 billion. However, new details are emerging that suggest this direct attack on our currency may quickly escalate. Putin has been taking a series of calculated measures to expose weak spots in our economy and national security that pre-date his Crimean invasion. But according to this must-read story, what he's now setting in motion could bankrupt millions of Americans virtually overnight. Click here to continue ... Stay Safe, Mike Ward Publisher, Money Morning   Subject: Russia Has Begun Dumping U.S. Dollars Date: 11/30/2014 5:42:54 P.M. Eastern Standard Time From: ...

Not a king or an emperor

Constantin -- President Obama is betraying the founding principles of America. Instead of helping immigrants come to America legally, Obama trashed the Separation of Powers by unilaterally changing the laws Congress passed to increase illegal immigration. Constantin -- we want to celebrate LEGAL immigration in America, not undermine our system of government! The Executive Branch has no authority to bypass Congress and pick-and-choose which laws to enforce. Obama is not a king, even if he chooses to act like one. That's why we're asking you to help RANDPAC fill the halls of Congress with demands from the American people that we won't tolerate a Dictator-in-Chief. Enough is enough. We can't afford to waste any more time. The U.S. House reconvenes on December 1st. RANDPAC needs 100,000 signatures by the November 23rd deadline. We're contacting hundreds of thou...

Pat Buchanan: 'Rogue President' Says 'To Hell With Constitution'

Thursday, 20 Nov 2014 10:52 AM By Sandy Fitzgerald The United States has a "rogue president" who has decided he is going to do what he wants to do and "to hell with the Constitution," columnist Pat Buchanan, former adviser to Presidents Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon, told   Newsmax TV   Thursday. "We have a rogue president who tonight is going to announce that he is going to do something he said not so long ago, one year ago, he does not have the legal or constitutional authority to do," Buchanan told "America's Forum" host J.D. Hayworth. Story continues below video.

COMUNICAT COMUN a Partidului României Europene - P.R.E. , a Academiei DacoRomâne și a Gărzii DacoRomâne a Blocului Unitatea Națiunii – BUN privind alegerile din România și Moldova

DacoRomânia va ren aşte prin adevăr, dreptate, muncă şi credinţă! Sediul legal: Bucureşti, Drumul Taberei nr. 26, Bloc T-1, apart. 119, sect. 6 (Favorit), cod 061335, Tel: 0214138434, 0722972522, Oficiul poştal 58,Căsuţ a po ştală 14, CIF 22085130, Cod IBAN RO08CECEB60443RON1879199, CEC Bank Dr.Taberei, S. M. Bucureşti ; Dosar nr. 19007/3/2006,TMB Secţia a III- a civilă, Decizia civilă nr.2 din 22. 01.2007, definitivă şi irevocabilă, înregistrat în Registrul partidelor politice la 27.06.2007. Dos ar nr.26785/3/2009, decizia civilă nr. 251R, din 3 iunie 2010, Curtea de Apel Bucuresti, secţ ia a IX -a civ. ş i pt . cauze priv. propr. intelect., ş i decizia civila nr.1, Trib.M . Buc, sectia a III -a civila din 8.01.2010. Ambele sunt definitive ş i irevocabile din 28.07.2010 conform site , Bucureşti, nr. 19 din 13. 11.2014 (13.11.10 014, după Calendarul DacoRomân ilor) 

Does Obama Belong to This Secret Society ?

Putin Pushing West With Tanks, Troops And More! Markets Pushing Higher!

MARKET ROUNDUP Dow +40.59 to 17,652.79 S&P 500 +1.08 to 2,039.33 Nasdaq +5.01 to 4,680.14 10-YR Yield -.012 to 2.347% Gold +$1.20 to $1,160.30 Crude Oil -$2.56 to $74.62 By Mike Larson Russian President Vladimir Putin is pushing west … and stock markets just keep pushing higher! It may seem like a strange new world. But it’s the one we live in, thanks to...

S.U.A. ameninţă România

Maria Diana Popescu, Agero Rusia a început să arunce la tomberon jucăriile americane. Restaurantele McDonald’s nu mai sînt pe gustul lui Putin. Decizia Moscovei de a pune lacăt pe lanţul de mîncare made în S.U.A poate fi o socotită o reacţie previzibilă la sancţiunile Occidentului, pe fondul tensiunilor dintre Moscova şi ţările din Vest. Mai mult, într-un discurs adresat experţilor politici la Soci, Putin a acuzat S.U.A. „că subminează stabilitatea globală pentru a-şi impune punctul de vedere şi că încearcă să facă din Rusia un pericol pentru restul lumii, forţîndu-şi aliaţii să impună sancţiuni Moscovei din cauza crizei ucrainene.” Arătînd spre războaiele din Irak, Libia şi Siria, ca exemple de politici ratate ale S.U.A. ce au dat naştere haosului şi morţii, Putin a avertizat că lumea se va confrunta cu noi războaie dacă Washingtonul nu va respecta interesele altor ţări, scrie Associated Press. Dincolo de sancţiunile i...


Friend, Last night was huge! This is a victory for We the People! Credit is due to the victorious candidates. Their message to President Obama is undeniably received, though he’ll try to ignore it. Thank you, SarahPAC supporters! You allowed us to help so many good candidates; over 30 of them became high profile – including Joni Ernst. Her success last night was the deciding victory in retaking the Senate majority. Thanks to your unwavering support and input, we were able to campaign across the country to highlight these public servants, and together we helped them reach incredible victories for their states and our nation. 

Election's biggest loser is Hillary Clinton

Constantin -- The biggest loser of last night's election was Hillary Clinton. While Democrats across the country were fleeing from President Obama's failed policies and toxic approval ratings, Hillary Clinton stumped across the country for Democrats. She tried to frame this election around her name and policies as a warm-up act for 2016. But Hillary-supported Democrats were not just wiped out in red states like Arkansas, Kentucky and Georgia, they were also defeated in swing states such as Colorado, Iowa and North Carolina. 

It's almost here

Friend, Our current leaders have passed some of the worst policies in our history, damaged our economy and our nation’s standing in the world like never before, and cluelessly snubbed important friends and allies, like Israel. It’s long past time to turn things around; it must happen! This year we have been blessed to travel across this great country of ours, helping good citizen candidates like never before -- including more than 30 specific high-profile candidates that YOU helped put on the map, and they appreciate all of you working with and supporting SarahPAC! We've supported fierce underdogs like T.W. Shannon and Chris McDaniel who fought valiantly to lead our country away from disaster and took the chance to stand up for what is right. I want to personally thank you for everything you did to help support all of these good people. These races showed us that we can’t hold anything back in this fight to better our country. Together we are suppor...

We did it.

Constantin – We did it. We just secured Republican victories and won a Senate majority in this historic election — all because of you. The American people have put their trust in the Republican Party, sending a GOP majority to the U.S. Senate. I want to congratulate all our candidates tonight — and I want to thank you for putting your trust in our Party and our leaders. Your vote made the difference in this historic election. Our Party's principles and message resonated with voters across the country. This was a rejection of President Obama's failed po...


ASIGURAREA SANATATII SI ASISTENTA MEDICALA Partea I Autor: Ing. Emil Gheorghiu, M.S., PhD      Recent intors dintr-o vizita in Romania, va marturisesc dezamagirea mea fata de tot ce am vazut si am auzit in tara noastra de origine. Lasam de o parte certurile politice - ne mai intalnite in alte tari de pe glob – si 14 candidati la functia de Presedinte in viitoarele alegeri din aceasta toamna, dar romanii par nehotarati, dezbinati, dezorientati si lipsiti de interes pentru soarta lor si viitorul copiilor lor si in special pentru sanatatea lor.      Am facut aceasta vizita in mod special pentru a investi in Romania educatia si experienta mea cu Fundatia Health Heritage   pentru ajutorarea copiilor din orasul in care traiesc se exceleze in sanatate si educatie. Succesle obtinute pe plan local au intrat in atentia Fundatiei Presedintelui Clinton si sotiei Presedintelui Obama, Michelle Obama, pentru imbunatati...